The Sims 4 has quietly grown into a massive experience. The base game itself is packed with unique content for players to create their own social experience, but the DLC released post-launch combined with the community's thriving modding scene makes The Sims 4 an incredible platform for creativity. The latest examples come from one of The Sims 4's many content creators, but one that's clearly quite talented. They've created several scenes in The Sims 4 directly inspired by Dragon Age:Inquisition.

Visual architect KawaiiFoxita recently shared several of her Dragon Age: Inquisition-inspired creations on Twitter, where they've drawn the attention of fans across the world. Even BioWare's Twitter account gave her post a like. KawaiiFoxita has taken scenes from Dragon Age: Inquisition and recreated them using tools available to her in The Sims 4, as well as some custom creations from The Sims 4 modder GhostGarrison.

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The post from KawaiiFoxita that draw a lot of attention from Dragon Age fans features four images. The first image is a replica of the Dragon Age: Inquisition postcard for Sera's Nook, featuring a beautiful indoor location with tall windows, pillows spread across cushioned seats, piles of books and paintings, and plenty more rich detail. It's not a 1:1 recreation, of course, which makes it all the more impressive given the limited amount of content available in The Sims 4.

The remaining three images are from other Dragon Age: Inquisition locations, including one in the wilderness overlooking a mysterious door, a second showing a showing town and inn, and a third within some overgrown ruins featuring a statue of a wolf. All the images are rendered in impressive detail and could easily be mistaken as genuine locations within Dragon Age: Inquisition.

While just the single tweet with four new images from KawaiiFoxita have been going around on social media, she's created many more Dragon Age-inspired pieces in The Sims 4. One of her more recent shares is a Dalish Camp, which includes some of the Dalish's red-sailed wagons. There's even a white stag nibbling nearby.

KawaiiFoxita doesn't share her creations for others to download, it seems, preferring instead to keep the secret of her unique staging style. Fans will simply have to enjoy the images she shares on Twitter for what they are - an impressive showcase of what The Sims 4 is capable of in the right hands.

The Sims 4 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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