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In The Sims 4 Horse, players can now live out their dreams of owning tons of horses and experiencing ranch life firsthand. Horses are actually very high-maintenance animals in The Sims 4; compared to the Cats & Dogs expansion pack, there is a lot more that needs to be done to raise them right.

RELATED: The Sims 4: Horse Ranch - How to Hire a Ranch Hand

This article will guide players through the process of raising a horse from a young foal to a grown adult in The Sims 4. Gamers will learn how to feed them, take care of all their hygiene needs, and even deal with their mood changes.

Hunger Needs

feeding a foal with hay stack or bottle

It's always important to be on top of a Sim's hunger needs to keep them happy. Horses eat all sorts of greenery, so gamers have a lot of options here.

Players should keep an animal feeder on their ranch and fill it up with Prairie Grass or refill it with hay; they can place down some naturally grown Prarie Grass on their lot; or they can even Hand Feed horses once they've gotten to Level 4 of the Temperament Skill.

Players taking care of a foal in The Sims 4 will need a little more patience since they won't know how to eat by themselves right away. Sims should teach foals to eat Prairie Grass directly or show them how to get food from the animal feeder, but they must reach Temperament Skill Level 4 in order to learn how to eat for themselves.

Players can also bottle feed them by selecting the Horse Care option in the social menu. They'll have to resort to this option when foals aren't in a good mood and refuse to learn how to eat from a grass patch or the feeder.

Hygiene Needs

taking care of horse hoofs and cleaning coat

Horses are relatively easy to deal with when it comes to their hygiene. Players can hover the cursor over the animal to check their hygiene stat, and once they start to become dirty, they should have a Sim brush their coat and clean their hooves if they're an adult. Both of these options are available in the Horse Care social menu, and they don't require the Sim to get any additional objects - this can be done anywhere at any time.

Gamers should check their horses' beds regularly, as they tend to get slightly dirty within a couple of days, and not long afterward, they'll become filthy.

Social Needs

two foals bonding horse ranch

Horses are social creatures, and they require a moderate amount of attention in order to be happy, especially if they have the Needy trait.

In order to keep a horse socially happy, players should be sure to have their Sims interact with them often. On top of this, they should also use the "Encourage to Socialize With..." friendly interaction to make it so their horse becomes friends with other ranch animals, making it easier for the horse to improve their social needs by itself.

Fun Needs

foal playing with horse ball

Sometimes horses might get bored when their fun stat gets too low. The best way to encourage them to have fun is to purchase the Hay Now! One Big Ball item in Build Mode and have them play with it. It's a simple and cheap solution, and players can do this by simply interacting with the ball and telling their horse to use it.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: The Sims 4: Horse Ranch Create-A-Sim (CAS) Guide