Thanks to The Sims 4 update, many new features have been added. The Cottage Living Expansion Pack introduced a whole new world for players who enjoy activities like farming, milking cows, collecting eggs, and most importantly, helping people.

Now in the recent World of Henford-on-Bagley in The Sims 4, particularly in FinchwickTown, reside several Sims searching for someone to help with their errands. To do this daily task, Simmers have to find their locations and get acquainted with them first.

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How To Get Errands In The Sims 4

how to get errands in the sims 4

To see if the Sim requires any help to complete errands, players need to make their characters introduce themselves. It can be any introduction except for the Mean one, as it will cause negative Moodlets.

career panel location in the Sims 4

After the introduction, simply choose the Friendly category and search for the Offer Help With Errands option. Sometimes it appears when Simmers select a Sim and other times it requires a little searching. After asking them, a list of all possible errands will pop up and players can choose up to three. Keep in mind that they refresh every day. The accepted errands can be found in the Career Panel.

In total, there are seven Sims that have errands. Finding them is not that hard as they're always seen hanging around in Finchwick market next to the Garden and Grocery Stalls. Completing errands rewards players with a variety of stuff like Simoleons, upgrade parts, Fertilizer, and many more. Additionally, with every finished errand, the villagers become more welcoming to the players.

Who Can Give Errands In The Sims 4

Rahul chopra and kim goldbloom in the Sims 4

As mentioned before, there are seven Sims who can give errands to players: Agatha Crumplebottom, Agnes Crumplebottom, Kim Goldbloom, Lavina Chopra, Rahul Chopra, Michael Bell, and Sara Scott.

Agatha Crumplebottom

agatha Crumplebottom in the Sims 4

Agatha Crumplebottom is the Garden Shop Co-owner in Finchwick market. Agatha is a sweetheart who considers herself a cupid. So, in her free time, she loves to hear juicy gossip from her Sims neighbors.

After hearing the gossip, Agatha tries as hard as she can to reunite any broken lovers. And that's where the players come in. Most of the time she'll send them on errands to either be a matchmaker or to help sell her products. They need to keep helping her until she's satisfied.

Agnes Crumplebottom

Agnes Crumplebottom in the sims 4

Agnes Crumplebottom is also a Co-owner of the Garden Shop in Finchwick market. She and Agatha are cousins and help each other run the stall. Although both are related, their personality is the complete opposite. Agnes despises romantic interactions because of the death of her husband on their honeymoon.

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So, if two Sims are doing anything romantic, she won't hesitate to smack them with her purse. She did it in The Sims, and now she's doing it again in The Sims 4. Other than beating innocent Sims, she likes Cross Stitching and, ironically, listening to romantic music.

Kim Goldbloom

Kim goldbloom in the Sims 4

Kim Goldbloom runs the Grocery Shop in Finchwick market. She sells fresh products every day like eggs and milk. Whenever someone buys from her stall, Kim enjoys striking up a conversation to learn about her customers' lives.

Other than the stall, Simmers can also meet her if they ordered any groceries by using the phone. Outside of Kim's career, she has a huge crush on Michael, which is another NPC that offers errands. Sadly, he's in love with another.

Lavina Chopra

lavina chopra in the Sims 4

Lavina Chopra is the Mayor of Henford-on-Bagley as well as the mother of Rahul. One of her jobs as mayor is to judge entries in the weekly Finchwick Fair. She considered it her job to welcome players into the village by giving them errands that'll help them blend with the neighbors.

Rahul Chopra

Rahul chopra in the Sims 4

Rahul Chopra works as a Grocery Deliverer for the Garden Shop. His mother, Lavina Chopra, is the village's mayor. Rahul is in a romantic relationship with Rashidah Watson. Ironically, she is the daughter of Rahmi, Lavina's ex-lover.

Michael Bell

Micheal bell in the Sims 4

Michael Bell is known as the Creature Keeper in Henford-on-Bagley. His house can't be accessed like normal Sims houses, as he lives in a cottage alone in The Bramblewood forests. Michael's job is to watch over and protect the wild animals in the Henford World. He seems to be smitten with Cecilia Kang who's another NPC. Unfortunately, she dislikes him because of their awkward first date.

Sara Scott

Sarah scott

Sara Scott is the owner of The Gnome's Arms, a Sims 4 pub in Henford-on-Bagley. She is happily married to her sweetheart, Simon Scott, and is planning to have a baby. It is clear how much they love each other, especially since Simon left everything important in the city and chose to live with Sara in Henford-on-Bagley.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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