TheTexas Chain Saw Massacre game continues to entertain fans with its gruesome kills and well-thought-out maps to escape from. It remains faithful to the atmosphere and setting of the original movie, whilst also introducing new three-dimensional characters known as the victims, to fight against the established family members.

RELATED: Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Every Victim, Ranked

Like any victim in the franchise, they are prone to making mistakes which can lead Leatherface and his family to the whereabouts of the victim. This usually results in them inflicting a violent attack on them, leading to death and the end of the match for the player. There are certain mistakes that victims need to avoid if they want to survive.

Walking Instead Of Sprinting

escaping via the driveway. family home in the background

Some players are known to walk around leisurely when there are no killers around to hack and slash them. However, this is a very bad idea.

Leatherface and his crew are stealthy, they can just appear out of nowhere to attack the victim when they aren't expecting it. The player is able to sprint in this game, so it's an absolute must that they do this regardless of whether the killers are around or not. Sprinting in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre doesn't reveal the tracks of the victim like it does in Dead By Daylight. Fans just need a bit of time to adjust to the new game and not confuse it with other asymmetrical survival horror games.

Not Using The Well

basement slaughterhouse texas chain saw massacre

Sometimes in a match, the player tries everything they can to escape, but the family members keep on catching up to the victim. The mistake players are making is keeping on going forward when this happens. Of course, in the movies, the only way the victim survives is to keep on going in the face of adversity. However, this is a game and there are ways the victim can heal and press the reset button.

A big mistake players are making is not making use of the well. Yes, this does take the victim back to the basement, but it also gives them a chance to recover and go again. On the other hand, players shouldn't overuse the well as this is counterproductive and will see the victim go around in circles.

Not Learning All the Victims

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Victims

Players have been known to pick a favorite character and stick with them during the matches. This is a big mistake as it's vital that the player branches out and builds up knowledge of every victim on the team.

RELATED: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game: Best Victim Abilities

Putting some skills on victims that haven't been used thus far will come back to benefit the player in the long run, rather than focusing on one victim that might not fit the individual skill set of the player. For instance, Ana works well with the armor perk, but it isn't always utilized in the matches.

Crawl Spaces Not Being Opened

leatherface with his chainsaw, victim hung up

If the player sees a crawl space, they must enter it regardless of whether they are being chased or not. A big takeaway from fans playing in matches is that some players are not doing this, to their own detriment and to other players in the match.

It can be a vital experience point in the game to open as many of these crawl spaces as possible, as it gives the player an option if they do have to go back to that particular area again.

Quitting instead of Spectating

Julie being killed by leatherface

When a victim gets killed, it is very tempting to quit the game and storm off in a bad mood, but this is a big mistake to make.

A big component of multiplayer horror games is the ability to spectate once the gamer has been eliminated from the game. Instead of quitting, the player should watch how other players survive and escape the map. Observe when they fail but also take note of when they succeed and escape. Note down their strategies for escaping, so the next time there's a match, the victim succeeds.

Not Thinking Like The Killers

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Family Members

A key component to ultimate survival in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is obviously avoiding the killers before they hatchet the victim to death. So why aren't some players thinking like the ones trying to track them down?

RELATED: Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Pro Tips For Family Members

The best way to survive is to know what the victim is up against. So it would be a good idea for players to assume the role of a family member to learn how they think, but many players are just not doing this. Improvements in survival are made when the player has put themselves in the shoes of each killer, and this works both ways.

Hiding Too Much


It can be a daunting prospect to enter a match, and essentially be thrown into the deep end, chained up and unaware of the surroundings, but a complaint that keeps surfacing is that a lot of players are hiding too much rather than getting stuck in.

There's nothing wrong with getting used to the surroundings, but players shouldn't be remaining idle for too long. There are plenty of doors that need unlocking and useful items to be found. The player should spend some time doing this, rather than letting other players do all the legwork.

Not Keeping Still When Grandpa Screams

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Grandpa

If Grandpa screams, too many players are reacting to this in the wrong way and making a run for it. Of course, the natural instinct is to run when this awful sound is heard, but the best way to deal with it is to be stealthy and keep very still.

RELATED: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: How To Feed Grandpa

It is possible to look for boneshards and tools whilst Grandpa is screaming and remain undetected, so players should make use of this time until the old man stops wailing like a banshee. The player can continue with their escape mission after he's done.

Not Using The Map

slaughterhouse entrance/leatherface chasing a victim texas chain saw massacre

A big mistake players seem to be making is not making the most of the entire map. Like with any location someone isn't familiar with, a map is needed to navigate around.

Having said that, fans have been complaining about the quality of the maps in certain sections of the game. For instance, the gas station map appears to be very problematic and needs a lot of work. Fans have stated that they are getting kicked out of matches for inactivity because they have been unable to move around or interact.

Not Memorizing Exit Escapes

escape exit

After a few matches in Texas Chainsaw Massacre, players should be making a mental note of the best exit escapes, as it benefits the victim and the rest of the team. A regular complaint from fans is that a lot of players don't seem to be doing this.

It's very difficult to avoid Leatherface and the other family members if the victim doesn't know where the points of escape are. The game can become very tedious if the player keeps getting killed. Spectating other players in the game can help to memorize all the exit points.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is available for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

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