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Introduced in The Sims 4, emotions are a fun and unique gameplay feature that brings the Sims to life. Sims' emotions constantly fluctuate and are affected by life events, social interactions, traits, and more. Emotional states change how Sims negatively and positively approach activities and interactions. Emotions are a direct response to Moodlets, which consist of a cause, effect, emotion, and time frame.

For example, Sims who have a low Social need can get the Moodlet Lonely, which has an effect of +1 sad for four hours or until players increase their Social needs. However, one sad Moodlet doesn't mean their emotion will change to sad if they have three happy Moodlets.

RELATED: The Best Trait Mods To Bring Life To Your Sims

Most emotions have two stages: the original and increased state of the original emotion. This means that a Sim can be happy, and if they get more happy Moodlets, they can enter the next stage: very happy. However, some emotions have three levels, with the final resulting in an emotional death if left unchecked for too long. Luckily, there are methods to decrease or increase emotions as needed through actions or items.

Emotions are a huge part of the Sims' personalities and life experiences, so understanding all their effects and causes can be a huge help in planning playthroughs and building storylines. This guide covers everything players need to know about emotions in The Sims 4.

All Sim Emotions


The Sims 4 (3)

Sims with the fine emotion don't feel anything in particular. It is neither good nor bad and can be considered a blank slate type of emotion. Sims can reach a Fine state if they aren't completing actions, participating in an activity, or experiencing world effects.

The fine emotion is also tied to being Emotionally Mindful. Becoming Emotionally Mindful, introduced in the Snowy Escape Expansion pack, occurs after completing relaxing activities such as fishing, taking a mindful walk, or painting.

Players can also do wellness activities such as yoga, spa activities, and meditation that come with the Spa Day Game pack. After getting a +10 effect on the Emotionally Mindful Moodlet, the Sim will earn the Controlled Emotion Moodlet and can surge into any desired emotion.


The Sims 4 (4)

Next Stage: Very Happy

Happy Sims are content with life. It is easier to complete activities and social interactions while experiencing the happy emotion. Being happy also boosts all other positive emotions a Sim has. Making a Sim happy can be done in quite a few ways. The simplest is ensuring all their needs are full to get a high-needs Moodlet. More ways to trigger happiness include but aren't limited to:

  • Successful social interactions
  • Listening to a Sim's favorite type of music
  • Enjoying good food
  • Exciting life events such as pregnancy, promotion, engagement, and more
  • Having the Cheerful trait


how to get inspired in the sims 4

Next Stage: Very Inspired

Inspired Sims are more successful in their creative endeavors and creations. Painting, writing, cooking, playing instruments, and crafting come more naturally to them. Inspired Sims also get skill boosts when doing creative tasks. Here are the ways to make a Sim inspired:

  • View art
  • Cloud/star gazing
  • Watching cooking shows if Sims have the Foodie trait
  • Having the Creative trait


The Sims 4 Confident

Next Stage: Very Confident

Sims that are confident have an easier time with social and professional or academic tasks. Confident actions like schmoozing their boss or using a bold pick-up line become available to Sims. Charisma also gets a skill-building boost whenever Sims are in the state. A comical effect of confidence is allowing Sims to pee like a champion when clicking on the toilet. Sims can become confident in a few ways, including:

  • Practicing speaking in front of a mirror
  • Brushing teeth
  • Creating masterpieces when painting, writing, making music
  • Completing successful repairs
  • Life events like getting fit, winning a fight, getting a promotion, and more
  • Having the Self-Assured trait


The Sims 4 Energized

Next Stage: Very Energized

The Energized emotional state means Sims are feeling high energy and are ready to get active. Sims in sporty careers such as Body Builder or Athletes can most take advantage of this emotion. Whenever Sims are energized, they have quicker Fitness skill gains when working out, their Energy need depletes at a slower rate, and they get energized themed actions and social interactions. Sims get energized by the following:

  • drinking caffeinated drinks
  • eating high-protein meals
  • exercising
  • having the Active trait


