Audiences went absolutely nuts for the unexpected hit that was James Gunn's The Suicide Squad. While fans have their own ideas for what to see next, Idris Elba has the often-mentioned but yet-to-be-seen Bloodsport vs. Superman showdown in mind.

The Suicide Squad was so well-liked that viewers quickly flocked to the Peacemaker spinoff series on HBO Max, which itself proved to be arguably an even bigger smash. Thankfully, Peacemaker is currently safe after WB's recent cancelation spree, but what about other characters entirely? The Suicide Squad boasted a huge cast, and any number of them (at least the surviving ones) could offer some prime material for another spinoff.

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It seems that Elba may have similar ideas. In a recent talk with Variety, the veteran actor briefly spoke about his role as Bloodsport in The Suicide Squad and where he'd like to see the character go next. "I would definitely like to tell the Superman story. There's no doubt," Elba said. "Bloodsport versus Superman. It needs to happen." The idea itself is certainly enticing, but fans of the film will note that this isn't just coming out of nowhere.


In The Suicide Squad, Bloodsport is an inmate at Belle Reve Penitentiary as his sentence for shooting Superman with a kryptonite bullet, subsequently putting the superhero in the ICU. Elba's character goes through significant development during the course of the film, evolving from a simple (yet extremely skilled and possibly deranged) mercenary to an effective team leader with something to fight for. But it's definitely true that seeing the incident that landed him in prison would make for an interesting viewing experience.

While Peacemaker serves as the titular anti-hero's character development arc after essentially ending The Suicide Squad at his lowest point, a similar project focusing on Bloodsport could work in a different way. Audiences have already seen him at least begin his redemption arc, so a depiction of where he was mentally at the time when he fought Superman and won could provide some fascinating context for everything. This, combined with the fact that Gunn has confirmed he's working on another spinoff to The Suicide Squad, definitely feels like the planets aligning for a perfect match.

Who knows what will happen next for Bloodsport and the rest of his squad? This is just one of many possibilities, and almost all of them would be worth getting excited over. No official word on any of it just yet, but that just means there's more free time right now for eager fans to master Peacemaker's intro dance.

The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker are both available to stream on HBO Max.

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Source: Variety