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Werewolves are one of the latest occults that The Sims 4 have added to the game. These furry Sims first became available in June 2022, when the Werewolves Game pack dropped, and it was an immediate hit with Simmers. The last time The Sims franchise saw werewolves was in The Sims 3: Supernatural, along with other popular occults such as fairies, witches, and vampires. Rather than grouping these mythical creatures into one big pack, The Sims 4 has been splitting them into Game packs, giving them more complex systems and gameplay.

Related: The Sims 4: Werewolves Complete Guide

The Sims 4: Werewolves introduce fans to Moonwood Mill, a somewhat abandoned area home to two local wolf packs, a small town center, and a notoriously grumpy lone werewolf named Greg. Those who can’t resist the temptation can join in on the fun, become a werewolf, and experience life's wild side. Sims have multiple ways to become werewolves, so let’s review each.

Image sources are from and original screenshots from the game

Make A Werewolf In Create A Sim (CAS)

The Sims 4 Werewolves

The most straightforward method, hands down, is to make a werewolf in CAS. Start with a new family and add an Occult Sim from the Add Family Member menu. If it’s the first time playing with the Game pack, the werewolf option will be lit up; otherwise, it is still very recognizable as a wolf icon.

After selecting “Add Werewolf,” players can customize their Sims wolf form and base form separately. There’s the option to paint werewolf Sims’ fur using essentially the same fur painting system used in The Sims 4:Cats & Dogs, add scars and bite marks, and choose their werewolf features.

Try For Baby With A Werewolf

The Sims 4 Werewolves Toddler

If players don’t mind a little romance in their gameplay, they can try to WooHoo with a werewolf to get pregnant with one. Players can shoot their shot at romancing any of the premade werewolves in Moonwood Mill, even Greg, although that isn’t easy nor recommended if hoping for quick results. Of course, this is not a guaranteed method unless both Sims are werewolves at the time of conception, but a 50/50 odd is still pretty good.

Werewolf Toddlers and Children have unique gameplay, such as learning how to howl, play with chew toys, and deal with teething. Their werewolf skills can be honed in their early years, but their Beast form and other wolf powers remain dormant until they are teens.

Ask For A Cursed Bite

The Sims 4 Werewolves

Another way that Sims can undergo the change is by asking for a Cursed Bite from a werewolf Sim. Not all werewolves can turn others, but most of the ones living in Moonwood Mill are capable. However, the pack Alphas, Kristopher Volkov, or Rory Oaklow are the best bet. Take the time to form relationships with the packs, and joining one will be easier after turning if that’s what players wish to do.

The Sim must have a highly positive relationship with their chosen wolf to get the Cursed Bite. They will only turn them if the relationship is high enough. Once players feel close enough, use the Friendly social interaction “Ask for Curse Bite,” and the werewolf Sim will chomp down on the Sim. The process begins by getting a “Painful Bite” moodlet for 2 hours, and the spot where they were bitten glows red. Becoming a werewolf takes about a day after being bitten, and the Sim will go through multiple stages of intense hunger until finally becoming ravenous and changing into a werewolf.

Contract Werebies

The Sims 4 Werewolves

Catching Werebies is another less pleasant way of becoming a werewolf. Werebies is an infection from a wolf attack that slowly onsets a werewolf change. It differs from the Cursed Bite, the most important difference being that Sims contracts Werebies against their will. Because of this, there is the option to drink a cure or potentially sweat out the infection and avoid the transformation, but if getting a Beast form is the goal, there’s no need for any of that.

Related: The Sims 4 Vampire Cheats

After contracting Werebies, it takes about a day and a half for symptoms to start to show. Players will know it’s happening when their Sim gets a Tense moodlet and starts frothing at the mouth. The mouth frothing lasts a few hours until they work themselves up into an insatiable hunger and eventually change into a werewolf.

Explore The Moonwood Mill Tunnels

The Sims 4 Werewolves

Players can get attacked by a werewolf in a few ways. The first is by going into the underground tunnels in Moonwood Mill. There are a couple of entrances around the world, including portable toilets or sewers. While it’s not a guarantee that Sims will run into any trouble in the tunnels if they keep exploring, it is very likely. Players will know it is about to happen if they get a pop-up giving them the option to approach a growling sound or run away. If players go toward it, they will encounter a sizable animalistic creature that attacks them and exit with a new Werebies moodlet.

Pick A Fight With Greg

The Sims 4 Greg

Greg is a funny character from the pack with violent tendencies. The Sims 4 is known to have characters with big, somewhat difficult personalities, e.g., Agatha Crumplebottom, and Greg captures this perfectly. Greg is a lone wolf with a sad background whose past has turned him into a feral, angry werewolf who doesn’t like anybody but especially hates other werewolves. However, non-wolf Sims are not free from his wrath, and if provoked enough times, Greg will attack.