The Sims 4 Flirty

Next Stage: Very Flirty

Romance and feeling flirty go hand-in-hand in The Sims 4. Flirty Sims are more likely to use Romantic social interactions when conversing with Sims they are attracted to. They are also more successful with these interactions. Here are other ways to make a Sim flirty:

  • Watching romantic shows
  • Having flirty conversations
  • Freshening up in the mirror
  • Being near a crush, boyfriend/girlfriend, or spouse
  • Having the Romantic trait


The Sims 4 Playful

Next Stage: Very Playful, Hysterical

Of the three emotions with deadly consequences, Playful is the only positive one. Playful Sims are in good humor and usually suffer from a fit of the giggles. Furthermore, all their jokes are landing, and they are having good ol' fashioned fun with what they're doing. Comedy and Mischief skill gain is boosted whenever Sims are playful.

However, if they get too many playful Moodlets, Sims can become hysterical. When a Sim is hysterical for too long, they will die - so there is the possibility of laughing themselves to death. Players can avoid this by selecting the try to calm down option in a mirror. Sims will feel Playful from the following:

  • Playing games
  • Watching comedy
  • Telling jokes
  • Having the Goofball trait


The Sims 4 Focused

Next Stage: Very Focused

Becoming focused is a recipe for wellness, academic, and professional success in The Sims 4. Focused Sims are sharp and pay attention to detail when working on projects and assignments. Handy activities like woodworking or items repair and upgrades are easier for Sims when focused. Sims also get a boost in Logic skill gain. The following things make Sims focused:

  • Practicing chess
  • Wellness activities like yoga and meditation
  • Using a telescope/microscope
  • Reading books
  • Studying
  • Getting help with homework (Children and Teens only)
  • Having the Genius trait


The Sims 4 Dazed

Dazed is more of a state of well-being rather than an emotion. A somewhat negative feeling, being dazed means a Sim got into something that has left them feeling woozy and unsteady. As a result, dazed Sims have trouble completing basic tasks. Nevertheless, dazed doesn't have lasting consequences, and the feeling will pass in a few hours. Sims can become dazed from the following:

  • Losing a fight
  • Electrocution
  • Get abducted by aliens
  • Crash a rocket ship
  • Drinking too much caffeine
  • Taking medicine when healthy


The Sims 4 Bored

Bored Sims are not enjoying their activity and will not want to do anything they don't consider fun. Children and Teens are more likely to get Bored faster than in other life stages. It's a simple emotional state triggered by the following:

  • Repetitive social interactions
  • Watching bad movies
  • Doing an activity for too long
  • Reading a skill book below a Sim's level


The Sims 4 Sad

Next Stage: Very Sad

Feeling sad is an almost unavoidable part of any Sim's life. It is one of the few emotions that can stick around for days. Sad Sims are prone to isolate themselves and struggle with social interactions. They will also express their emotion in their walk and cry randomly. Players can lessen the effects and the length of sad Moodlets by crying in bed, talking it out, journaling, calling the Sadness Hotline, or grieving. Reasons a Sim gets sad include but aren't limited to:

  • A pet running away
  • A loved one dying
  • Break-ups and divorce
  • Academic and professional failure


The Sims 4 Angry

Next Stage: Very Angry, Enraged

Angry Sims have short fuses; once they're mad, they don't care who they take it out on. When Sims are angry, they have issues with building skills or social interactions. It is also noticeable in their walk, so players can steer their Sims clear of raging Sims.

