The gaming experience of The Sims 4 only gets better with time as there is a myriad of intriguing and exciting things for players to explore. Players can immerse themselves in the virtual world and engage their Sims in activities like baking, decorating the house, and enticing careers.

Players can thoroughly enjoy the fun and relaxing hobbies the game offers. Among the various hobbies in The Sims 4, the collection and breeding of Frogs is an engaging pastime. By collecting and/or breeding frogs, players can also fulfill the Frog Fanatic Scenario in Sims 4. This article will shed light on collecting the frogs in the game.

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Where to Find Frogs

frogs location in the sims 4

In The Sims 4, the frogs are bi-furcated into three; common, uncommon, and unique species subject to how conveniently Sims can locate and grab them.

Sims can find frogs at places listed below:

  1. Sims can go out of the door and try to look for frogs underneath the logs or in the water pumps.
  2. Frogs can most likely be found at nearby ponds or parks. Ponds at Willows Creek have rare frogs in them.
  3. Sims can also make a pond in the lawn using the Build option.
  4. Sims that have the Nature aspiration will also have the collector reward trait and this helps in finding the unusual frogs.

After Sims have found and bagged frogs, they can be found in the inventory.

Types of Frogs in Sims 4

Every frog comprises sole type and sole peculiarity and these determine the specie of frogs.

Frog Type

Possible Peculiarities











How to Breed Frogs

Breeding process for frogs is a straightforward and manageable as players only need 2 frogs to get started. Players can follow these steps to complete the process.

  • Select a frog and choose Breed.
  • An option to choose which frog to breed will be displayed and players can select one as per their preference.
  • Players can perform the breeding process at frequent intervals but, will have to stand by four in-game hours before another attempt.
  • To breed a particular frog, players have to identify the frog that is not the collection and then amalgamate two frogs from every group of breeds.

Managing The Frogs

using frog as bait in the sims 4

There is a chance that frogs grow in abundance and players might think about how to manage all those frogs. Fortunately, there are various choices available.


Sims can earn a good amount by selling frogs as a few of the frogs are almost valued at 100 Simoleons. Click on Sell after selecting a frog.


Sims can put up frogs for display anywhere in the house and gain noteworthy +3 Environment rating boost.


Although, Sims can treat themselves with a frog dish, but they must be at level 7 of Cooking Skill in order to cook a frog dish.

Fishing Bait

If Sims have unlocked level 3 of Fishing skill, they can utilize frogs as a snare to get a rare fish.

The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.