
  • Traits in The Sims 4 define a Sim's personality needs and wants, offering deep gameplay customization and variety for players.
  • Expansion packs unlock exclusive traits, but high prices may steer players towards free mods that enhance gameplay without added costs.
  • New trait mods like emotional traits, hobby traits, and child-exclusive traits offer exciting opportunities to personalize and deepen Sim interactions.

Traits in The Sims 4 are core personality traits that make up a Sim's wants, needs, and desires. While there's a good amount of variety regarding base game traits, many are only accessible to players that purchase specific expansion packs. Now that the game is free-to-play, potential players might be wary of spending money to get a few more personality traits.

The Sims 4: Ranking Every Expansion Pack From Worst To Best

The Sims 4 has plenty of great expansion packs. Some of them really enhance the gameplay, while others fall just short of expectations.

With the cost of expansion packs so high, many will turn to the avid modding community to enhance their game for the low, low price of absolutely nothing. For these mods, in particular, Simmers will want to ensure they enable script mods in the game settings. Once that's been taken care of, players can use the best The Sims 4 Trait mods to fine-tune a Sim's personality.

Updated May 2nd, 2024, by Taylor Pittman: The Sims 4 has changed significantly over the years, with free updates, DLC, and the game becoming free to play. Mods and custom content are also huge in The Sims 4, and the mod community is always adding new gameplay and items to the game. Trait mods can greatly affect gameplay as Sims' personalities, actions, and goals are influenced by their traits. Simmers can create complex Sims with unique traits using mods to liven up their Sims and storylines. So, this article has been updated to include more of the best trait mods for The Sims 4.

1 5 New Traits

Created By jessienebulous

The Sims 4 5 New Trait Mods

Players can get five traits in jessienebulous's new trait pack mod. The traits include Charming, Dramatic, Gearheart, Space Cadet, and Insightful. Players can use all of these traits with the base game except for Dramatic, which requires the Get To Work Expansion pack.

Many of these traits will affect a Sim's interests and hobbies. Gearheart is a fun one, as it gives depth to Sims who want to be mechanics or builders. All the traits give Sims a boost in certain skills and have unique buffs and whims associated with them.

2 Seasons Traits

Created By Vicky Sims

The Sims 4 Seasons Traits

The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion pack added weather, holidays, and more to the base game. However, Simmers did not get any new traits with the pack, so Vicky Sims created the Seasons Trait mod. Sims can thrive during certain seasons with the mod - just like people do in real life. The mod includes six traits, all themed toward weather or time of day.

All traits in the mod (excluding Child of The Moon) require Seasons to work properly. For example, Sims can have the Child of Winter trait and receive positive moodlets skill gain boosts during the cold season.

3 Mega 16 Personality Traits Pack

Created By InsightBond

The Sims 4 Myers Brigg Mod

InsightBond created the Mega 16 Personality Traits based on the Myers & Briggs personality typing. The Myers & Briggs personality types are concluded based on someone's way of thinking and daily habits, so The Sims 4 is a perfect medium for players to experiment with them and give their Sims more depth.

The personality traits include things like ENFP The Champion and ENTJ The Commander, which reflect the typical behaviors associated with people with the personality type. The traits get special buffs, positive and negative moodlets, and social interactions. Players can also take the quiz for free if they are curious about their personal Myers & Briggs personality type.

4 Inborn Personality Mod V2

Created by Vicky Sims

inborn personality mod the sims 4

The Inborn Personality Mod by Vicky Sims works well with the new infant update and the Growing Together pack, as it emphasizes family dynamics and parenting. With this mod, children have the chance to inherit traits from their parents, making for more engaging family gameplay.

The mod works by setting a percentage chance for children to inherit traits from their parents. Child Sims with one parent with a trait will have a 20% chance of gaining a reward version of that trait, and child Sims with two parents with a trait will have a 40% chance of achieving that trait.

5 More Traits

Created By MapleBell

more traits maplebell sims 4

More Traits by MapleBell does what it says on the tin: it adds more traits to the base game. The mod adds twenty-one new traits that blend with the base game seamlessly: Serious, Stoic, Peaceful, Daredevil, Logical, Whimsical, Shy, Grumpy, Sexist, Generous, Sincere, Endurant, Unforgiving, Cowardly, Cunning, Hedonistic, Spoiled, Judgmental, Warm-Hearted, Heartless, and Pompous.