Be Near A Rampaging Werewolf

The Sims 4 Werewolves

Whenever werewolves turn, they will enter a rampage and wreak havoc on anyone in their vicinity. While this behavior usually extends to destroying furniture, running around furiously, or snarling at others, there is a chance that they could bite someone and give them Werebies if they have the Cursed Bite ability and get angry enough.

Werewolf Temperaments

The Sims 4 Werewolves

After turning into a werewolf, Sims get access to a new needs panel, a feature called werewolf temperaments, and werewolf abilities. The needs panel changes color and gains a Fury meter on the top. Fury is the power behind going into Beast form, and if it gets too high, Sims will turn. Fury can be affected by general moods, but werewolf temperaments drastically affect Fury levels. Werewolf temperaments are assigned to Sims when they turn. They seem to be assigned randomly, and each werewolf Sim can have up to 4 temperaments that affect their personality and actions. There are 22 werewolf temperaments available including the following:

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Anti-Capitalist Canine

This Sim will gain fury while they are employed.

Big Bad Wolf

These Sims are angry often and love to pick fights with others.


These Sims gain fury whenever they eat food they didn't hunt.

Easily Excitable

These Sims are playful and will gain fury when increasing their Fun need.

Feels Outcasted

These Sims gain fury whenever their Social need is low.


These Sims gain fury while flirty.

Grumpy Wolf

These Sims gain fury when their Energy need is low, and it takes longer to refill.

Hates Being Wet

These Sims hate being wet in any way shape or form.

Hungry Like the Wolf

These Sims gain fury when their Hunger need is low.

Mark of the Forest

These Sims don't gain fury as much, and their Fun need doesn't deplete as fast.

Mark of the Hunt

These Sims don't gain fury as much, and their Hunger need doesn't deplete as fast.

Mark of the Night

These Sims don't gain fury as much, and their Energy need doesn't deplete as fast.

Mark of the Wolf

These Sims don't gain fury as much, and their Social need doesn't deplete as fast.

Must Be Clean

These Sims gain fury when their Hygiene is low. They enjoy wolf baths.

Night Wolf

These Sims are nocturnal and gain fury when sleeping at night.


These Sims gain fury when embarrassed or uncomfortable.

Restless Animal

These Sims love the outdoors and gain fury while indoors.

Sensitive Hearing

These Sims gain fury when around lout TVs or radios.

Survival Instincts

These Sims gain fury when scared and are quicker to transform.


These Sims gain fury when in another werewolf's territory.

Wolf Brain

These Sims gain fury when they increase their Logic skill.

Wracked with Guilt

These Sims gain fury while sad.

Werewolf Abilities

The Sims 4 Werewolf Abilities

Similar to Vampire Powers, werewolves can earn Ability Points that can be exchanged for specific abilities. Werewolf Abilities are special powers that can be unlocked as Sims move up in the werewolf ranks. All Sims start out as a Rank 1 Pup and advance to a Runt, Prime, Veteran, and Apex werewolf. Each rank has its own set of abilities that can be unlocked for one Ability Point. Ability Points are earned by completing werewolf actions such as howling, exploring, and sparring. There are 25 Werewolf Abilities that can be unlocked with Ability Points including the following with in game descriptions:

The Sims 4 Icons

Rank 1 - Pup

The Sims 4 Icons

Ferocity - "Intimidate other Sims for fun and profit!" Sims have the option to use Ferocious Intimidation on others and cause them to run away and potentially drop money.

The Sims 4 Icons

Personal Grooming - "Lick away the Dirt!" Sims can increase their hygiene by licking themselves clean.

The Sims 4 Icons

Scavenger - "Dig up lost treasures and artifacts." Sims can scavenge the ground for valuable items.

The Sims 4 Icons

Territory Marking - "Leave a mark in the world and relieve bladder need." Sims can use the bathroom anywhere in the world.

The Sims 4 Icons

Wolf Nap - "Sleep anywhere on the ground using the Wolf Nap Ability." Sims can sleep anywhere in the world.

The Sims 4 Icons

Rank 2 - Runt

The Sims 4 Icons

Voracious Hunger - "Devour object to satisfy hunger." Sims can eat almost any object.

The Sims 4 Icons

Hunter - "Learn to hunt for food." Sims can go hunting for food and bring some back with them.

The Sims 4 Icons

The Will to Resist - "Regain control while rampaging." Sims can attempt to regain control while rampaging and stop the rampage in its tracks.

