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The Sims 4 offers players the opportunity to collect various items through different means, including buying, crafting, and exploring. These items can be found in various categories called Collections, which range from plants to postcards to even fossils. There are a total of 36 collections available in the game, some of which are more challenging to complete than others. While some collections require only the base game, others are exclusive to certain packs or limited-time events. Completing collections can unlock various rewards and provide a sense of accomplishment for players.

Related: The Sims 4: How to Turn on Cheats

As there are 36 collections in The Sims 4, players have a plethora of items to collect, each with varying levels of difficulty and time required. It's important to pay attention to the description of each collection in order to understand how to collect everything. However, it can be a challenge to focus on every collection, considering their varying rarities and time requirements. Furthermore, as players get more packs, some collections become more difficult to complete, considering the increased amount of items to find. Hence, this guide is not a comprehensive breakdown of each item in all 36 collections. Instead, it presents a broad perspective on where to search for collectibles and offers some strategies and techniques to acquire the more challenging ones.


The Sims 4 Frogs Collection

Frogs are a common element in the base game that players can focus on when working towards other collections, such as fishing. They can be found in various areas throughout the base game worlds, as well as in logs near fishing spots in other worlds.

While it is possible to catch them while fishing, this is not the most efficient way to collect them. What makes the frog collection unique is that some can also be collected by breeding different types of frogs. Each frog has a unique genetic makeup, and mixing the genetics of different types may seem confusing at first, but it is a useful method for collecting the rest of the collection.


The Sims 4 Gardening Collection

The gardening collection is one of the most extensive in The Sims 4, offering a vast variety of plants for players to collect. With the addition of new packs to the game, the collection keeps expanding.

While players can find many items by exploring the world or grafting plants, some require specific actions, such as obtaining the forbidden fruit or discovering hidden areas like Sixam. Acquiring all the items in the collection can be costly, but players can opt to purchase seed packs to save time and collect most of the items.

MySims Trophies

The Sims 4 MySim Trophies Collection

MySims Trophies can be found in time capsules scattered around the worlds, but they may take some time to collect since rocks can also yield other collectibles such as crystals, metals, and fossils. However, players can utilize additional methods introduced in certain packs to increase their chances of finding these trophies.

For instance, Get To Work includes an official retail store that sells one of the rare trophies, and Realm of Magic offers a few trophies from an astral vendor. Additionally, City Living's Flea Market festival provides an opportunity for players to buy almost the entire collection from a Sim vendor.


The Sims 4 Metals Collection

The process of finding metals is quite similar to that of MySims Trophies, as both are found within rocks that players can dig up throughout the game worlds. Additionally, metals can also be purchased from retail stores, astral projection vendors, and can sometimes be found being sold at the flea market.

However, what sets the metals collection apart is that it is required for another collection - specifically, the Elements collection - for which players need both metals and crystals. Therefore, players should be careful not to sell any metals they come across before finding the related elements needed for the Elements collection.


The Sims 4 Crystals Collection

Additionally, it is important for players to note that there are several crystals exclusive to certain packs, such as Jungle Adventure or Get to Work, but the collection methods remain the same. Furthermore, players can acquire most of the crystals by ordering them from the computer if they own the Get Famous pack.

As with the Metals collection, players should refrain from selling their crystals immediately and instead hold onto them until they complete their Elements collection.


The Sims 4 Elements Collection

To obtain elements, players must send their crystals or metals to the Geo Council for extraction, a process that takes a day with a cooldown period. To optimize their efforts, players are advised to first call the Geo Council to learn which elements can be extracted from their crystals and metals, and then ensure that they send only the items they need to complete their Elements collection.

It is worth noting that some crystals and metals may be composed of multiple elements, making the resulting element received via mail the next day random.


The Sims 4 Postcards Collection

The Postcard collection is a straightforward one, but it can be time-consuming for players to complete as they need to acquire postcards from various locations by having pen pals. Since this is not a commonly used computer interaction, players may overlook this collection. To start collecting, players can find the pen pal option in the social menu and interact with them a few times.