Each trait has unique moodlets and interactions that add significant depth to a Sims personality. The mod is so comprehensive that it might not even seem like it is there at all and is an absolute must for those looking for the best Sims 4 traits mods.

6 Baby/Toddler Trait Bundle

Created By Snowiii95

baby toddler trait bundle the sims 4

For those feeling as though babies and toddlers lack some key personality traits, The Baby/Toddler Trait Bundle by Snowii95 should come in handy. It adds seven new traits exclusive to the baby/toddler age range: Always Happy, Bookworm, Fast Learner, Bossy, Naive, Stranger Danger, and Creative.

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For players that want to improve their experience with the Legacy Challenge, check out these great mods

This simple mod goes a long way in making the gameplay for babies and toddlers feel that much more realistic. Paired with the infant update and the Growing Together expansion, this is a family Simmers dream.

7 Absent Emotion Traits Mod

Created By Vicky Sims

absent emotion traits sims 4

The Absent Emotion Traits Mod by Vicky Sims adds an interesting element to gameplay that could prove uniquely challenging. Sims with these traits will never experience the corresponding emotions. These traits can be primary traits or reward traits.

For example, Sims with the 'Lifeless' trait will never experience the emotions 'Energized' or 'Excited'. Sims with the 'Clearheaded' trait never get dazed, distracted, or confused. Sims with the Forbearing trait never experience pain, get uncomfortable, or even be tired. The potential for gameplay ideas is endless.

8 More Traits In CAS

Created By thepancake1 & MizoreYukii

sims 4 cas mode traits

Before downloading other mods, players might want to consider the More Traits in CAS trait expansion mod by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii. The Sims 4 typically only allows an adult Sim to have three traits, which can be incredibly limiting - especially when things like 'vegetarian' take up one of those precious slots.

This mod allows the Sim to have additional slots in CAS depending on their age. Elders, adults, and young adults can have five traits; teens can have four, children three, and toddlers two. This small change significantly improves the current system and expands Sim's personality depth.

9 Child Exclusive Traits

Created By Triplis

Screenshot of a child in The Sims 4.

Perfect for family Simmers, the Child Exclusive Traits mod by Triplis adds eight new traits exclusive to children in The Sims 4. Players have long complained about the lack of depth for the earlier life stages, but it's nothing talented modders can't fix. This mod provides variety to children's personalities and adds some extremes to spice up Sim stories.

The eight traits added are Bold, Fretful, Gigglemeister, Rocket, Sensitive, Sleuth, Sweetie, and Tattletale. The best part is that each trait directly corresponds to an in-game teen trait and an adult trait.

10 University Traits

Created By PimpMySims4

Split grid with two screenshots of The Sims 4's Discover University Pack.

The Sims 4 Discover University is an expansion pack that adds a new world, aspirations, jobs, and school system. It's safe to say that it added a lot of content to the game, but that hasn't stopped modders from making improvements.

Best Sims 4 Kits, Ranked

Players who want a bite-sized pack of new content in The Sims 4 should try Kits. Here are the best of them, ranked.

PimpMySims4 released the University Traits pack with five new traits tailored to university students as part of a series on 'Things Discover University is Missing'. This pack adds the following traits: Coffee Addict, Frat Boy, Sorority Girl, Studious, and Cognitively Impaired. Each trait interacts with Discover University the best, but they will function in-game without the expansion pack.

11 Misery Traits

Created By NateTheL0ser

Coral pink background with white text reading 'Misery Traits V3'. Next to the text is a cut out screenshot of three sims from The Sims 4.

Despite its potential to be a world without strife, many Simmers enjoy a little tension, drama, and upset in their Sims' world. For those players, the Misery Traits pack by NateTheL0ser adds a whole host of negative traits to play with.

This pack includes Alien Hater, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Hay Fever, Allergic to Cats, Allergic to Dogs, Hates Heat, Can't Stand Cold, Fame Jealous, Dry Skin, Chronic Headaches, Allergic to Magic, Asthmatic, and Hates Vampires. Each trait has unique negative buffs and moodlets that create a more exciting story and challenging gameplay.

