With The Sims releasing 22 years ago, it's only natural that millions have played the popular game series at least once in their life. It is generally considered to be a great, accessible tool for expression and creativity, so The Sims still finds its way into the homes of countless gamers, regardless of their age. This near-unlimited creativity leads The Sims to being one of the most replayable series of all time, and its range of hidden cheat codes only furthers this appeal.

While the vast majority of Sims players know classic cheats like "Kaching" and "Motherlode," there are a few more odd cheats out there that don't necessarily help the player, but can lead to some pretty bizarre or even evil situations. While The Sims 5 hasn't been officially announced yet, and content is still being released for Sims 4, an inevitable sequel should definitely lean into these weirder cheats more than ever.

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The Sims 5 Needs Some More Weird Cheats to Play With

The Sims death from embarrasment

Though the majority of The Sims' cheats are incredibly useful, such as adding funds to the bank or buying secret items, there are a good few that seemingly serve no real purpose. These cheats are what a potential Sims 5 should really hone in on, as they add a lot of flavor to the game.

One of the more simple, but potentially hilarious cheats can be found in The Sims 4. By turning the cheat log on and clicking a Sim while pressing the Shift key, the selected Sim is instantaneously turned into a global superstar. If the Sim is in a public place, they'll go from being just another face in the crowd to being mobbed by a horde of rabid fans.

If the player has the Parenthood expansion, they'll be able to access another of Sims 4's potentially funny cheats. By typing in "traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Rebellious," players can turn their Sim children into the most irritating youth possible. The hyperbolic nature of the child's behavior following the cheat is usually pretty bizarre, and very funny to experience. Then, for those who like to play The Sims in chaotic evil mode, there have been a handful of cheats over the years that should definitely make a return in Sims 5 and given more prominence. One such cheat is the "Burning Love" code, which starts a fire in a specific spot.

Another evil cheat is the one that makes the chosen Sim die of literal embarrassment. For the ultimate chaotic evil move, players can modify their Sim's funds to leave them completely bankrupt and homeless. There's quite a few of these more outlandish and evil cheats, and though they're not for everyone, they can lead to some truly unique moments that can only come from The Sims.

An inevitable Sims 5 should definitely lean in to these types of cheats, and should make them much easier to access. As opposed to having to install a mod or access console commands, The Sims 5 should have a dedicated UI interface for cheats, making them immediately accessible for all players, and allowing experimentation right away.

Along with increased accessibility, Sims 5 should also expand on these wackier cheats. For example, Sims 5 could include cheats that turn the Sim into an alien or monster of some variety, changing their behavior drastically and potentially leading to some pretty unexpected and unconventional scenarios. There's a goldmine of untapped potential, and Sims 5 should dig in deep where prior entries have only scratched the surface.

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