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Sorcery was first introduced in The Sims, where its Occults were called Witches. After that, Witches made a comeback in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3. Finally, The Sims 4 released Occults called Spellcasters in the Realm of Magic Expansion Pack.

There are many ways to create a Spellcaster in The Sims 4. Some can be done immediately, while others require time and patience. Having a Spellcaster in the family could create more intriguing gameplay due to their special interactions and abilities.

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How To Become A Spellcaster In The Sims 4

create a Spellcaster in the sims 4

Currently, there are three methods to create a Spellcaster: CAS, inheritance, and Rite of Ascension. In Create A Sim (CAS), Simmers can customize their Sims in any shape or form they prefer. One of them is by creating a Spellcaster.

Simply click on the + icon to add a new Sim. Then, press on the Add Occult Sim option and choose Spellcaster. Keep in mind that the Sims can’t practice Spells until they become Teens.

how to raise charisma sims 4

The second method is a bit time-consuming. It’s not a secret that Sims can have kids in The Sims 4. However, something that may not be known is that, if one parent is an Occult, the kids might get the parent’s powers.

RELATED: The Sims 4: Things You Need To Know Before Playing Realm Of Magic

There are two outcomes concerning Spellcasters. If one parent has powers, there’s a 50% chance that the kid will become one, whereas if both parents have powers, their child is guaranteed to be a Spellcaster.

the magic portal and male sim in the sims 4

The third and final method, Rite of Ascension, requires traveling through the Magical Portal in Glimmerbook. After arriving in The Magic Realm, players need to seek one of the three Sages to perform the Rite of Ascension.

the three sages in the sims 4

Simmers must complete a mission given by the Sage to become a Spellcaster. The three Sages are:

  • Simeon Silversweater, Sage of Practical Magic
  • L. Faba, Sage of Mischief Magic
  • Morgyn Ember, Sage of Untamed Magic

First, become acquaintances with one Sage, then select Ask How to Use Magic from the Friendly Category. The Sage will offer players a Potion, which allows them to view hidden creatures called Magical Motes for a specific period.

magical motes in the sims 4

They’re small, purple, glowing orbs that float outside the Magic HQ. It’s pretty hard to miss them. After collecting seven Motes, Simmers will have to give it to any Sage, and they’ll become a Spellcaster.

the rite of dissolution in the sims 4

If by any chance players don't want to be a Spellscaster anymore, they can always ask a Sage to perform the Rite of Dissolution. This will revert their Sim back to normal.

Spellcasters Ranks

asking for help from a sage in the sims 4

Every time players level up their rank, they can learn more advanced Spells and Potions. There are six ranks:

  • Rank 1 - Apprentice
  • Rank 2 - Neophyte
  • Rank 3 - Acolyte
  • Rank 4 - Adept
  • Rank 5 - Master
  • Rank 6 - Virtuoso
Spellcasters' objects and a familiar in the sims 4

There are many ways to gain EXP to rise in ranks:

  • Asking a Sage to teach a Spell or a Potion
  • Practicing Magic by clicking on the Spellcaster
  • Reading Tomes that teaches Spells and Potions
  • Summoning a Familiar
  • Traveling by Broom

Practicing Spells can be done by a Wand or hands. Potions require a cauldron, which can be bought from Buy Mode. As for the Wands, Tomes, Brooms, and Familiars, they can be purchased by heading to Caster’s Alley through one of the Portals in the Magic HQ. Additionally, by clicking on a library in the HQ and picking Search For Tomes, Simmers won’t only find Tomes but sometimes a rare Familiar.

Abilities And Powers

Spellcasters' abilities and a spellboom

Players will be able to teach their Sims 24 Spells and 15 Potions. These Spells are divided between three Schools; Practical, Mischief, and Untamed. They can also learn Alchemy for Potion making. Here's a list of all Spells and Potions in The Sims 4:


Spells or Potions


  • Copypasto
  • Delicioso
  • Floralorial
  • Herbio
  • Repairio
  • Scruberoo
  • Transportalate
  • Homewardial
  • Rite of Ascension


  • Burgliate
  • Deliriate
  • Despairio
  • Furio
  • Infatuate
  • Morphiate
  • Strangeify


  • Inferniate
  • ZipZap
  • Necrocall
  • Chillio
  • Minionize
  • Dedeathify
  • Decursify
  • Duplicato


  • Potion of Good Fortune
  • Potion of Magical Aura
  • Potion of Nausea
  • Potion of the Nimble Mind
  • Potion of Plentiful Needs
  • Potion of Alluring Aura
  • Potion of Emotional Stability
  • Potion of Forced Friendship
  • Potion of Perk Purging
  • Potion of Curse Cleansing
  • Potion of Masterful Insults
  • Potion of Rejuvenation
  • Potion of Immortality
  • Potion of Prompt Resurrection
  • Potion of the Transcendent Charmer

If Simmers wish to know how many Spells and Potions they have mastered, they can check their Sim's Spellbook. Click on a Sim and select the Magic Category then Open Spellbook.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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