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The Sims 4 highlights many facets of life - the highs and lows - and is an ideal game for storytellers and designers alike. Life simulation games typically include laid-back gameplay like community building, character creation, and social relationships. However, certain life simulations have chaotic moments, especially the Sims franchise. Lot challenges are one way Sims 4 continues to build upon its gameplay systems by shaking things up with spontaneity that makes the in-game worlds come to life.

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What Are Lot Challenges

The Sims 4 Lot Challenges

Lot Challenges were first seen with patch115 in July 2021 and revamped the lot trait system by splitting "good" and "bad" lot effects. Lot challenges started as lot traits but became a separate feature after the patch, although they are found in the same panel. Many are included in DLC and can have broader effects on the lot they are attached to. As the name insinuates, lot challenges trigger harder gameplay or have negative consequences on the lot, like natural disasters.

There are 13 Lot Challenges in Sims 4, with only one being a part of the base game. The DLC packs with lot challenges include the following:

  • City Living (6)
  • Cottage Living (2)
  • Eco Lifestyle (2)
  • Island Living (1)
  • Jungle Adventure (1)

Base Game Lot Challenges

The Sims 4 Base Game

The Sims 4base game is free to play, so anyone can enjoy the franchise without breaking out their wallet if they aren't worried about getting any DLC. The base game lot challenge is Off-the-Grid.




The Sims 4 Off-the-Grid

Off-the-Grid lots don't have access to water or power lines attached to the city utilities. As a result, Sims will need to use Off-the-Grid items that don't require typical electricity or plumbing, and they get to avoid utility bills.

City Living Lot Challenges

The Sims 4 City Living Lot Challenges

City Living introduces apartments, community festivals, and new careers to The Sims 4. Many of the lot challenges are inspired by the not-so-fun parts of cheap apartment living. City Living lot challenges include Cursed, Filthy, Gremlins, Grody, Quake Zone, and Spooky.




The Sims 4 Cursed

Cursed lots are full of bad luck and weird vibes. Things are more likely to break, catch fire, and Sims have a higher risk of dying from physical deaths like electrocution and exhaustion. Sims also can get put under voodoo when entering the lot.




The Sims 4 Filthy

Filthy lots get dirty faster. Countertops, sinks, toilets, showers, and bathtubs will become dirty twice as quickly.




The Sims 4 Gremlins

Gremlin lots say they have tiny creatures that cause mischief around the place at night, but players don't see any Gremlins appear. Instead, at midnight every night after everyone goes to bed, objects like sinks, showers, and toilets will break.




The Sims 4 Grody

Grody lots are similar to filthy lots, but rather than physically seeing the dirt Sims get overwhelmed with how nasty the lot is and get nauseous when eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom.

Quake Zone



The Sims 4 Quake Zone

Quake Zone lots have to deal with the occasional earthquake. The lot will shake, and Sims will get scared and run around frantically.




The Sims 4 Spooky

Spooky lots have lots of things that go bump in the night at 10:30 PM. Specifically, a ghost will appear and mildly haunt Sims and scare them. Unfortunately, ghosts sometimes have a terrible habit of breaking items.

Cottage Living Lot Challenges

The Sims 4 Cottage Living Lot Challenges

Cottage Living has fun rural gameplay, like new farm animals, community markets, fairs, and more. Lot challenges in the pack encourage players to let go of the conveniences of commercial and residential neighborhoods. Cottage Living lot challenges include Simple Living and Wild Foxes.

Simple Living



The Sims 4 Simple Living

Simple Living lots do not automatically stock fridges with ingredients for every meal. Instead, Sims must grow, purchase, or fish for all food items. They will also get a positive moodlet from the fresh ingredients and gain the ability to write a cookbook after maxing out their cooking skill.

Wild Foxes



The sims 4 Wild Foxes

Wild Foxes are one of the animals that are introduced in Cottage Living. Lots with this trait will have foxes periodically visit and wreak havoc on chickens, gardens, and wild rabbits. However, players can befriend them after a while or scare them off.

Eco Lifestyle

Eco Lifestyle Lot Challenges

Eco Lifestyle is a different approach to Expansion packs than fans have seen in past Sims games. It focuses on nurturing the environment (or not) to change a neighborhood's Eco Footprint to Green, Neutral, or Industrial. Eco Lifestyle lot challenges include Landfill Lot and Reduce and Recycle.

Landfill Lot



The sims 4 Landfill Lot

Sims will have to work extra hard to get their Eco Footprint to Green with Landfill Lots. They become the town dumping ground, and trash piles up there easily, making the Industrial footprint stronger.

Reduce and Recycle



The sims 4 Reduce and Recycle

On Reduce and Recycle lots, Sims will get the chance to recycle or compost trash, which means that outdoor trashcans will have to be manually emptied and will attract bugs if left overflowing.

Island Living

The Sims 4 Island Living Lot Challenges

Island Living is all about beach life, island culture, and nature. The vast world with the Expansion pack features beautiful oceans, vibrant greenery, and even a volcano. The Island Living lot challenge is Volcanic Activity.

Volcanic Activity



The sims 4 Volcanic Activity

Another natural disaster, lots with Volcanic Activity, will occasionally have to deal with volcano tremors and lava rain. Steam vents may also appear, and Sims must keep their distance to avoid fire and overheating.

Jungle Adventure

The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Lot Challenges

Jungle Adventure is the only Game pack with a lot challenge. It includes a vacation world on the edge of a lively jungle with hidden temples, ancient artifacts, and native wildlife to discover. The Jungle Adventure lot challenge is Creepy Crawlies.

Creepy Crawlies



The Sims 4 Creepy Crawlies

Lots with Creepy Crawlies are home to spiders, bees, and bats that will attack Sims whenever they get the urge.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.

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