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Netflix's The Umbrella Academy, based on the comic book series of the same name, has been known for its changes in varying degrees. Apart from fans of the comics, new fans have flocked to the show due to more inclusive characters and character arcs. Many fans have happily celebrated and embraced these changes because of the lovingly crafted representation and depth of each of the Hargreeves siblings' backgrounds.

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Despite the changes, The Umbrella Academy has managed to keep the style and flavor that made the comic series popular in the first place. Show writers just tweaked it a little.

10 The Dallas Arc

Klaus and Ben in Dallas

The Vietnam War and the Dallas Arc are more of a focus in the comics. There is more of a focus on Luther, Klaus, and Diego going back in time to prevent John F. Kennedy's assassination by the Majestic 12 group. In the show Five and Allison are blackmailed by The Commission to assassinate Kennedy. Luther, Diego, and Klaus meanwhile in the comics wind up fighting in the Vietnam War to pass the time after miscalculating their time travel.

Klaus goes on to own a nightclub and have a kid in the comics and not a cult during this time. Unlike the show Klaus' lover David never makes an appearance nor does Klaus show any signs of PTSD. Luther, Klaus, and Diego also try to raise an ancient emperor from the dead and then decide it probably wasn't the best idea. In the comics, that is.

9 Hazel, Cha Cha, and Time Travel

Hazel and Chacha

Hazel and Cha Cha are the discontented hired guns that fans have come to love. Their characters are much colder and sadistic in the comics. They are still just as enjoyable but did present a few key differences in the comics. One of which is an affinity for sugary anything. They are both painfully addicted to sugar, murder, and being less liberal about removing their masks. In fact, they come in a bit later after the White Violin is defeated. Although they happen upon Agnes' donut shop like in the show, there isn't a blossoming romance between Agnes and Hazel.

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There is, however, Hazel and Cha Cha torturing Agnes along with a cook for not sharing a secret pie recipe. Also, The Commission who they work for is hardly ever mentioned. It is more of a passively mentioned thing in the comics than in the show where it plays a heavy antagonistic role. They also manage to start a second apocalypse in the comics as well.

8 Diego and Vanya

Diego and Vanya

Diego had kind of a thing for Vanya in the comics. The two were quite close until Vanya wrote her tell-all book. Vanya and Diego also happened to be in a punk rock group together called the Prime 8s. Their drummer was a monkey. Honestly, fans are quite content that the pair didn't wind up together, but still, hold out hope that the pair will start a punk rock band.

One happy change regarding the sibling relationships though did involve Luther and Allison. In the series, Luther and Allison had a budding relationship since childhood. In the comics, Allison actually used her powers on Luther to make him love her.

7 More Monkeys


There were more monkeys like 'Pogo' in the comics. This is honestly the most devastating change because there could have been more talking monkeys. These monkeys were key characters in the comics. In fact, Eudora Patch (Diego's former flame) used to be an old man called Inspector Lupo who had a talking monkey sidekick/partner.

Although Eudora gives Diego more push to not act out on vengeance and helps with his overall character arc in season 1, it still would have been nice if she had a monkey partner/sidekick.

6 Mystical Creatures


In the comics, there were many oddities floating around the world. There are vampires, an ancient emperor mummy, and the Eiffel Tower basically becomes a Gundam zombie. Luther also doesn't have a mutated version of his own body. His head was instead put onto a gorilla martian body.

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There was even a sea serpent that went on a rampage of vengeance when a toy maker made a likeness of it in a plush toy that sang "happy birthday". Don't forget the super smart talking monkeys.

5 Luther and Five Were Twins

Five and Luther

Despite the contrasting nature of Five and Luther in the series, it is surprising to see that Five and Luther actually were twins from the same mother in the comics. Of course, Luther ages normally while Five comes back younger due to time travel.

As far as viewers are aware, it is assumed in the show that Five and Luther are not related. Yet, they could have had the same situation but just be fraternal twins. It is indeed a far reach, but it could be a thing. The Netflix series might make this canon, but regardless their interactions are quite charming.

4 Vanya, Leonard, and The Conductor

The White Violin

In season one of the series Vanya gradually became the villain, The White Violin, through the coaxing and railroading of Leonard Peabody. Peabody basically takes advantage of Vanya's depression and childhood trauma to twist her mind and harness her powers.

It isn't until the last few episodes of the season that viewers witnessed this transformation. Vanya however had a different person influencing her in the comics. In fact, Vanya is captured and brainwashed by a villain known as The Conductor at the beginning of the Apocalypse Suite.

3 Klaus' Afterlife Experience

Klaus in the afterlife

In the show, Klaus had a mishap in a club that left him temporarily deceased. In the comics when he was captured and tortured by Hazel and Cha Cha he passed on for a bit after getting shot post torture. In this supposed afterlife or limbo that he found himself in (in the show), he happens across a little girl on a bicycle.

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It alludes that she is a potential god figure, and it did indeed leave for a rather charming exchange between the two, mostly on Klaus' end. However, the afterlife is a little odder for Klaus in the books because he does happen across another lordly figure in the guise of a cowboy. Even stranger is that this incarnation of a godly cowboy is quite...opinionated. In more ways than one.

2 Different Superpowers

Dallas Apocalypse

The superpowers for each sibling were pretty similar to the powers displayed in the show. However, most of the siblings had additional abilities in the comics along with the ones that they are known for in the series. It wasn't a bad call by any means. The show writers didn't choose to do so lightly. They felt that doing so would help make the characters feel much more relatable as people. Vanya's powers, however, were not as impressive as they were in the show originally. In the show, she can manipulate any sound wave, whereas in the comics she can only do so with her violin. The choice was probably to make their character much more of a threat in the Apocalypse Suite.

Originally Allison could bend reality apart from just suggesting it. Klaus has a form of telekinesis in addition to his hobnobbing with the dead. Diego could originally breathe underwater plus his knife-throwing ability (which made his alter ego name, The Kraken, make much more sense). In the show, however, they do focus on his ability to manipulate weapon trajectory. Five also had an interesting modification. In the comics, the commission melded his DNA to that of an assassin's. Which made him a much more effective killing machine.

1 Ben?

Ben and Klaus

What fan doesn't love the chronic banter between Klaus and his deceased sibling and member of The Umbrella Academy? The mysterious Ben Hargreeves, at least in the comics. Fans have loved the angel on Klaus' shoulder dynamic between the two brothers. Not only due to the great moments that it creates for both characters but to the added eccentricity that IS Klaus.

Unfortunately, the comics had no such dynamic. Ben was mentioned here and there. He was shown in a few flashbacks. Mentioned and referenced to. Yet, that was all that remained of Ben in the comics. The other major departure is that Ben was said to have died as a child in the comics, whereas in the series he is seen as a dead adult. More fans than not have enjoyed the addition that is Ben Hargreeves. Season 3 has only solidified this.

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