
  • Stand Still In CAS mod keeps Sims still for focused customization, eliminating distractions and enhancing precision and detail.
  • EA Eyelashes Remover mod offers natural eyelash options, enhancing realism and immersion in Sims appearance customization.
  • More Columns mod expands catalog options, reducing scrolling time and aiding in crafting unique Sims with ease and precision.

Creating Sims in The Sims 4 is one of the game's most enjoyable aspects; however, even with the extensive tools provided by the base game, players often seek out more customization options to bring their imaginative visions to life. This is where CAS (Create-A-Sim) mods come into play, offering a plethora of enhancements that expand the creative possibilities beyond the game's default settings.

10 Beginner Tips For CAS In The Sims 4

The Sims 4 allows players to fully customize their Sims through CAS, but it can be overwhelming for new players, so these are some great tips

Whether players are looking to refine their Sims' appearances, add more depth to their personalities, or simply streamline the creation process, these mods can transform the Sims experience. These mods will help players craft Sims that truly stand out and elevate their Sim-making skills to new heights.

12 Stand Still In CAS

Eliminate Disruptions For Uninterrupted Customization

Three stills from CAS mode with the Stand Still in CAS mod

Creating Sims in CAS can be a meticulous process, often requiring precision and attention to detail. However, navigating through continuous animations and idle movements can sometimes hinder the creative process. The Stand Still In CAS mod makes Sims stand perfectly still, allowing players to focus solely on their character's appearance, traits, and wardrobe, without the constant distraction of idle animations.

Gone are the days of frustration when attempting to switch between styled looks or adjust a Sim's physique. An additional part of this mod stops occult-type Sims — including mermaids, vampires, werewolves, spellcasters, and aliens — from performing their special animations like growling, howling, and scheming.

11 EA Eyelashes Remover

Dump The Bulky Default Lashes

A Sim with and without the default eyelashes, which can be achieved with the EA Eyelashes Remover mod for CAS

Enhance the realism of a Sims' appearance with the EA Eyelashes Remover mod, a transformative addition that eliminates the bulky default eyelashes that make it look like Sims slept in chunky mascara for days. Removing this small detail offers players the freedom to explore a wide range of custom content options for more natural and varied eyelash styles that look more authentic and enhance the game's immersion and realism.

The EA Eyelashes Remover mod ensures a smooth transition, allowing players to effortlessly refine their Sims' aesthetic without compromising on performance or functionality. Embrace a world of endless possibilities for lifelike eyelash styles, as this mod empowers Sim creators to tailor their Sim's appearance with greater precision and sophistication.

10 CAS Lighting

See Sims In A Different Light

Four different shades of modded CAS lighting, including the default, citylight, neutral torchlight, and golden lighting for the Create-a-Sim screen

Transform a Sim's appearance with the CAS Lighting mod, an essential addition for Create-A-Sim that introduces new lighting variants. This mod offers players the opportunity to view their Sims in a different light, both literally and figuratively. Options like Citylight, which bathes Sims in a captivating red and blue glow, and an angled Neutral Light effect, can create the perfect atmosphere for Sim creation. There are also spooky torchlight effects that enhance shadows.

The Sims 4: 18 Mods That Improve Teen Gameplay

Life as a teenager is full of drama and change. These mods for The Sims 4 allow players to fully explore those aspects of teen life with their Sims!

For those seeking an extra touch of elegance, the Golden Light mod also offers a custom golden lighting option. With these versatile lighting variants, players can enhance their CAS experience and lighting for taking perfect screenshots.

9 More Columns In Create-A-Sim

Broadening The Horizons

The More Columns Mod adds more columns to create-a-sim

Maximize efficiency in CAS with the More Columns mod, a popular add-on that expands the number of columns in the catalog panel. This user-interface mod displays a wider selection of presets and options for face details, hairstyles, outfit choices, and more. While the base game only provides two columns, this mod can expand the columns to anywhere between three and five.

With more columns at players' disposal, they can spend less time scrolling and more time crafting the perfect Sim. Whether players spend their time experimenting with different hairstyles or fine-tuning facial features, the increased number of columns provides a broader picture, enabling players to make informed decisions and create Sims with precision and ease.

8 More Traits In CAS

Adding More Personality In Create-A-Sim

A mod that adds More Traits In CAS

The More Traits In CAS mod expands the trait slots from three to five traits for Sims in Create-A-Sim. Since the Discoverable Traits update and the Growing Together patch, young adults and older Sims can possess up to eight traits (five from CAS and three from discovery). This mod not only enhances the depth of adult Sims' personalities, but also extends the trait capacity to toddlers, children, and teens, allowing them to express a richer array of characteristics.

Additionally, this mod elevates the customization options for lots by increasing lot trait slots from three to five. Whether players are shaping the complex psyche of their Sims or crafting the perfect environment for their lives to unfold, the More Traits In CAS mod opens up a world of possibilities for immersive storytelling and character development.

7 Presets Selection For Randomized Sims

Setting Expectations For Ugly NPCs

The manage households screen, enhanced by the Preset Selection For Randomized Sims

Tired of unfashionable and unrealistic NPCs? Elevate the quality of randomized Sims with the Presets Selection For Randomized Sims mod. This mod works behind the scenes to curate specific aspects of body and facial presets, eyebrows, beards, and skin tones to improve the overall appearance of randomly generated Sims.