12 Zodiac Signs

Created By InsightBond

Screenshot of The Sims 4 Create-A-Sim mode.

InsightBond has a comprehensive Zodiac Signs trait pack for the astrologically inclined Simmer. This pack comes with a trait for each of the twelve zodiac signs and unique interactions and Moodlets for each sign. Keen astrologers might even want to take advantage of the three trait slots to give their Sim a sun, moon, and ascending sign.

Each sign has unique social interactions: one Friendly and one Funny, 'Tell A Story Social.' Players can incorporate these traits into storytelling and gameplay in fascinating ways.

13 Emotional Traits

Created By Kutteo

Two Sims from The Sims 4 posing separately.

The Emotional Traits pack from modder Kuttoe elevates existing in-game traits and adds some emotion that the game might not have. All of these traits are available from ages child to elder and even add boosts to Character Values introduced in the Parenthood expansion pack. Perfect for the drama-oriented Simmer.

The Sims 4: 18 Most Expensive Mansions In The Gallery

The Sims 4 features a gallery of mansions that you can decide to live in but which one will cost you the most money?

The included traits are Arrogant, Calm, Coward, Daydreamer, Egghead, Insecure, Oblivious, Perky, Restless, and Stoic. Players can tell exciting stories and spice up their gameplay with these new, extreme traits.

14 Book Smart/Street Smart

Created By JaneSimsten

Blue background with the text 'Trait Set: Book Smart, Street Smart'.

The Book Smart/Street Smart trait pack may only come with two traits, but they add surprising interest and realism to the game. In real life, many people will know (or be) people who ace exams but don't know how to catch a bus and people that can navigate danger with incredible ease while lacking the basic knowledge of academic subjects.

Each trait learns different skills faster, naturally does better at specific jobs, gets positive buffs for certain activities, and finishes certain activities more quickly. For example, Book Smart Sims will improve with Lawyer, Writer, Engineer, Doctor, Teacher, and Scientist careers. On the other hand, Street Smart Sims will do better in Athlete, Secret Agent, Criminal, Actor, Detective, Military, and Gardener careers.

15 Dungeons And Dragons Alignments As Traits

Created By Emoria

A Sim imposed on a galaxy background with the text 'Lawful Good'

Both life simulators with entirely different styles, the intersection of Dungeons and Dragons players and The Sims 4 players is probably enormous. Dungeons and Dragons has a moral alignment system with nine options: Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Good, Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil.

The Dungeons and Dragons Alignments as Traits pack is perfect for Sims 4 players looking to recreate their characters in The Sims 4 to flesh out their personalities and looks. Each trait comes with interestingly thought-out buffs and interactions corresponding to moral alignment.

16 Hobby Traits

Created By Kuttoe

The Sims 4 Hobby Traits Mod

Another trait pack by Kuttoe, Hobby Traits, adds eight new traits to the game based on different hobbies and lifestyles. Most of these traits require Sims to participate regularly in their favorite activities to prevent them from becoming stressed. Each trait also comes with new Moodlets, custom social interactions, speech bubbles, and whims.

25 Of The Weirdest Sims 4 Mods

There are hundreds of mods that make Sims 4 a better game. However, some modifications are weird, from crazy hats to very loved up Sims. Check it out!

With this trait pack, players can add the following traits to their Sims: Artisan, Competitive, Horticulturist, Movie Buff, Scribe, Technophobe, Tinker, and Worldly. They can then experiment with different combinations to add exciting flavor to each Sim.

17 100 Base Game Traits

Created By Vicky Sims

Screenshot of a large amount of traits in The Sims 4.

The 100 Base Game Traits pack from Vicky Sims might be the best option for ultimate customizability. This mod is an absolute labor of love with a hundred unique traits to choose from, all with special buffs, interactions, and Moodlets.

These traits are split into five categories: emotional traits, social traits, relationship traits, physical traits, and talent/weakness traits. The player can have all traits available in create-a-sim from the beginning or, for a less cluttered experience, have all the traits in the rewards store instead.

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PS4 , Xbox One , PC
September 2, 2014