Lisa Simpson is the ultimate proof that even if somebody isn't super popular among their classmates, they can still become a fan-favorite when it comes to the viewers. As one of the smartest characters of The Simpsons, Lisa struggles with building friendships, but she has her own world full of learning and discovery.

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Lisa's ability to stay calm and composed in a crisis, as well as her love for studying and books, brought her the love of many viewers of The Simpsons. And there's no better way how to express that Lisa is their favorite than to make some hilarious memes about her that will never get old.

7 The Many Ways To Have Fun

The Simpsons Lisa meme

While Lisa would have most likely chosen a different method of how to spend her free time, there's no denying that the options the meme suggests work as well. With an abundance of streaming services and social sites, those people who just want to stay in on their free day and stream movies, TV shows, or play games, have a lot of options to choose from.

Lisa would have most likely gone for a book, but she might also try out a game. After all, in one episode of The Simpsons, she was so buried in the game she was playing that she even didn't do her homework!

6 Gaming Is Hard

The Simpsons Lisa meme

While some games are straightforward and easy to finish, others present a real challenge. A common scenario is for a gamer to get stuck at a certain part of the game, often a tricky boss fight. They can't progress for days, sometimes even longer. After three or more days of constant effort to get over the one obstacle, they might just look as miserable and tired as Lisa does.

Everybody needs to sleep and relax, especially if they want to be able to defeat their game enemies. While Lisa isn't usually into gaming, it's not hard to imagine her studying for so long she ends up in a similar physical state.

5 Too Tired To Be Social

The Simpsons Lisa meme

Unlike her brother Bart who usually doesn't struggle with talking to others, Lisa isn't all that social. She's most likely an introvert, a person who keeps to herself and doesn't always need to be surrounded by other people in order to be happy. Regardless of their character, many people will understand the situation this meme presents.

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Sometimes, people are just too tired to be social and respond to messages that they're getting on their phone or on social media. While it's important to stay in touch with others, Lisa knows that it won't be the end of the world if she takes a break for a while.

4 Life Can Be Cruel

The Simpsons Lisa meme

This meme is beautiful in its simplicity. Sometimes, life has the power to metaphorically punch people in the face when they least expect it. Even though she's very young, Lisa has already faced a fair number of challenges, from her difficult relationship with her brother to being bullied at school.

Lisa is a strong person, and even if she sometimes feels down, she doesn't usually give up. Still, that doesn't mean that the viewers can't sympathize with her, especially if they faced similar problems themselves.

3 Even Lisa Doesn't Have It Easy At School

The Simpsons Lisa meme

Her brother Bart doesn't mind getting bad grades, as long as he gets to move on to the next grade at the end of the year. Lisa, on the other hand, always wants to get straight As. As a result, she spends a lot of time studying which causes her a lot of stress, maybe more than a girl her age should experience.

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As this meme suggests, the stress and hours spent studying can take their toll on people, Lisa included. Even though students can look amazing at the start of the year, by the time the final week rolls around, they're a wreck of nerves.

2 The Greatest Problem Any Young Person Can Face

The Simpsons Lisa meme

While Lisa spent most of the earlier episodes without access to a computer, let alone the internet, that doesn't mean she wouldn't understand how difficult it is to survive without Wi-Fi. Imagine if she were in the middle of studying online and suddenly, the Wi-Fi stops working.

In this meme, Lisa's expression speaks for itself. She isn't as angry as she would be if she got a bad grade at school, but she's close enough. Despite being only eight years old, Lisa doesn't let anybody or anything mess with her, and in this case, that includes a broken Wi-Fi connection as well.

1 The Simple Solution To A Great Obstacle

The Simpsons Lisa meme

Like any kid, Lisa sometimes makes bad decisions, such as when she ran away from home because she argued with her dad about being a vegetarian, or when she pretended to be someone she isn't in order to get friends. However, still one of the smartest characters on the show, and quite possibly the smartest member of her immediate family as well (at least until Maggie grows up a little).

In this meme, Lisa once again proves her intelligence and solves a problem her dad's dealing with. This problem is on the same level as when somebody's looking for glasses they're wearing, but at least Homer has his smart daughter to help him.

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