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The Growing TogetherSims 4 expansion pack has added some much-needed realism content to the game. Despite it focusing mostly on family gameplay, it also added some features that will have consequences on all sorts of relationships. Sims now have compatibility ranks with each other, and this influences how easy it is for them to get along.

Related: The Sims 4: Growing Together Complete Guide

This guide will go over every single aspect of this new Sims 4 dynamic, and show gamers explain everything they need to know about this new system.

Compatibility System

compatibility system in-game

The compatibility system was introduced to The Sims 4 along with two additional Likes and Dislikes categories: the Conversation Topics category and the Sim Characteristics category. Players can now set whether their Sims enjoy or dislike a certain conversation topic, and they can also decide if a Sim is fond or not of a certain characteristic trait in other Sims.

When it comes to compatibility, the only thing in the Likes and Dislikes menu that matters is the Sim Characteristics category. If a Sim likes a certain trait of another Sim, it'll increase their compatibility, and the opposite will decrease it. There are four compatibility rankings:

  • Awful compatibility - both Sims dislike each other's personality traits.
  • Bad compatibility - one Sim dislikes the other's personality traits.
  • Good compatibility - both Sims like each other's personality traits.
  • Amazing compatibility - one Sim likes the other's personality traits.

How To Check Sim Compatibility

In order to see how compatible two Sims are, they must have at least interacted with one another at least once. Then, the player has to open the Relationship menu in the bottom right corner and find the Sim with whom they'd like to check compatibility. They can either hover over the puzzle pieces that appear over the Sim's profile or they can select them and open their Sim profile, and in this case, the compatibility information will appear under the Relationship section.

If there isn't enough information when it comes to preferences from both parties, there will be no compatibility indicator; setting at least three preferences should be enough, depending on the Sim.

exercising sims 4

As Sims go through certain experiences in their lives, they might obtain or swap out new traits (Self Discovery traits), and since they modify the Sim's personality, it can also influence compatibility between two Sims - either in a negative or positive way.

Available Sim Characteristics

sim setting their trait preferences in-game and doing activities

There are 18 choices in the Sim Characteristic category, but players don't have to set whether they like or dislike them all.

Sim Characteristics

Trait Likes

Trait Dislikes

Ambitionless Sims

  • Lazy
  • Slob
  • Ambitious

Argumentative Sims

  • Hot-Headed
  • Mean
  • Evil
  • Good

Cerebral Sims

  • Genius
  • Geek
  • Bookworm
  • Creative
  • Goofball

Egotistical Sims

  • Snob
  • Materialistic
  • Good

Emotional Decision-Makers

  • Hot-Headed
  • Jealous
  • Non-Committal
  • Self-Assured

Family-Motivated Sims

  • Family-Oriented
  • Childish
  • Hates Children

Funny Sims

  • Goofball
  • Snob

Hard-Working Sims

  • Ambitious
  • Perfectionist
  • Neat
  • Lazy
  • Slob

High Energy Sims

  • Active
  • Lazy

Homebody Sims

  • Loner
  • Bookworm
  • Clumsy
  • Active
  • Loves Outdoors

Idealist Sims

  • Creative
  • Art Lover
  • Music Lover
  • Genius

Nature Enthusiasts

  • Loves Outdoors
  • Vegetarian
  • Lazy

Optimistic Sims

  • Cheerful
  • Good
  • Gloomy

Pessimistic Sims

  • Gloomy
  • Jealous
  • Hates Children
  • Cheerful

Pet Enthusiasts

  • Dog Lover
  • Cat Lover
  • Animal Enthusiast
  • Evil


  • Goofball
  • Kleptomaniac
  • Mean
  • Snob

Romance Enthusiasts

  • Romantic
  • Noncommittal

Spirited Sims

  • Outgoing
  • Bro
  • Cheerful
  • Gloomy

The Sims 4 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

More: Sims 4: Everything You Need To Know About Milestones