In addition to the base game postcards, the My First Pet Stuff pack adds a new set of postcards. When pet rodents go out for adventures, they may bring back new postcards. Players can also display their postcards in their homes using a pinboard from the Build/Buy mode.


The Sims 4 Fossils Collection

Collecting fossils is similar to finding metals and MySims Trophies since players have to dig rocks to discover them.

Although some fossils are exclusive to certain packs, these collections can typically be completed simultaneously as players explore the different worlds and use the previously mentioned methods.

Microscope Prints

The Sims 4 Microscope Prints Collection

To complete the Microscope Prints collection, players need to have a high level of Logic skill and a microscope. Like the Elements collection, microscope prints require other collection items such as plants, fossils, and crystals, though not every item guarantees a print.

Players need to analyze numerous items under a microscope to obtain the prints, but some prints don't require any objects to be analyzed, and simply using the microscope can also yield some prints.

Space Prints

The Sims 4 Space Prints Collection

Space Prints collection is both easy to complete and visually stunning. To obtain most of the prints, players need to use an observatory and perform specific interactions, such as observing the sky during the day. However, it's worth noting that this collection was later expanded with a free base game update, which includes additional prints that cannot be obtained through the observatory.

To collect these prints, players need to use either the small or large telescope and perform the Moongaze interaction.


The Sims 4 Aliens Collection

The Aliens collection can pose a challenge for some players since it requires a functional rocket ship, which may be problematic due to a bug that prevents some players from building one. However, there are a few workarounds. One option is to download a pre-built rocket ship from the gallery.

Related: The Sims 4: How To Complete The Frog Fanatic Scenario

Another is to attend the GeekCon festival in City Living, where a functioning rocket ship is available for interaction. If a NPC Sim is near a rocket ship kit, players can try to convince them to build it. Once players have a working rocket ship, they can explore space multiple times to complete the collection.

Space Rocks

The Sims 4 Space Rocks Collection

This collection can be found and completed in the same way as the Aliens collection, making it possible for players to work on both collections simultaneously.


The Sims 4 Fish Collection

Similar to the gardening collection, the fish collection is quite vast and has additional items added with various packs. Although it can take time and require visits to different worlds, a high fishing skill and the use of baits, it is not too difficult to complete.

As fishing is a beneficial activity for lot challenges, making money, and using as fertilizer, players are advised to focus on their fishing skills even if they do not plan on completing the entire collection.


The Sims 4 Insects Collection

The Insect collection can only be obtained in the Granite Falls, which is exclusive to the Outdoor Retreat pack. However, due to the various types and sizes of insects, finding them can be challenging. Players must have a keen eye and thoroughly inspect the area to locate them.

Some insects can only be found during the day, while others are only visible at night, and some are exclusive to the Deep Woods area.


The Sims 4 Geodes Collection

To complete the Geodes collection, players need to own the Get to Work pack and visit the secret alien planet Sixam, where the geodes can be found sticking out of the ground in orbs.

Decorative Eggs

The Sims 4 Decorative Eggs Collection

The Egg Hunt collection is a limited-time collection that can only be obtained during special events like Easter, making it impossible to collect without cheats unless players own the Seasons pack.

However, for those who have the Seasons pack, creating a custom holiday and adding the Egg Hunt tradition is an easy way to collect them.

Experimental Food Photos

The Sims 4 Experimental Food Collection

The Experimental Food Photos collection is exclusive to the Dine Out pack and can only be completed by Sims who try out experimental foods during their restaurant visits. The collection requires players to take photos of the dishes before the Sims eat them.

While one of the pre-made restaurants in the gallery library that come with the pack has all the experimental foods to complete the collection, players can also design their own restaurants with unique menus.


The Sims 4 Voidcritters Collection

The Voidcritters Collection is a unique collection that can only be found in the Kids Room Stuff pack. Children Sims have multiple ways of obtaining the items, such as searching for cards in logs, scavenging in garbage bins for discarded toys, and trading with other Child Sims.

However, adult Sims do not have these options available to them and must instead purchase booster packs online through their computer. This can result in Sims spending a large sum of Simoleons to complete the collection and acquiring many duplicate items along the way.