The Sims 4: Best Restaurant Mods

Though The Sims 4 Dine Out game pack exists, there are several fantastic mods that improve or add to the restaurant experience of Sims.

By selecting presets with stronger and more natural facial features, such as wider noses and stronger jaws, and deselecting those that appear cartoon-like or crooked, the mod makes randomized Sims look much more appealing. With the Presets Selection For Randomized Sims mod, players can enjoy a higher standard of visual and aesthetic appeal in NPC appearances.

6 More CAS Presets

New Face, New Me

The many new presets that come with the More CAS Presets mod

The More CAS Presets mod introduces over 100 new presets to inspire creativity and help players create unique-looking Sims. Often, players find themselves unintentionally crafting Sims with similar facial features, leading to a lack of diversity in their worlds. This mod tackles that issue head-on by offering a vast array of new presets for all age groups, from toddlers to adults.

By incorporating these new presets, players can explore new facial structures, eye shapes, nose types, and more, ensuring each Sim stands out with a distinct individuality. Whether players are looking to diversify their Sim population or are simply seeking new inspiration for their creations, the More CAS Presets mod provides the tools needed to break old habits and craft a vibrant roster of characters.

5 Expanded Eye Scale Slider

Doe-Eyed And Big-Headed

The defaults and the most exaggerated versions with the Expanded Eye Slider mod

The Expanded Eye Scale Slider mod is ideal for giving Sims a doe-eyed and cartoonish appearance, with the new sliders allowing players to edit the size and shape of a Sim's eyes. Additionally, it includes a head slider feature, enabling players to adjust the size of their Sims' heads beyond the standard limits.

By dragging the eye slider diagonally and the head slider from top to bottom, players can easily control these adjustments to achieve their desired look. Compatible with Sims of all ages, the Expanded Eye Scale Slider mod empowers players to design truly distinctive and imaginative characters, whether they aim for exaggerated, whimsical features, or if they simply want more control over their Sims' appearance.

4 Body Sliders, For Days...

Sliding Body Parts Into Perfect Placement

The Body Sliders, For Days... mod adds new sliders to create-a-sim so you can customize Sims more

Enhance the Create-A-Sim experience with the Body Sliders, For Days... mod, which introduces a slew of new sliders for customizing Sims. Adjust various body parts with careful precision, including knees, calves, thighs, hips, breasts, bellies, and ankles. It offers far more flexibility than the default EA sliders do.

7 Fun CAS Challenges In The Sims 4

Creating Sims can get boring, here's a list of exciting challenges to try when creating a family.

Whether players aim to create Sims with different body types or simply fine-tune specific physical attributes, these new sliders make it possible to achieve a wide range of realistic and unique looks. By providing the tools to move and edit key body features, the Body Sliders, For Days... mod empowers players to break free from the limitations of the default options and bring their vision of diverse, individualized Sims to life.

3 Default Eyes Replacements

Enhancing EA Eyes & Adding New Colors

An example of custom eyes from the Default Eyes Replacement mod in Create-a-Sim

Transform a Sim's gaze with the Default Eyes Replacement mod, an upgrade that swaps out the limited and mundane EA default eyes for 45 stunning new color options. This mod ensures that NPCs will all spawn with more captivating and visually appealing eyes and enhances the overall aesthetic of the game. The creator of this mod has updated the eye textures for a more refined and realistic look.

With 18 shades available for default replacement, and an additional 27 shades in the non-default expanded set, players can explore a wide spectrum of eye colors to suit every Sim's unique personality. Whether they're creating new Sims or enhancing the appearance of existing ones, the Default Eyes Replacement mod offers players a significant visual upgrade that brings more depth and beauty to a Sim's eyes.

2 Height Slider + Extras

Taking Sims To New Heights

Examples of short, medium, and tall Sims that can be made with the Height Slider mod

Add a new dimension to a Sim's appearance with the Height Slider mod, which introduces four height presets: short, medium short, medium tall, and tall. This mod allows players to create Sims of varying heights, adding realism and diversity to their Sim population. Beyond the presets, players can manually adjust the height of their Sims, as well as fine-tune the height of their necks and hips for even more personalized customization.

With the Height Slider mod, Sims can now stand taller or shorter than others, enhancing the uniqueness and authenticity of their characters. Players can aim for subtle differences or dramatic changes. This mod provides the tools to make Sims truly stand out from the crowd.

1 100 Base Game Traits Pack

Expanding Personality And Character Development

Some of the new custom traits with the 100 Base Game Traits Pack mod

The 100 Base Game Traits Pack does exactly as its title says: adds 100 new traits to the myriad of options in Create-A-Sim. This mod enriches the emotional landscape of Sims with traits like Coward, High-Strung, and Sensitive, and enhances social dynamics with traits such as Barfly, Extrovert, and Self-Conscious. Love-oriented traits like Aromantic, Babymaker, and Homewrecker add depth to romantic interactions, while attractiveness traits like Chic, Irresistible, and Pure provide new dimensions to Sims' appearances and social appeal.

Talent traits such as Linguist and Perfect Pitch offer unique abilities, impacting how Sims develop skills and interact with the world. Each new trait brings its own set of perks and challenges, from emotional buffs to easier skill-building. By adding these traits, the 100 Base Game Traits Pack allows for greater character growth and more nuanced storylines.

the sims 4 poster
The Sims 4

PS4 , Xbox One , PC
September 2, 2014
Electronic Arts