Players can make their own stories in The Walking Dead: Destinies, as they get to re-do moments that were crucial in AMC's The Walking Dead. While players will be able to see the immediate outcome of their decision right away, other consequences become evident later on as they progress through the game.

The Walking Dead: Destinies - 5 Hardest Choices

Players will need to make some tough calls in The Walking Dead: Destinies, with each decision drastically changing the course of the story.

While trying to fetch some guns from the prison's armory, a walker manages to bite Hershel. In some cases, Hershel will die, but this guide shows players how they can prevent this terrible outcome.

How to Get Past the Walkers in Sick (Act 3, Episode 12)

hershel running away from walkers

Players will have to play as Hershel in order to complete Sick in The Walking Dead: Destinies. The main objective is to reach the prison's armory to collect as many weapons as possible to improve the group's defense.

As players make their way to their objective, they'll walk past several walkers in the prison cells, but thankfully, they'll be locked away safely. However, this won't be the case for long. Once players get to the armory, they'll notice that the weapons and the ammo are stored in a cell with two heavy zombies inside. To retrieve the weapons, gamers will have to push the button in the armory, and this will cause all the cells in this cell block to open.

Players must pick up the weapon bag and as much ammo as possible and then reach the exit as fast as they can. While it is possible to take down the walkers, it is quite easy to get overwhelmed in this situation. The best way to complete this mission is to bolt for the exit right away. As it is difficult to heal in this situation, gamers must run while dodging so that they can avoid getting grabbed and losing health.

How to Prevent Hershel's Death

rick cuts off hershel's leg to save him

Unfortunately, once Hershel reaches the exit, he gets grabbed from behind, and a walker takes a chunk out of him. While gamers can make a lot of life-saving decisions in The Walking Dead: Destinies, that is not the case here. It is possible to save Hershel, but it depends on a decision that the player made earlier on.

shane and rick fight melee only

Hershel will inevitably die if the player decided to kill Rick Grimes and allowed Shane to become the group's leader earlier on. The only way to keep Hershel alive and part of the group is to kill Shane in Episode 10. Shane and Rick are two completely different people; while Shane will take the weapons and leave the old man behind to die, Rick will rescue Hershel and amputate his leg to prevent him from dying and turning, just like what happens in the show.

the walking dead destinies
The Walking Dead: Destinies

Based on AMC's The Walking Dead TV show, Destinies retells the source material's story while allowing players, as Rick Grimes, to make decisions that might alter the characters' futures.

The Walking Dead
November 17, 2023
GameMill Entertainment
Adventure , Horror