Sugar Skulls

The Sims 4 Sugar Skulls Collection

This collection was also a part of a limited-time event, but it is still possible to collect it even without owning the Seasons pack. To do so, players must leave a sugar skull offering at a tombstone during the night while the ghost's spirit is still present. If fortunate, a special NPC called the Day of the Dead Celebrator will appear the next day, and players can ask for a Sugar Skull from them.

Players can obtain 9 skulls this way, which is technically enough to complete the collection. However, there is a tenth skull named Sunny that can only be obtained by putting all 9 skulls on display in a unique display box and performing the "Honour the Dead" interaction.

City Posters

The Sims 4 City Posters Collection

To complete this collection, players must have the City Living pack and explore every district of San Myshuno. Each area of the city has several utility boxes with posters attached to their back, which Sims can collect. However, players need to be observant and interested in exploring everything the world has to offer to locate them all.

Snow Globes

The Sims 4 Snow Globes Collection

The Snow Globes collection is another exclusive to the City Living pack, and like the City Posters collection, players must explore San Myshuno to collect them. However, snow globes are typically found in discarded junk boxes, and Sims will need to rummage through them to find them.

During the Flea Market event, players may also come across vendors selling snow globes to help them complete their collection. It's possible to work on completing both the City Posters and Snow Globes collections at the same time while exploring the city.

Holiday Cracker Plushies

The Sims 4 Holiday Cracker Plushies Collection

The Holiday Cracker Plushies collection free DLC, Holiday Celebration. Obtaining every item in the collection is a simple process where players need to order holiday crackers from the computer and open them.

Related: The Sims 4: City Living Complete Guide

However, it should be noted that this process can become time-consuming and costly as players will need to open multiple crackers to obtain all the plushies in the collection.

Magic Beans

The Sims 4 Magic Beans Collection

The Magic Beans collection was originally part of the Plant Sim Scenario challenge, which is no longer available in the game. However, players with a high level of gardening skill and a willingness to spend simoleons can still obtain this collection by purchasing rare seed packs and hoping to find the magic beans among them.

It is recommended that players keep any magic beans they find, as they are needed to obtain the forbidden fruit and complete the gardening collection. To do so, players must plant the beans and water the PlantSim stump.


The Sims 4 Feathers Collection

The Feathers collection can only be obtained in the Cats & Dogs expansion and requires the help of pets. Although both cats and dogs can collect feathers, cats are generally more skilled at it. Additionally, pets can assist in completing other collections too.

Ancient Omiscan Artifacts

The Sims 4 Ancient Omiscan Artifacts Collection

This collection is limited to the Jungle Adventure pack and can only be found while exploring the dense jungle of Selvadorada. Sims will need to improve their Archaeology skill to collect the artifacts. To start collecting, players should search for treasure chests or dig on dig sites while exploring Selvadorada.

After finding them, the artifacts should be cleaned and authenticated using an Archaeology table. This is important because some of the artifacts found may be fake and won't count towards the collection. As Sims' Archaeology skill improves, the Geo Council may also send artifacts by mail for authentication, which is a great way to complete the collection.

Omiscan Treasures

The Sims 4 Omiscan Treasures Collection

The Omiscan Treasures collection, exclusive to the Jungle Adventure pack, can only be obtained by searching through treasure chests within the Selvadorada jungle. Unlike the Ancient Omiscan artifacts, these treasures cannot be found at dig sites.

This means that Sims will need to explore each section of the temple multiple times, as some areas may be partially inaccessible, in order to have a chance at completing the collection.

Positivity Posters

The Sims 4 Positivity Posters Collection

The Positivity Posters collection was also a limited-time event exclusive, but unlike other events, there is no way to collect them without the help of cheats or mods. To obtain them, players will need to activate cheats and enter the code "bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement" which will enable them to purchase the posters from the Build/Buy Mode.

As a result, this method is not suitable for players who prefer to play the game without cheats or mods or want to accomplish every collection without using cheats.


The Sims 4 Seashells Collection

The Seashells collection is only available in the Island Living pack and can be primarily collected by combing the beaches for seashells. However, Sims can also find seashells by exploring the cave in Mua Pel'am, diving, or befriending dolphins.

