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The Sims 4: Get to Work, which was released on March 30, 2015, is the first expansion pack of the popular franchise. This expansion pack revolves around work life and allows players to take an active role in their Sims' careers by introducing active careers. Get To Work also provides numerous other gameplay features that allow players to deeply engage in the lives of their Sims.

Related: The Sims 4: Ranking Every Expansion Pack From Worst To Best

Active Careers, previously known as Professions, is one of the most significant additions to the game, which brings back a popular feature from The Sims 3 Ambitions. This feature provides an immersive gameplay experience for careers in The Sims 4, allowing players to join their Sims at work. This means that Sims won't simply disappear into a rabbit hole during work hours, providing a more interactive experience. During work hours, players can guide their Sims to complete tasks and earn promotions faster. One such active career is the Scientist Career, where Sims can create and interact with unique objects and invent new things. Interestingly, Sims who are scientists in Get to Work can be called to work at any time, similar to the other careers in this pack.

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Scientist Career General Info And Promotions

The Sims 4 Scientist Career-1

The Scientist Career, which is one of the three active careers in The Sims 4: Get to Work, stands out as the unique and lucrative option. Sims who choose this career path will need to have "Eureka!" moments to create new designs and invention using Although the Scientist tasks are typically less strict and a bit more mundane than those of the Doctor and Detective careers, they will need to rely on having breakthroughs, as these are necessary for promotions, which enable the Sims to unlock additional features, such as creating a portal to Sixam.

Related: The Sims 4: The Best Career For Your Sim (Based On The University They Attended)

The work lot for this career is FutureSim Labs, where only Scientist Sims have access to the Invention Constructor, Chemistry Lab, and Chemical Analyzer. While Sims earn good pay during work hours, the inventions they create offer additional opportunities to make money, such as by copying or transforming objects. Additionally, the Satellite Dish is particularly useful for players who want to prevent their Sims from being abducted and impregnated by aliens. The Scientist career is an active career that does not have two branching paths and has a total of 10 levels. Interestingly, as Sim progresses through the levels, work hours or days don't change, making it ideal for Sims who want to spend long hours at work through the week.

Job Title

Base Hourly Pay & Work Hours

Promotion Requirements

Promotion Rewards (Alphabetical Order)

Lab Technician

§24 - Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00

Have 2 Breakthroughs


Apprentice Inventor

§32 - Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00

Have 4 Breakthroughs

§192 and New Clothes, Journey to the Stars

Junior Tinkerer

§39 - Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00

Have 6 Breakthroughs

§256 and New Clothes, Flying Saucer Table Lamp

Serum Sequencer

§48 - Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00

Have 8 Breakthroughs

§312 and Chemistry Lab

Technological Innovator

§72 - Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00

Have 10 Breakthroughs

§384 and New Clothes, S1M5-4 Test Tube Pedestal;


§102 - Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00

Have 12 Breakthroughs

§576 and Unlocked Cautionary Tale Door, X-180 Shatterproof Window

Laboratory Leader

§142 - Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00

Have 14 Breakthroughs

§816 and Hygienic Decontamination Pod

Pioneer of New Technologies

§187 - Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00

Have 16 Breakthroughs

§1,136 and New Clothes

Mad Scientist

§215 - Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00

Have 18 Breakthroughs

§1,496 and New Clothes

Extraterrestrial Explorer

§247 - Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00


§1,720 and Out of This World Desktop. It also unlocks New Clothes and Styled Room: "Mystery Science Laboratory"

Each level of the Scientist career requires Sims to have breakthroughs for promotions, and players will notice that the number of breakthroughs required increases by two with each level. However, it is important to note that the breakthrough numbers indicated in each level represent the total amount of breakthroughs needed. So, while each level requires 2 more breakthroughs than the previous one, players only need to have 2 additional breakthroughs to fulfill the promotion requirement.

Although promotions in the Scientist career do not offer as many new items as the Detective career, players will receive new clothing with many of the promotions. Additionally, leveling up in this career unlocks more inventions and serums to be made, which more than makes up for the lack of reward objects. Furthermore, Scientists have the ability to analyze crystals and metals on their own via the Chemical Analyzer, eliminating the need to send them to the Geo Council. This feature is particularly useful for Sims interested in finishing their Element collection.

Additionally, it's worth noting that while none of the active careers in Get to Work are directly related to any aspirations, the Nerd Brain aspiration under the Knowledge branch could be a good fit for Sims pursuing the Scientist career. This is because Sims in this career will be able to increase their logic skill while performing activities that provide them with "Eureka!" moments. Additionally, the Quick Learner trait could be helpful in quickly leveling up all skills. Alternatively, the Curator aspiration is also a good choice for Scientist Sims, as they will be able to collect metals, crystals, and discover elements, all of which contribute to various collections.

How To Get Promotions Quickly

Sims 4 Mad Scientist

Promotions in the Scientist career offer more than just increased Simoleons, as players will unlock many useful new inventions and be able to order their co-workers to do certain activities that benefit them. Therefore, getting promotions quickly in this career provides a significant advantage. While certain traits can be more beneficial for easier promotions in some careers, specific skills are not required for promotions in the Scientist career. However, traits that give positive moodlets like Cheerful or Geek are recommended since Scientist Sims will be spending a lot of time in the lab.

Related: The Sims 4: Paranormal Investigator Career Guide

Moodlets do not affect job performance as much in this career compared to non-active careers. Nonetheless, having a Focused moodlet is essential for having "Eureka!" moments, which are required for breakthroughs and immensely improve job performance. Players should ensure to do activities that can give this moodlet, and luckily, there are objects on the lot and early inventions that can provide it.

