The Home Chef Hustle Stuff Pack focuses on one particular aspect of The Sims 4: food. With this stuff pack, gamers can deepen their knowledge of the culinary arts in The Sims 4 by learning how to work with new kitchen appliances, and they can also share their cooking with the entire neighborhood by hosting their own food sales.

The Sims 4: Home Chef Hustle Stuff Complete Guide

Gamers can take their cooking abilities to the next level with the Home Chef Hustle Stuff Pack for The Sims 4.

The pack brought waffles back to The Sims series with the addition of the ChowBella Heart Waffle Maker. Gamers can learn 11 different waffle recipes in The Sims 4, and some of them can only be made with fresh ingredients. This guide will show players how they can make one of these recipes; here, they will learn how to make Plesantly-Unpleasant Waffles in The Sims 4.

How to Make Pleasantly-Unpleasant Waffles

gathering ingredients for pleasantly unpleasant waffles

As soon as gamers purchase the ChowBella Heart Waffle Maker, they'll be able to check out its recipe list, and there's no doubt that the Pleasantly-Unpleasant Waffles will easily catch anyone's eye. This is the last waffle recipe that Sims can learn, as only Level 10 Cooking Skill Sims will be able to cook Pleasantly-Unpleasant Waffles. On top of this requirement, it can only be made with fresh ingredients, meaning Sims will actually have to collect the ingredients to make the recipe - they can't simply purchase them. Here are the necessary ingredients and how to obtain them:


How to Get

Batter (1)

Batter is a prepped ingredient, which means gamers can get it by using the stand mixer

Strawberry (1)

Players can get strawberries in The Sims 4 by harvesting them at the community garden in Foundry Cove in Willow Creek or harvesting wild bushes in the world map

Trash Fruit (1)

To get Trash Fruit players must harvest a Trash Plant. These plants appear when the trash is left out for too long outside, so kicking an outdoor garbage bin and leaving the trash to rot is a good way to get one to spawn

Sims must make Pleasantly-Unpleasant Waffles in order to complete the Appliance Wiz aspiration in The Sims 4 .

Pleasantly-Unpleasant Waffles Moodlets

moodlets pleasantly unpleasant waffles

Pleasantly-Unpleasant Waffles are just like the infamous Gourmet Fruit Cake - many Sims won't like these waffles, but others will get a positive moodlet from them. According to the dish's description, the mix of the strawberry's sweetness and the Trash Fruit's pungency creates a combination that's both disgusting and wonderful, and its taste changes with each bite a Sim takes.

When Sims eat the Pleasantly-Unpleasant Waffles, they will either get a +3 Happy moodlet boost or a +1 Angry moodlet boost.

The Sims 4 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: The Sims 4: Everything You Can Make With the Waffle Maker