Aspirations in The Sims 4 are goals that can be given to Sims to shape how they interact with the world around them. So long as a Sim is a teen or older, the player will have the option to give them one of fourteen aspirations. Completing an aspiration will reward the Sim with unique traits that they will permanently have access to, even when they are pursuing other aspirations.

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The Grilled Cheese aspiration is arguably the strangest aspiration in The Sims 4, not just because of what it entails but also due to how well-hidden it is. That said, the aspiration is surprisingly easy to unlock, especially if players enjoy feeding their Sims cheap food.

How To Unlock The Grilled Cheese Aspiration In The Sims 4

The Grilled Cheese Aspiration in The Sims 4

To unlock the Grilled Cheese aspiration, players must ensure that the Sim they are planning to give the aspiration to is old enough to cook. If they are, unlocking the aspiration can be done by commanding them to eat three grilled cheese sandwiches in a row. Players can choose to cook these sandwiches by interacting with a fridge or an oven.

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To ensure the Sim inherits the Grilled Cheese aspiration, players should create a Party Size portion of grilled cheese sandwiches and command the Sim to eat three as quickly as possible. The Sim will need to completely finish each of the three sandwiches, after which a prompt will appear, informing players that they have unlocked the Grilled Cheese aspiration.

How To Summon Grilled Cheese Sandwiches In The Sims 4

Summoning Grilled Cheese in The Sims 4

Like other aspirations, players will need to complete the Grilled Cheese aspiration in order to permanently unlock the melt master trait. Inheriting this trait will grant the Sim the ability to materialize grilled cheese sandwiches out of thin air and eat them, which can be pretty handy if players are struggling to keep their Sim fed. To unlock this trait, players must complete three different levels of the Grilled Cheese aspiration, each of which requires them to do something involving grilled cheese sandwiches.

Gouda Greehorn Challenges

  1. Talk to three different Sims about Grilled Cheese.
  2. Eat ten Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.

When a Sim inherits the Grilled Cheese aspiration, they will be able to speak with other Sims about Grilled Cheese by interacting with them. If players do not immediately see the option to talk about Grilled Cheese, they should keep trying until the option appears.

Making Grilled Cheese Sandwiches in The Sims 4

Interacting with a fridge or an oven, players can choose to create Party Size servings of Grilled Cheese. Players hoping to complete the aspiration quickly should select this option and then command their Sim to eat as many as they will tolerate.

Cheddar Connoisseur Challenges

  1. Eat ten Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.
  2. Cook three Group Servings of Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.
  3. Talk to five different Sims about Grilled Cheese.
Eating an Excellent Grilled Cheese in The Sims 4

Players may need to increase their Sim's cooking level if they find they are incapable of cooking Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. If the problem persists, they should consider purchasing a higher-quality oven or only attempting to cook when the Sim is feeling Inspired.

Muenster Maniac Challenges

  1. Eat a Grilled Cheese Sandwich in Space.
  2. Cook an Excellent Quality Grilled Cheese Sandwich.
  3. Talk to the Grim Reaper about Grilled Cheese.
Eat Grilled Cheese in Space in The Sims 4

The final three steps needed to unlock the ability to summon a Grilled Cheese Sandwich are slightly more challenging, but they are pretty straightforward all the same. To eat a Grilled Cheese Sandwich in space, the player will first need to construct a rocket on their property; then, they must cook a Grilled Cheese Sandwich, add it to their Sim's inventory, select the rocket, and choose the "Eat Grilled Cheese Sandwich in Space" option.

Players will likely have already prepared a few Excellent Grilled Cheese Sandwiches in order to complete the previous level's tasks; now all they need to do is prepare one more and command their Sim to eat it. Again, cooking at a high level while inspired is the best way to guarantee the creation of an Excellent Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

To speak to the Grim Reaper about Grilled Cheese, the player will need to ensure their Sim is present when another Sim dies. There are countless ways to cause a Sim to die in The Sims 4, all of which will cause the Grim Reaper to appear to either take the Sim to the afterlife or revive them. Once the Grim Reaper makes his decision, he will remain in the area for a short period, giving players the chance to make friends with him and speak to him about Grilled Cheese.

After players have completed all eight tasks associated with the Grilled Cheese aspiration, a prompt will appear, informing the player that their Sim has unlocked the melt master trait. With this trait unlocked, players can command their Sim to summon Grilled Cheese Sandwiches by selecting the Sim and choosing the "Summon Grilled Cheese" option.

Painting a Grilled Cheese Sandwich in The Sims 4

Sims who unlock the Grilled Cheese aspiration will also have the option to paint a portrait of a Grilled Cheese Sandwich by interacting with an easel and selecting the "Grilled Cheese" option. Depending on the Sim's Painting skill level, the result of each painting will differ, but each outcome is pretty fascinating nonetheless.

The Rewards Store in The Sims 4

Players can also use the Satisfaction Points they acquired after completing each Grilled Cheese challenge to unlock new traits from the Rewards Store. There, Satisfaction Points can be exchanged for unique traits and potions, some of which can negate the need to care for a Sim's specific needs. For Sims who have unlocked the Grilled Cheese aspiration, however, they can avoid unlocking the Hardly Hungry or Forever Full traits, as the ability to Summon Grilled Cheese Sandwiches renders them pretty unnecessary.

The Sims 4 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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