Buried Treasure

The Sims 4 Buried Treasure Collection

The Buried Treasure collection is also exclusive to the Sulani in the Island Living pack. Similar to the Seashell collection, players can find them by diving in the waters around the island, befriending dolphins and exploring the cave.

However, a unique way of obtaining these treasures is by achieving gold at a Kava party, which rewards the player with a random buried treasure. Unlike the Seashell collection, players do not need to comb the beaches to complete this collection.

Magical Artifacts

The Sims 4 Magical Artifacts Collection

The Magical Artifacts collection is a unique addition to the game that comes exclusively with the Realm of Magic expansion pack. This collection consists of a variety of magical objects, such as wands, brooms, and familiars, all available in different designs and colors.While some of the more common artifacts can be easily purchased in Magic Realm's Caster Alley vendors, the more rare and coveted ones can only be obtained by dueling other spellcasters. As such, the collection is only obtainable in its entirety by Sims who are spellcasters. Luckily, these items are also functional for Spellcasters.

It's worth noting that this collection can be frustrating for many players as several items are recolours that are incredibly rare to find. Although the collection appears complete (gold) in the menu, it will not count towards the 36 collections completed counter without obtaining all the


The Sims 4 Simmies Collection

The Simmies collection is a unique addition to the Snowy Escape pack, inspired by the gacha machines in Japan. These capsules can be purchased from vending machines, but players should be prepared to spend a significant amount of Simoleons to complete the set.

However, there is a risk of Death by Vending Machine, which players should avoid by paying close attention to their Sim's moodlets after attempting to unjam the machine. If the Sim has the Close Call moodlet and the vending machine falls on them again, it will result in their demise.

Village Fair Ribbons

The Sims 4 Village Fair Ribbons Collection

Village Fair Ribbons collection is exclusive to Cottage Living expansion pack. The Village Fair Ribbons collection in The Sims 4 can be a challenging set to complete due to its multiple recolors, each corresponding to different competition rankings. It can also be time-consuming to collect all the ribbons.

To increase the chances of obtaining the ribbons, players are recommended to attend the Finchwick Fair festivals every Saturday as they have various themes and competitions. However, many players may encounter a bug that prevents them from obtaining some of the ribbons, making it impossible to complete the collection without the use of cheats or mods.

Lightsaber Parts

The Sims 4 Lightsaber Parts Collection

Lightsaber Parts are exclusive to the Journey to Batuu game pack and can only be acquired while visiting Batuu. This collection includes various lightsaber hilts and Kyber crystals that can be combined to create functioning lightsabers for Sims to showcase or simply duel with.

Related: The Sims 4: Journey To Batuu Complete Guide

To acquire lightsaber parts in Batuu, players have several options at their disposal. For instance, some parts can be obtained by purchasing them from locations such as Savi's Lightsaber Workshop or Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities Players can also complete missions and climb up the ranks of the three factions present in Batuu to earn certain parts. Moreover, a few rare parts may be discovered while exploring the cave in the Resistance encampment.

Batuu Records

The Sims 4 Batuu Records Collection

Batuu Records is another exclusive collection found in the Journey to Batuu game pack. In order to obtain the records, players need to scan various objects while exploring the different districts of Batuu during their travels or missions.

Message In A Bottle

The Sims 4 Message in a Bottle Collection

The Message in a Bottle collection is unique to the My Wedding Stories pack and can only be discovered in Tartosa's beaches. To uncover these bottles, players must interact with the sand mounds and dig through them. However, players should be prepared for a wait, as these bottles are subject to a spawn timer.

Moonwood Relics

The Sims 4 Moonwood Relics Collection

Moonwood Relics is a unique collection exclusive to the Werewolves pack and is the most recent addition to the game. There are two main ways to discover these relics. The first method involves exploring the Moonwood Mills tunnels, while the second involves werewolf Sims scavenging through the dirt.

Like the Magical Artifacts collection, these items serve a specific function, albeit differently. In this case, werewolves can decipher the lore on these relics to gain more insight into the history and secrets of Moonwood Mills.

The Sims 4 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.