
  • The Sims 2 game has long been associated with deep lore and mysteries, including unsolved mysteries like missing persons and possible murder.
  • A disturbing mystery in the game revolves around the character Olive Specter, whose life and actions have intrigued many players.
  • While it was never confirmed that Olive is a serial killer, her romantic relationship with the Grim Reaper and alleged murders of 21 people suggest her involvement in dark deeds.

Longtime fans would often associate The Sims 2 with deep lore and mysteries. Some have even dubbed it as the creepiest game in the franchise. This was also fueled by the fact there are still The Sims 2 mysteries that are unsolved to this day, which include missing persons and possible murder.

A disturbing The Sims 2 mystery revolves around Olive Specter from Strangetown. While it's already been established that Strangetown has several oddities, from aliens to the missing Bella Goth appearing in the neighborhood, Olive's life has continued to intrigue many players.

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What's Going On With Olive Specter in The Sims 2?

The Sims 4 Specter Family

The Specter family was a pre-made family in The Sims 2, consisting of Olive Specter and her niece Ophelia Nigmos. The first line of their family bio immediately raised the question "Who is buried in Olive Specter's garden?". This seemed to direct players to look at the 19 tombstones that were placed in the Specters' backyard. There's also a seat in the graveyard, where Olive had been seen mourning the dead. At night, some ghosts would rise from their graves to haunt the household.

When The Sims 2 players begin a new game in the Specter household, they'll be greeted with an elderly Olive looking to retire while only having two days left to live. If one looks at each of the 19 tombstones, they range from Olive's dead husbands' relatives to random NPCs who have died on the lot. Although many of the Sims' deaths, like starvation and electrocution, seemed to be accidental, it was implied that Olive murdered them. Plus, if players went through Olive's memories, she apparently witnessed a total of 21 deaths in her lifetime. They also won't be able to find the two other tombstones or urns in the Specter home.

It's important to note that Olive being a serial killer was never confirmed in The Sims 2. However, her romantic relationship with the Grim Reaper seemed to be enough proof of her alleged crime. As many The Sims fans know, the Grim Reaper only popped up whenever a Sim died. A lot of times, he would hang out in a family's home for a few minutes, and would even converse with other Sims. It was believed that Olive killed 21 people to get closer to Death himself, and WooHoo'd before she got pregnant with her son Nervous Subject.

Interestingly, Nervous' father doesn't appear if players look at his Family Tree. He's also not close with his mother, Olive, because he was taken away from the Specter home by Social Services due to alleged neglect. Players could find him in the Beaker home in The Sims 2, where he was believed to be adopted and experimented on by mad scientists Circe and Loki.

Like a lot of The Sims mysteries, the alleged murderous spree of Olive Specter can only be pieced together by looking at her memories before she passed away in The Sims 2. Some players might even use cheats to make the Sim immortal to investigate further. There's also one other way to find out what happened: bringing the dead back to life using the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, so players could maybe find out if Olive killed them. However, the game would reportedly get corrupted and crash if this was attempted. An interesting yet disturbing explanation could be that Olive and/or the Grim Reaper probably didn't want anyone uncovering her sins in that way.

Regardless if The Sims 2 fans believed the serial killer theories or not, a good portion of the community already seemed convinced that Olive was indeed one. If The Sims finally confirmed this in the next game, the only question now would be which of the 21 dead Sims was Olive's doing.

The Sims 5 is in development.

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