The creative freedom in The Sims 4 knows no bounds, especially in the kitchen. With The Sims 4: City Living expansion, players can order mouthwatering cultural dishes and learn the recipes to make for their Sims at home. Among these exquisite meals is Pufferfish Nigiri, which is a sushi dish that originates from Japan, called fugu nigiri zushi.

This sushi, however, is not for the faint of heart. It is quite difficult to make and should only be handled by Sims with a high cooking skill. Pufferfish, both in real life and in The Sims 4, are notorious for their potentially potent toxicity. Mishandling them can lead to the tragic end for a Sim, whether it is intentional or not.

Be aware of a Sim's dietary restrictions before serving this meal! Pufferfish Nigiri is a lactose-free dish in The Sims 4 , so it can be eaten by Sims with the Lactose-Intolerant trait that comes with Cottage Living . It is not, however, vegetarian-friendly. Sims with the Vegetarian trait from City Living may receive an Uncomfortable moodlet and feel nauseous after eating this meal.

The Sims 4: Cooking Recipes Guide

Cooking is an essential skill for The Sims 4, and there are several recipes players can unlock throughout the base game and expansion packs.

Where To Find The Pufferfish Nigiri Recipe

At Japanese Food Stalls, Sims can order traditional Japanese dishes, including Pufferfish Nigiri

In order for a Sim to be able to cook Pufferfish Nigiri in the comfort of their home, they must first taste it for themselves. The City Living expansion came with a variety of food stalls, including traditional meals from Morocco, India, Vietnam, China, Japan, and the Philippines. These food stalls cycle on a daily basis and are often found in the middle of the neighborhood in the districts of San Myshuno. In order to find the food stall with Pufferfish Nigiri, first locate the Japanese food stall.

Players will have the best luck finding a Japanese food stall in the Fashion District on Mondays and Thursdays, Uptown on Tuesdays and Fridays, or at the Romance Festival. The food stalls will rotate starting at 2:00AM Sims time. If a vendor is not present, Sims may hire one themselves for 100 simoleons. Food and produce stalls can also be purchased from build/buy mode. The Japanese food stall costs 1,800 simoleons.

The Sims 4: Best City Living Festivals, Ranked

With the release of The Sims 4: City Living, players can enjoy many unique festivals in the game. Here are the best festivals.

How To Cook Pufferfish Nigiri

A Sim is cooking up some Pufferfish Nigiri in the kitchen

Once a Sim has ordered Pufferfish Nigiri (§50) from the Japanese food stalls in San Myshuno and has completely finished their meal, they will obtain the recipe from the hidden recipe collection in The Sims 4. There are 27 recipes from this expansion pack and several others across other DLCs.

To cook Pufferfish Nigiri, click on the refrigerator or the stove and select "Cook..." from the menu of options. Thanks to the recent patch update, it is much easier to locate the Pufferfish Nigiri recipe with the revamped recipe list UI menu. Under Seafood, select the Pufferfish Nigiri recipe. It costs 10 simoleons for a single serving, 38 simoleons for a family-sized dish, and 55 simoleons for a party-sized dish. If players happen to catch a rare Pufferfish on the docks of San Myshuno and hold it in their inventory, the prices will be discounted for using fresh ingredients.

The Deadly Side Effects of Pufferfish Nigiri

A Sim has cooked up poor quality Pufferfish Nigiri and "accidentally" killed the guests of her dinner party.

Even though Pufferfish Nigiri is a delectable dish, unskilled Sims may find that the quality of their meal is poor. The sushi will look brown and moldy, unlike its usually bright colors. Sims who consume poor-quality Pufferfish Nigiri have a 50% chance of death. These chances are increased greatly if the Sim is already in an uncomfortable mood. On the off chance that a Sim survives after eating the Pufferfish, they will receive a boosted Confident moodlet as a result of their near-death experience. Alien Sims, however, are exempt from dying of Pufferfish Nigiri and are free to eat as much or little as they please.

Unknowingly serving potentially poisonous Pufferfish Nigiri with good intentions can be unfortunate as many beloved Sims characters may not survive the night; although, players with Evil Sims have begun to brainstorm all the ways they can utilize this dish to their advantage. Many users have suggested creating a Russian Roulette-style dinner party to see which Sims perish and which prevail. Others even suggested serving it at a restaurant for hungry customers or those hungry for death.

The Sims 4 is available to play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: The Sims 4: Ways To Embrace Sims' Evil Side