One of The Sims 4 packs offers gameplay that allows Simmers to become both Tenants and Landlords. As Tenants, players can navigate the dynamic environment of sharing a lot, where they need to stick by the rules to avoid a just or unjust eviction.

Alternatively, players can become Landlords in The Sims 4: For Rent, managing from one to six Residential Units. The journey to becoming a successful Landlord is challenging as players must get Tenants by enhancing their Residential Unit ratings. The expansion pack amplifies Simmers’ Build Mode experience by enabling the creation of joint houses that can be shared with other Sims.

Everything Included in The Sims 4: For Rent Expansion Pack

The Sims 4: For Rent brings a unique aspect to residential lots, with being able to build apartments, become a landlord and more.

How To Fill A Residential Unit In The Sims 4: For Rent

how to get tenants for a residential unit in the sims 4 for rent

To fill a Residential Unit with Tenants, Simmers will have to:

  • Go to the Owned Businesses Tab, represented by a cash register icon in the bottom left corner of the screen
  • Choose the desired rental apartment
  • Press Fill Vacancy

If Simmers forgot to set their Lease Agreement before, now they can do so by setting the Residential Unit Rent per day, Lease Length, and Unit rules. Next:

  • Select Tenants
  • Pick the renter that matches the apartment’s agreement
  • Click done

After the Agreement is approved by both sides, Simmers won’t be able to change the Lease Length.

How To Increase A Residential Unit Rating in The Sims 4: For Rent

how to increase a residential unit rating in the sims 4 for rent

To increase a Residential Unit rating, Simmers needs to fulfill all the Tenant Agreement requirements, which are:

  • Size
  • Amenities
  • Environment
  • Maintenance
how to decrease a residential unit rating in the sims 4 for rent

Players should also note that these factors will affect the rented apartment's rating negatively:

  • Increasing the rent after assigning a Tenant
  • Evicting Tenants unjustly
  • Stealing from Tenants
  • Breaking into a neighbor's house and snooping around their business
  • Ignoring the Tenants' Revolts and Maintenance demands


how to increase residential unit size in the sims 4 for rent

In The Sims 4, players can construct up to six Units within each Residential Rental. Each Residential Unit accommodates eight Sims, allowing for a maximum of 48 Sims on a Residential Rental lot.

Residential Units come in diverse sizes and shapes in The Sims 4: For Rent. Players can build as small as a single square room, but be mindful because smaller Unit sizes result in lower ratings and vice versa.


how to increase residential unit amenities in the sims 4 for rent

Amenities are all the Sims' basic and extra necessities in The Sims 4: For Rent. To increase this requirement from Basic to Luxury, Simmers must add beds, toilets, fridges, appliances, showers or bathtubs, activity, and skill-based items to their Residential Units. Assigning such requirements as a shared Unit can cause all Units' rates to increase as the addition will be divided among all Units equally.


how to increacse residential unit environment in the sims 4 for rent

To boost the Residential Unit rating from Lacking to Fancy, players must select the items with the Environment attribute in The Sims 4 Build Mode. Once Simmers chooses their preferred Clutter items, they can decorate the soon-to-be rented apartment to enhance the ambiance and elevate its overall appeal.


how to raise residential unit maintenance with social events in the sims 4 for rent

The Maintenance category is the most tricky to accomplish because it does not require Tenants nor the Landlord to maintain their Unit's cleanliness. It's actually all about hosting Social Events in the Lot to increase The Sims 4 Residential Rental rating.

how to raise residential unit maintenance in the sims 4 for rent

Besides Social Events in The Sims 4, Simmers must handle Live Emergency and Maintenance Events to solve their Tenants' complaints. Players have the option to personally resolve the issues or hire a cheap or expensive contractor. Positive conversations, occasional Unit inspections, and maintenance, will boost the Residential rating and improve the Tenants’ Landlord relationship.

Meeting all the criteria will earn Simmers a five-star rating for their Residential Units, leading to higher rent and increased demand from Tenants.

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The Sims 4

PS4 , Xbox One , PC
September 2, 2014