How To Have Breakthroughs

The Sims 4 Scientist Breakthrough

Obtaining breakthroughs may seem daunting at first, but it's primarily about being focused and interacting with specific objects. When a Sim is in a Focused mood, they can receive an additional Eureka! moodlet, which reinforces their focused mood and aids them in making more scientific discoveries. To achieve this, Sims must engage in certain activities, many of which require an increase in logic skill.

Related: Highest Paying Careers In The Sims 4, Ranked

When players click on an object, they will notice a gear with a lightbulb icon beside the interaction, indicating that it's an action that can provide a breakthrough. Examples include reading, playing chess, tinkering, and using the computer. There are numerous objects available on the lot for players to interact with in order to achieve these breakthroughs. Additionally, breakthroughs are achieved more quickly than solving cases in the Detective career, and they can be accomplished within the work lot without leaving the lot.

Unlockable Inventions And Serums

Sims 4 Mad Scientist Active Career

In the Scientist career, the first six levels unlock new inventions that can be upgraded with subsequent promotions. These inventions are powerful and can greatly benefit Sims by providing additional income and boosting moodlets. Therefore, it is important for players to create these inventions as they become available in order to maximize the benefits of the career. While the inventions require metals and crystals in a variety of rarities, it doesn't cost any money.



Required Materials


Further Upgrades


Momentum Conserver


Can occasionally give Focused Moodlet if turned on and viewed.




1 Common Crystal, 1 Common Metal

Can be used on objects to transform them, and can be used on Sims to change some aspects of them or mind-control them to do certain actions as players upgrade the device. Some daily tasks might be required to use of this invention on others. Using this device on cheap objects to generate a more expensive object can give a great amount of additional income.

Level 3

Transform Objects

Level 4

Mind Control: Change Clothes

Level 5

Mind Control: Clean

Level 6

Mind Control: Sit

Level 7

Mind Control: Eat

Level 8

Mind Control: Sleep

Level 9

Mind Control: Panic

Level 10

Transform Sim (gives random hair and cosmetics)


Hover Lamp


Similar to the Momentum Conserver, this item can also be activated and viewed to potentially acquire the Focused Moodlet.



Satellite Dish

3 Common Crystals, 1 Common Metal

The Satellite Dish has the ability to affect the moodlets of nearby townies, such as making them happy or angry, and can even influence them to dance, pee, or sleep. With upgrades, it can also be used to detect aliens and prevent abductions or increase the chances of being abducted.

Level 8 - Adds additional interactions related to Aliens.


Cloning Machine

2 Common Crystals, 2 Common Metals

Enables players to clone various objects such as food items, collectibles, and even Sims (when upgraded). Cloning objects can be a profitable endeavor.

Level 8 - Allows for cloning Sims. This will result in a twin being added to the household. However, it is important to note that the cloned Sim will not retain the same career or skills as the original Sim. Additionally, there is a chance that the cloned Sim will possess negative traits such as Mean or Evil, which can add an interesting twist to gameplay and allow for unique storytelling opportunities.


Electroflux Wormhole Generator

2 Uncommon Crystals, 2 Uncommon Metals, 2 Elements

It has interactions that allow for getting focused moodlet and more breakthroughs, which is very beneficial to get promotions quicker.

Level 10 - When upgraded, this device gets an additional interaction allowing the Sim to travel to Sixam, one of the hidden areas.

In addition to inventions, Serums are a valuable tool for Scientist Sims. They provide a way to earn money without spending Simoleons, as they only require ingredients to craft. Serums can also be given as gifts to other Sims to give them various effects, and it's even possible to intentionally create negative versions for harmful effects. However, it's important for players to exercise caution and not overuse Serums, as it's recommended to wait until the effect of the previous Serum has worn off before consuming another. There are 15 Serums in total, which unlock as players get promotions. Great for Sims that are also focusing on gardening.



Required Materials


Sell Value


Synthetic Food

2x Any Plant

Satisfies Hunger Need



Red Hot


Sim becomes Angry



Rose Perfume


Sim becomes Flirty



Snake Oil


Cures illnesses




2x Parsley, 2x Carrot

Sim gets Slimmer (decreases Fat ratio)



Ghost Goo

3x Mushroom

Sim temporarily becomes a Ghost



Need Fixer

Spinach, 2x Any Common Metal

Satisfies all Needs




2x Plantain, 2x Apple

Sim gets Fatter (increases Fat ratio)



Spark Drive

Strawberry, Any Common Crystal

Sim becomes Energized



Ox Strength

Spinach, 2x Any Common Crystal

Sim gets Fitter (increases muscle mass)




2x Chrysanthemum, 2x Apple

A 6h moodlet that can give certain buffs to certain moods



Fixer's Luck

2x Any Upgrade Parts

An 8h moodlet that allows players to obtain extra upgrade parts when tinkering or salvaging. Also allows Sims to repair objects extremely fast.



Reaper's Friend

Death Flower, Any Alien Crystal (Obtained via Sixam)

Allows Sim to avoid dying.



Alien Aura

Alien Metal, Alien Crystal, Alien Plant (All Obtained Via Sixam)

Sim temporarily gets Alien powers




Quill Fruit, Xenopetrium, 2x Any Alien Crystal (Obtained Via Sixam)

Resets the current age bar to day 1.


The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.