One player of The Sims 4 found a unique way to pay homage to the critically acclaimed TV series Shameless, creating recreations of the homes of the show’s various characters. With new content for The Sims 4 expected to arrive later this year, fans of Maxis’ social simulation game will soon have even more tools available to create the home of their dreams or just recreate some of their favorite fictional abodes.

Released for PC in 2014, with PlayStation 4 and Xbox One ports arriving in 2017, The Sims 4 is the latest entry in Electronic Arts and Maxis’ long-running social simulation series. Like previous titles, The Sims 4 gives players a variety of tools to customize everything about their virtual life from the appearance of their Sim to the layout of their house. The game received mixed reviews upon release, with many players expressing disappointment at the lack of content and features compared to previous entries. Still stinging from the seemingly stripped-down release of The Sims 4, some series fans voiced their concerns about the franchise’s future following the recent leak of The Sims 5 screenshots.

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In a new TikTok by user _themegstar that’s sure to impress both fans of The Sims 4 and the acclaimed Showtime dramedy, viewers are treated to a tour of recreations of the various families’ houses from Shameless. Backed by the show’s theme song, the short video begins with a tour of the home of patriarch and protagonist Frank Gallagher before moving on to recreations of the homes of neighbors Kevin and V and Frank’s love interest Sheila. The detailed homage to the popular series is a great example of just how much creative freedom Maxis gives players, with the game’s toolset allowing for everything from TV homages like this to letting one player recreate all the Dragon Age companions in The Sims 4.

With nearly 50,000 likes just days after being posted, it’s clear that fans of both The Sims 4 and Shameless loved the unique homage to the William H. Macy series. Several users complimented _themegstar on their attention to detail, such as the welding equipment in Deb and Liam’s room that calls back to an episode from the show’s eighth season. Fans of the show eager to explore the impressive homage for themselves were excited to learn that the Shameless sets were available in The Sims 4’s Gallery by searching for username themegstar.

For fans of the sometimes depressing but always entertaining show Shameless, this The Sims 4 homage is a great way to revisit the series in a whole new way. And unlike the bizarre bunker for captive men in The Sims 4, players won’t feel ashamed to stop by the Gallagher home for a visit.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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