For players who purchase the Vampires game pach, The Sims 4 offers an environment where vampires can exist. Even the thought of facing a vampire can strike fear into the hearts of the Sims. That’s why it is the need of the hour to equip the knowledge to face and defend against these undead foes if players want their Sims to survive.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options for Sims who do not wish to become bloodsucking creatures of the night. Here are some strategies players can use to defend against these creatures.

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How to Defend Against Vampires in The Sims 4

the sims 4 group of vampiresResearching Vampire Lore

The first step in defending against vampires should be conducting thorough research, which can be done using a computer. With the help of a computer, players can gather knowledge about vampire lore skills. Once players reach level two in the Vampire Knowledge skill, they can continue researching by purchasing tomes. Finally, after reaching level five, players can create garlic items using garlic.


how to plant sims 4 garlic seeds

Garlic has been known for repelling vampires, and it works the same in The Sims 4. Some players rave about its properties as one of the most powerful defense mechanisms against vampires. Players need to interact with the computer to acquire garlic seeds, and they’ll get two seeds in return. By plotting these two seeds, players can grow 20 garlic bulbs.

What’s even more fascinating is that these garlic items never expire or spoil. Players can use these as decorative items and hang them on the walls near the doors to keep vampires away. However, they need to keep in mind that while garlic can come in handy for preventing break-ins, they won’t be of any use when a vampire decides to use their powers on Sims.

Vampire Resistance Cocktail

To further enhance their defense against vampires, Sims can create a vampire resistance cocktail. This potent beverage will grant substantial protection against vampiric powers directed at the Sim for a significant span.

Locking The Doors

Vampires attack at night, so as the night falls and the moon’s glow grows stronger, don’t forget to keep doors locked. It is a good practice to follow anyway, ensuring not only the safety of Sims against vampires but against other deadly creatures that can pose a serious threat.

Defending Against AI-Controlled Vampires

Unlike other vampires, AI-controlled vampires won’t cause havoc or use their vampiric powers unless provoked. However, if a player creates a Sim in the same neighborhood, it would eventually become harder to control them. As such, it is imperative to equip the sim with defending properties against vampires.

No doubt, garlic and cocktails are powerful weapons to keep vampires away, but as AI-controlled vampires don’t pose a huge threat to Sims, players don’t need to use these items against them as long as necessary precautions are taken.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.