The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is one of the latest asymmetrical multiplayer games on the scene, and it has made a seriously good first impression with fans. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre offers a unique twist on the genre and comes with some seriously impressive features. It does an extraordinary job of setting the scene for players.

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Victims start the game tied up in the basement and must find a means to escape. However, they must contend with Leatherface, who is lurking in the basement with them whilst they try to get out. Meanwhile, the other two Family members are setting up their defense upstairs. The game is incredibly demanding on both sides and doesn't allow anyone a second to take a breather. The premise itself already makes the game a standout, but there are plenty of other features that are better than other asymmetrical multiplayer games.

5 Multiple Escape Options

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Exit Door

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre manages to mix up every match by offering four different escape options for the Victims on every map. This means the Family must be prepared to defend each of them and maintain equal pressure on all of them throughout any match. It also mixes things up for the Victims, too.

Victims have the option to change up their strategy every game, and potentially mess with the Family by pretending to focus on one exit whilst someone sneakily prepares another one. Many asymmetric games only offer one means of escape/victory for the Victims, and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a breath of fresh air in this case. Though players may come to favor one getaway route over the others, the inclusion of multiple escape opportunities serves to prevent matches from getting stale.

4 Playing Family With Friends

Killers and Victims in a scene from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

One of the biggest downsides in many asymmetric multiplayer games is that one side can often only be played by a single player. This can make it tough for people who prefer that role but also want to play with their friends. Luckily, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre offers a 3v4 format, allowing both roles to play cooperatively.

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This not only allows gamers to play with their friends, but it also provides a much more unique gameplay experience. Both sides have the chance to experiment with different combinations and figure out what’s most fun for them. Giving players the flexibility to play whatever role they prefer with their friends adds so much more variety and longevity for many. It's a fun twist on the genre that many fans would love to see extended to other games of the genre.

3 Interaction Between Family and Victims


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre does an excellent job of putting immediate pressure on both sides at the start of each game. Victims must quickly find their way out of the basement before they’re captured by Leatherface. The Family also need to set up quickly - turn on the car battery, collect Blood for Grandpa, and set up any traps they may have at their disposal.

The game is at its best when the two sides are interacting with each other. Chases are incredibly interactive, with both sides having plenty of tools to use against each other. Both Victim and Family players have the chance to feel incredibly powerful and make good plays. This excellent back-and-forth gameplay is where The Texas Chain Saw Massacre really stands out.

2 Establishing A Cinematic & Atmospheric Environment

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Exit Doors

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre does a remarkable job at really making players feel like they’ve stepped into a horror movie. From the introduction cutscene to the radio transmissions, players are already immersed in the game’s world before their match has even begun. Victims have their chance to make daring escapes - jumping out of windows, stabbing at the Family members, and slipping away down wells. The basement in which Victims begin the match is incredibly atmospheric, and the Victims have their own, unique voice lines that really reflect the terror they feel.

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The Family, on the other hand, also has their chance to shine. They each have individual, deranged voice lines that truly reflect the dark space of mind they all share. Once they’ve finally hunted down their victims, they can finish them with a cinematic execution of their choosing. These executions are as brutal as fans could expect from a game based on such a terrifying movie.

1 Prioritizing Fun Over Balance

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Grandpa

One of the most refreshing things about The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is how it doesn’t take itself too seriously. The game prioritizes fun over balance, and players aren’t forced into playing the most powerful characters every match. Whilst some characters are stronger than others, every character has their place and strengths. Players are also encouraged to mix things up, as duplicate characters cannot be used in a match. This means that players may sometimes have to try out characters that they aren't too familiar with or learn how to properly use a character whose abilities may not be the strongest.

Many asymmetric games focus too much on creating a perfectly balanced environment, which often results in stale gameplay. By prioritizing fun over balance, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is nurturing a much healthier gameplay environment and is something many fans would like to see more of in the future.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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