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The Sims 4: Growing Together expansion pack introduces various features that aim to enhance the gaming experience by adding meaningful interactions between Sims. These additions cater to Sims of all ages and include milestones, social and family dynamics, and unique features such as Infants and Toddlers getting new quirks, and adult Sims experiencing midlife crises and work rivals. To ensure that kids are not left behind, the expansion pack introduces 4 new child-only aspirations called Multiskill aspirations that focus on their growth while they learn new skills.

Related: The Sims 4: Growing Together Complete Guide

Furthermore, children Sims in The Sims 4 now have a new confidence meter that functions similarly to a trait. However, unlike other traits, it is dynamic and can change as children engage in various activities during their growth. As they age up, this confidence meter can have a significant impact on how they behave, making it an essential aspect for caretaker Sims and players to monitor. By paying attention to their children Sims' growth and milestones, players can help them achieve their full potential and become confident, well-rounded individuals.

Sources for this article and its images include and Growing Together Trailers and Official Livestream.

The Confidence Meter

The Sims 4 Growing Together Confidence Levels Low Neutral High

Once a toddler ages up to a Child, or a new Child Sim is created in CAS, it may take a few Sim hours for their confidence meter to appear. Child Sims typically start with a neutral confidence level, even though they may have already begun to gain confidence as infants or toddlers. Throughout their growth, their confidence can either improve or decrease, based on the actions they perform. Although the confidence level only becomes settled by the teenage years, they will still experience certain moodlets based on their current confidence level as a child. It is important to note that the confidence meter differs from the Character Values introduced in The Sims 4 Parenthood Expansion Pack. Character Values only become settled after Sims age up to young adults, and only then do they gain traits and interactions based on their Character Values. In total, there are 3 confidence levels:

Confidence Level

In-Game Description

High Confidence

Sims with High Confidence have learned to believe in themselves. They become confident more easily, even when learning from mistakes. However, they can still be hurt when criticized. High Confidence becomes High Self-Esteem when aging into a teen.

Neutral Confidence

Sims with Neutral Confidence are still figuring it out how they feel about their own capabilities. They can be easily encouraged or discouraged when gaining or losing confidence. A Sim with a neutral will have neither High nor Low Self-Esteem when aging into a teen.

Low Confidence

Sims with Low Confidence are at a higher risk of receiving a Fear of Being Inferior, they get stressed when losing confidence, and they become embarrassed when a caregiver criticizes them. Support means everything to these Sims. If not addressed, Low Confidence becomes Low Self-Esteem when aging into a teen.

How To Get High Confidence

ridin a bike around san sequoia

Similar to how Character Values are gained, players can observe child Sims gaining confidence through a small text that appears above their head whenever an activity that affects their confidence level is performed. A green text that reads "Confidence +" will indicate a boost in confidence, while a red text that reads "Confidence -" will indicate a decrease in confidence. There are several factors that can impact a child's confidence level, such as their success in interactions, skill gain, and school performance. Additionally, the interactions and treatment they receive from their caregivers can have a significant impact on their confidence levels. Lastly, moods also play a role in a child's confidence level, as positive moods such as "Confident" can boost it, while negative moods such as "Embarrassed" can decrease it.

Related: The Sims 4: How to Build a Treehouse

Gaining confidence for child Sims can be a straightforward process as long as players pay attention to certain factors. One of the most important things players can do is to make sure that their children Sims' needs are well-maintained, such as fulfilling their hunger, hygiene, and social needs. Additionally, players can focus on their children's aspirations and milestones, as well as ensuring they do well at school by completing homework and attending school regularly. Caregiver interactions are also crucial, and players can make sure to avoid criticizing their children Sims and instead offer support and help them learn new things. By focusing on these factors, players can help their child Sims maintain high levels of confidence as they grow up, allowing them to become confident and well-adjusted adults. While gaining confidence can require effort and attention, it is ultimately a rewarding experience as players watch their Sims grow and thrive.

Reward Traits For Child Confidence

The Sims 4 Growing Together Confidence Reward Traits

When a child reaches their teen years, they will be rewarded with specific traits based on their confidence level. Sims with high confidence will receive a reward trait that reflects their positive outlook, while those with low confidence will receive a trait that reflects their struggles. However, if a child reaches their teen years with a neutral confidence level, they will not receive any new traits.

Related: The Sims 4: Growing Together - How to Power Walk

These reward traits remain with the Sims as they age up to become adults and elders, and can have a significant impact on their careers and social interactions. For example, Sims with the High Self-Esteem reward trait will receive random moodlets based on their confidence level. One of these moodlets, "I Believe in Myself," not only boosts the Sim's confidence but also gives them a sparkly animation around their body for a certain amount of time. Overall, these reward traits provide an additional layer of depth and personality to the Sims' development throughout their lives.

Reward Trait

In-Game Description

High Self-Esteem

These Sims regularly become confident, even when failing to gain skills or succeed at work. They are also less likely to develop a fear of failure.

Low Self-Esteem

These Sims become tense when they fail to gain skills or don't succeed in their career. They are also at a high risk of developing a fear of failure.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S