The School for Good and Evil is one of the most beautiful new fantasy movies that are perfect for cinephiles who love movies based on Cinderella and other iconic fairy tale characters. This brilliant movie is based on the popular YA book series with the same title and has brilliantly designed world-building as well as bewitching costumes. However, what makes the movie truly memorable and unique are its well-crafted characters who make viewers question the various fairytale archetypes they know so well.

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The movie's story and the character development stayed mostly true to the heroes and villains of the novel. There are plenty of classic and new movies with iconic movie witches, evil warlocks, and all kinds of magical beings. However, there are only a few that are capable of entertaining their viewers as well as The School for Good and Evil while also encouraging them to redefine what good and evil mean to them.

7 Tedros

Tedros in The School for Good and Evil

Tedros is the movie's bravest hero who is the son of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. He loves the attention around him and gets a lot since he's not only Good's strongest fighter but also who every girl wants. While he tends to be cocky he's also a kind and caring person who truly wants to protect others.

Tedros is also one of the movie heroes who don't hesitate to kill even though Good should only protect and never attack in The School for Good and Evil. However, Tedros also proved that he can be quite hot-headed and act without thinking. His mindless fighting habits are one of the main things that changed because of his relationship with Agatha.

6 Clarissa Dovey

Clarissa Dovey in The School for Good and Evil

Clarissa Dovey is the powerful fairy godmother and Dean of Good. While her character was a bit different, more eccentric and bubbly, compared to the book, she was still caring and protective towards the children under her care. She also took the rules of Good and Evil very seriously, so much so that for a long time she wouldn't even question some of the obvious sinister things that kept happening on Good's grounds.

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The School for Good and Evil is one of the best fantasy movies with great world-building and Dovey's school is certainly the most enchanting place in the story. While she might seem frivolous and even naive at times she was watching everything and everyone around her with an eagle eye at every moment.

5 Lady Lesso

Lady Lesso in The School for Good and Evil

Lady Lesso's character is one of the few that changed the most compared to the book and became less sinister and more witty and fun. However, she was still one of the most memorable and entertaining characters in the movie who also had to reconsider where she stands.

Lesso is the powerful Dean of Evil who quickly became Sophie's mentor once she realized the young girl plays an important part in Rafal's plans. Lesso was one of the most fun characters in The School for Good and Evil and thanks to Theron's hilarious portrayal of the wicked Dean, this film also became one of the most magical Charlize Theron movies.

4 Rafal

Rafal in The School for Good and Evil

Rafal was just as conniving and devious in the movie as he was in the books. This truly dark and evil character killed everyone including his own relative in order to turn the whole world into a playing ground for true evil. Rafal was one of the School Masters for The School for Good and Evil until one day he decided that he doesn't want to share anymore.

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He was also one of the strongest evil movie wizards of all time who was never afraid to use all types of dark magic, curses, deadly spells, and even forbidden blood magic to get what he wants. He was also a highly intelligent villain with deadly magical combat skills.

3 Professor Anemone

Professor Anemone in The School for Good and Evil

Professor Anemone was no doubt the most hilarious and memorable side character in The School for Good and Evil who was the strict and gorgeous Beautification teacher. Unfortunately, her character didn't get much screen time in the first movie. However, Michelle Yeoh still managed to steal the show every time.

Professor Anemone seemed like a simple and superficial character who cares about nothing but fancy clothes and smiles. However, she was actually one of the most intelligent and powerful teachers at Good who was always loyal and protective of her students and her school.

2 Sophie

Sophie in The School for Good and Evil

Sophie was the boldest character in the movie who knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid of fighting for it. While she might have been blunt and even rude from time to time her heart was always in the right place. Sophie was beautiful, and she was also one of the fiercest characters who didn't get intimidated by anyone.

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Sophie first hated the school of Evil and desperately wanted to switch for Good. However, once she got under Rafal's influence and started to get a taste of her evil powers, she felt right at home. She was one of the strongest characters in the movie who was capable of summoning evil, including animals, and was able to change her own form as well as others.

1 Agatha

Agatha in The School for Good and Evil

Thanks to Sofia Wylie's brilliant performance, Agatha instantly became one of the coolest movie characters. Agatha is the most honest and loyal character in the movie and the only one who realizes the evil things that keep happening on Good's grounds. She's a good-hearted person who isn't afraid of sacrificing herself for her loved ones and is capable of overcoming her fears to do what's right.

She was also one the most thoughtful characters in the movie who tried to protect and cared for her best friend Sophie as well as everyone else around her. While she didn't do well in many of the classes, she was actually the best student at Good who was able to hear and grant wishes.

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