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In The Sims 4: Discover University, Sims get the full college experience, including dorm living, athletics, final exams, and school organizations. Players can choose between two schools: The Foxbury Institute and Britechester University. Each has its own set of organizations, but Sims can join a secret society regardless of their school.

The secret society has all kinds of unique gameplay and rewards, unlike some of the standard organizations. Otherworldly aspects exist in their meetings, including a hidden location only found by those aware of its existence. Sims must also be invited if they want to join the secret society. So, this guide covers everything players need to know to join the secret society in The Sims 4: Discover University.

RELATED: The Sims 4: Discover University Complete Guide

What Are Discover University Societies

Student organizations or societies are groups with a specific focus that Sims can join to spend time with like-minded people and work on skills, university coursework, and more. Organizations have rankings similar to afterschool activities in high school, and each rank has its rewards.

There are seven university organizations in total. Britechester has the Art Society, the Britechester Spirit Corps, and the Debate Guild. Foxbury Institute's organizations include the Bot Savants, The Brainiacs, and the Foxbury Spirit Squad. In addition, both universities feature the same secret society called the Order of Enchantment.

How to Join the Order of Enchantment

Unlike other societies where players can join from the Groups panel, the Order of Enchantment can only be entered through specific methods. First, Sims must be enrolled at one of the two universities. Then, they must find their university's central statue in the courtyard. Click on the statue and choose "Make Offering for Academic Success" to start the process of joining the secret society. Sims will then have to pick an item from their inventory to donate to the statue. Their choice of offering dictates whether they will be invited into the Order of Enchantment.

The Sims 4

Good offerings include rare crystals, metals, fish, and plants. Alternatively, Sims can cook Excellent Quality meals and baked goods. If the offering is accepted, an order member will visit the player's Sim the following night and extend an invitation to join the secret society. After accepting, players receive the Secret Society Robes and mask.

The Sims 4

The Order of Enchantment meets at a hidden location within Britechester's world. A bridge behind Pepper's Pub leads to a set of ruins, and to the left, there is a circular clearing with a rock in the center where secret society members meet. Sims can also interact with beings called Sprites that work similarly to gnomes and can be appeased or angered with gifts.

Order of Enchantment Ranks and Rewards

The Sims 4

There are three ranks in the Order of Enchantment, each with rewards. Sims must participate in meetings and perform organization interactions to increase their rank. The Order of Enchantment ranks are listed below:



New Member

  • Rank 1 Secret Society Robes and Mask

Seasoned Member

  • Unlocks Sprite Attack
  • Rank 2 Secret Society Robes and Mask

Senior Member

  • Unlocks the ability to cast powerful Sprites on themselves
  • Rank 3 Secret Society Robes and Mask

The Sims 4: Discover University is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.