The Sims 4 Icons

Enhanced Smell - "Sniff out information and treasure." Sims have a stronger smell and can smell other's emotions, detect occult Sims, or find buried treasure.

The Sims 4 Icons

Somber Howl - "Learn a howl that reduces fury." Sims can howl and reduce fury gain.

The Sims 4 Icons

Rank 3 - Prime

The Sims 4 Icons

Lunar Blessing - "Extend benefits from the lunar cycle." Sims get more benefits from the moon, such as faster skill gain, better sleep, and successful social interactions.

The Sims 4 Icons

Nightvision - "Explore more with enhanced eyesight." Sims have better eyesight so they have an advantage when exploring the underground tunnels or hunting at night.

The Sims 4 Icons

Natural Healing - "Recover from injuries more quickly!" Sims heal from fights, injuries, and illnesses faster.

The Sims 4 Icons

Pack Howl - "Howl to the pack to fulfill social needs." Sims can increase Social needs by using Pack Howl to communicate from afar.

The Sims 4 Icons

Curse Bearer - "Turn other Sims into Werewolves via a cursed bite." Sims can turn other Sims into werewolves.

The Sims 4 Icons

Rank 4 - Veteran

The Sims 4 Icons

Vicious Howl - "Let loose a terrifying howl." Sims can howl for fun and scare nearby Sims.

The Sims 4 Icons

Hunting Party - "Lead a group hunt." Requires the Hunter Perk to be unlocked. Sims can lead a hunting party to find more valuables and increase relationships.

The Sims 4 Icons

Lunar Resistance - "Protect against the moon's harmful effects." Sims don't get negative moodlets from the full moon.

The Sims 4 Icons

Tunneler - "Quickly travel around the world by digging tunnels." Requires the Scavenger Ability to be unlocked. Sims can fast travel by digging tunnels.

The Sims 4 Icons

Primal Instincts - "Tap into our instincts for a quick confidence boost." Sims can get a confident moodlet by using Activate Primal Instincts.

The Sims 4 Icons

Rank 5 - Apex

The Sims 4 Icons

Super Speed - "Run at super speed!." Sims can fast travel with super speed.

The Sims 4 Icons

Alpha Wolf - "Win most fights and challenges against other werewolves." Sims are more successful in fights and while sparing with other werewolves.

The Sims 4 Icons

Immortal Wolf - "Live forever!" Requires the Natural Healing Ability to be unlocked. Sims can't die from old age.

The Sims 4 Icons

Lunar Howl - "Howl under the moonlight to transform temperaments!" Sims can change their temperaments with a forbidden howl.

The Sims 4 Icons

Legacy of the Lycan - "Turn Ability Points into Satisfaction Points." Sims can turn Ability Points into 250 Satisfaction Points.

Related: The Sims 4: All The Worlds In The Game, Ranked

Dormant Abilities

Werewolf Sims can also unlock Dormant Abilities but are only rewarded under specific conditions. See below for a list of Dormant Abilities in the Sims 4: Werewolves:




The Sims 4 Werewolf Abilities

Werewolf Empathy - "Help pacify other werewolves." Sims can remove all fury from another werewolf or prevent them from rampaging.

Unlocked by reaching Delta rank in a wolf pack.

The Sims 4 Werewolf Abilities

Werewolf Mentorship - "Teach other werewolves with skill and grace." Sims can train other werewolves, giving them benefits such as faster rank, mood, and relationship gains.

Unlocked by running Practice Howling, Share Werewolf Experiences, or Pack Mentor as a Veteran werewolf on a Good Friend werewolf.

The Sims 4 Werewolf Abilities

Werewolf Diplomacy - "Use diplomacy to win over werewolf allies." Sims can convince non-werewolf Sims to be more sympathetic to werewolves.

Unlocked by successfully using Ask for Werewolf Sympathy on a non-werewolf Sim.

The Sims 4 Icons

Lunar Epiphany - "Read the ancient werewolf writings." Sims can learn how to cure werewolves.

Unlocked by reading werewolf-related literature.

The Sims 4 Icons

Werewolf Menace - "Enjoy scaring Sims and feel no guilt about it." Sims like to scare other Sims for fun.

Unlocked by running Ferocious Intimidation, Turn into Werewolf, or Vicious Howl on Sim who is already frightened, while below maximum Fury.

The Sims 4 Icons

Transformation Mastery - "Transform into beast mode at will!" Sims can transform at will but are still vulnerable to losing control when their Fury meter fills up.

Unlocked by preventing their werewolf from scaring any Sims during a Fury-induced rampage.

The Sims 4: Werewolves is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.