
  • The Sims franchise has a lot of unsolved mysteries and lore that adds charm and appeal to the game.
  • The Tragic Clown is a recurring NPC in The Sims who appears to cheer up depressed Sims but ends up making their mood worse.
  • The disappearance of Bella Goth in The Sims 2 remains a unsolved mystery, leaving Simmers to speculate about her fate.

Despite being a life simulator, The Sims franchise has a lot of lore and strange events that have occurred throughout its history. Some of these events are mysteries that are likely to never be solved thanks to the direction of The Sims 4 and shouldn't necessarily be explained in The Sims 5. Part of the charm and appeal of these mysteries is piecing them together and, while it can be frustrating not to know what happened, unsolved lore has always been one of the best parts of The Sims.

Project Rene Is in a Prime Position to Revamp One of The Sims 4's Least-Appreciated Packs

When it comes to Project Rene, the next Sims installment, there are certain things the game has to do better than its predecessors, like packs.

Mysterious Sims Over The Franchise

The Tragic Clown

One of the most enduring NPCs of The Sims, the Tragic Clown has been a feature of The Sims franchise since The Sims: Livin' Large, with the only absence being in The Sims 2. Rather than existing in the world as a Townie, the Tragic Clown appears in a variety of circumstances depending on the game, but their appearance is usually tied to the Tragic Clown painting and a household Sim feeling very sad or depressed. The Tragic Clown appears, and attempts to cheer up the depressed Sim with magic tricks. Unfortunately, due to their tragic aura, their presence inevitably makes the Sim's mood worse. The only way to get rid of the Tragic Clown is to sell their portrait.

The Sims 3 reveals that the Tragic Clown is dead, with his gravestone stating that he died of drowning despite having the trait of hydrophobia. As The Sims chronologically takes place after The Sims 3 in the timeline, this means that the Tragic Clown seen in The Sims is a ghost or poltergeist of sorts.

The Disappearance of Bella Goth

The disappearance of Bella Goth in The Sims 2 is one of the biggest mysteries of The Sims series, and to this day remains unsolved. A little digging reveals sinister implications for some of the residents of Pleasantview, including Don Lothario and the Caliente sisters. Simmers have spent years digging into solving the mystery of Bella Goth's disappearance and, despite the release of two games in The Sims in the years since the event in The Sims 2, the developer has remained as tight-lipped as ever as to her fate. Perhaps it's for the best that Bella Goth's fate is left to the imagination of Simmers.

Death and Aliens in The Sims

Olive Specter

Olive Specter is a many-times-over widow, and the graveyard she lives next to is filled with the graves of her dead husbands. A life writ in such tragedy may tug at the heartstrings, and Olive may be completely innocent. A closer look at her personal profile reveals that all isn't as it seems: in her memories, she has a memory of falling in love with and WooHooing The Sims' Grim Reaper. This paints an entirely different picture of a wife who killed her husbands to meet with her true love: death. The true motives of Olive Specter were never revealed, and they're likely to remain a mystery forever.

Alien Abductions

For as long as Sims have looked to the stars, aliens have been abducting them in turn. What the aliens do to the Sims they abduct is a mystery, but all of them come back changed by the experience. Male Sims can return carrying an extra passenger: alien abduction is one way for a male Sim to fall pregnant and give birth to an alien child. While all Sims get a moodlet after being abducted, Sims with knowledge-based aspirations or traits will generally view the experience as a positive one.