However, Sims shouldn't stay angry and lose control because they can become enraged. If a Sim is enraged for too long, they will die. Cold showers and self-calming are the best techniques to help a Sim decrease anger. Things that can make a Sim angry include the following:

  • Argumentative social interactions
  • Witnessing a cheating spouse
  • Being around an enemy
  • Getting pranked
  • Having the Hot-Headed and High Maintenance traits


The Sims 4 Embarrassed

Next Stage: Very Embarrassed, Mortified

Embarrassment is hard for Sims to handle. They get awkward and social interactions are almost impossible. Sims who let their shame get out of hand are also at risk of hitting its third stage, mortified, and dying. The best ways to lessen this emotion are to hide under bed covers, use embarrassed social interactions, or have a self-assuring pep talk in a mirror. These are a few ways Sims can get embarrassed:

  • Unsuccessful social interactions
  • Bladder accidents
  • Invasions of privacy, like walking in on a sim in the bathroom and vice versa
  • Professional failure


The Sims 4 Uncomfortable

Next Stage: Very Uncomfortable

Sims can be uncomfortable for various reasons, but low needs are the most common. Whenever they feel this way, they won't be able to do specific actions. It can be remedied by taking care of their essential needs like Hunger, Energy, and Hygiene. Other things that make Sims uncomfortable include the following:

  • Using cheap items
  • Dirty surroundings
  • Eating spoiled food
  • Nausea from illness or pregnancy


The Sims 4 Tense

Next Stage: Very Tense

Tense Sims are feeling very highly stressed and need fun or relaxation. These Sims feel one second away from exploding and reaching their limit. Being tense also slows down skill-building and prevents Sims from doing certain activities. Often, the main culprit behind the tense emotion is a low Fun need. Other things that bring this on include the following:

  • Not completing hobbies that are encouraged from traits. EX. An Active Sim will get tense if they don't work out regularly
  • Working hard at school or work
  • Stressful life events


The Sims 4 Scared

Next Stage: Terrified

Sims, just like humans, get scared of lots of things. When this happens, they cannot focus on doing much other than running around in fear or panic. Scared Sims aren't able to sleep at all either. Toddlers and children are more prone to this emotion, but after the Paranormal Stuff Pack dropped, it increased the things that scare older life stages. The things that scare Sims include the following:

  • Thunderstorms
  • Living on a Haunted House Residential lot
  • Nightmares for Toddlers and Children
  • Children discover a monster under their bed

Quick Ways to Change Emotions

Utilize Lot Traits

The Sims 4 Lot Traits

Sims aren't the only thing in Sims 4 that can have traits. Lots can have up to three traits that create passive effects, including shifting emotions. To access the Lot Traits and Challenges, open Build/Buy and click on the house icon on the top left side of the screen. Lot traits that affect emotions include the following:

Lot Trait

Emotional Effect

Bracing Breezes


Mean Vibe


Romantic Aura


Sunny Aspect

Happy, Inspired, Energized

Use the Tea Magic Personal Brewer

The Sims 4 Tea Magic Personal Brewer

Drinking specific teas from the Tea Magic Personal Brewer will immediately change a Sim's emotion. Here are all the teas and their effects:

Tea Name

Emotional Effect

Healthy Green Tea


Early Grey, Hot Tea


Pitch Black Tea


Run Oolong Tea


Steamy Ginseng Tea


Calming Chamomile Tea

Decreases Anger

Take a Shower

The Sims 4 Shower

Showers are in-game items that can change emotions with direct interaction. There are multiple kinds of showers that Sims can take that will push them into a specific emotional state. Emotional showers and their effects include the following:

Type of Shower

Emotional Effect

Brisk Shower


Thoughtful Shower


Steamy Shower


Bubble Bath


Cold Shower

Decreases Anger and Flirty

Visit the Rewards Store

The Sims 4 Rewards Store

The Rewards Store is a feature that rewards players for completing Sims' wants (previously known as whims) by giving them Satisfaction points that can be spent on valuable traits, items, and elements. To access the Reward Store, click on a Sims Aspiration tab and click the gift icon. Reward items that change or affect emotions include the following:


Emotional Effect


Confident Potion



Energized Potion



Flirty Potion



Focused Potion



Happy Potion



Inspired Potion



Moodlet Solver

Remove all negative Moodlets


Storm Chaser

Happy during storms



Never get embarrassed



Makes other Sims Flirty



Never get Tense


The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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