There are tons of great dialogue in The Sandman, owing to Neil Gaiman's skill as a writer. Fans were pleased with the Netflix TV series adaptation, which retained a lot of the original dialogue while adding its own twist to it.

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Some quotes were better than others, but the dialogue across all episodes of the series was very strong and remains a high point of the show's offering. The best quotes of The Sandman are ones that ring true for both the real world as well as the show. The dialogue is one of the things the Netflix show adaptation of The Sandman does right.

10 The Purpose Of Nightmares

Dream in The Sandman

"A Nightmare's purpose is to reveal a dreamer's fears, that they may face them." - Morpheus

Dream's comments on nightmares in Episode 8 help to paint the idea of nightmares in a much more helpful and positive light. Nobody likes having nightmares, but thinking of them as an opportunity to face up to fears and move past them makes them feel much more purposeful.

Perhaps when having a nightmare now, fans of The Sandman will grab the opportunity to face up to whatever fears they have.

9 Attractive Men Get To Be Ignorant

Ethel Cripps

"You don't listen, do you? Attractive men seldom do. I suppose they don't have to." - Ethel Cripps

Ethel Cripps' comments about attractive men not listening in Episode 2 was a nice quip that many fans can probably relate to in their own real life.

While generalizations about anyone shouldn't be made, this quote does well to point out the inequality that comes with the way attractive people are treated compared to that of seemingly less-attractive people.

8 Corinthian's Dangerous Confidence

The Sandman The Corinthian is terrifying yet somehow charming

"Why should we confine ourselves to their sleeping minds? Here, in the waking world, we're unstoppable. There is nothing preventing us from taking whoever, whatever we want." - The Corinthian

This quote by the Corinthian in the first episode highlights his difference in thinking compared to Morpheus, and his intentions that would set the stage for the rest of the season. Nobody can see that The Sandman is a sci-fi show that starts off slow.

Whether his comments are true or not doesn't factor in, the quote does enough to highlight how nightmares in the universe operate.

7 A Quip From An Exorcist

jenna coleman the sandman Cropped

"Just because a Goldsmiths-educated princess wants to marry some naff winger, does not mean that she needs an exorcist." - Johanna Constantine

Johanna Constantine is full of funny quips, but this quote in Episode 3 by her shows her modernized way of speaking and thinking despite the archaic job role she holds.

Jenna Coleman was a great find for the series, with many fans hoping to see her again for the second season.

6 The Importance Of Dreams

The Sandman John Dee is far more relatable than his comic book counterpart

"Their dreams inspired them. Their dreams kept them alive. But if you rob them of their dreams, if you take away their hope, then yes, this is the truth of mankind." - Morpheus

After causing a mess of death, betrayal, and lots of sex, John Dee is very pleased with himself and the manipulation of everyone he manages to pull off in the diner in one of the best Sandman stories of Neil Gaiman's comics brought to life on the television.

Morpheus' line back to him tells us a lot about how the lord of dreams views the human race and feels true in our own lives. What would any of us be without our dreams?

5 Gilbert's View Of Human Psychology

QI stephen fry

"What fascinates me about humanity is that so many people are looking for reasons to be unhappy. It's only when they're mired in their self-made misery that they're truly content." - Gilbert

While this quote is a quip and not a fact, many people probably find this to be quite true in real life as much as it is for characters.

There's never a reason for somebody to make themselves unhappy, especially when life will do that all by itself. Fans of Gilbert will want to read the best comics for lovers of The Sandman.

4 Death's Eternal Pledge

dream and death in the sandman Cropped

"When the first living thing existed I was there. When the last living thing dies, I'll put the chairs on the table, turn out the lights, and lock the universe behind me when I'm done." - Death

Death's comments in Episode 6 demonstrate her commitment to her role of helping people to pass on from life into what comes next.

It's nice imagining that when we die, there's someone there waiting to be there for us. Even though The Sandman is fictional, it's a great feeling knowing that death does not necessarily mean loneliness.

3 Don't Rely So Much On Tools

The Sandman DC Villains Lucifer Morningstar Gwendoline Christie

"Tools are the subtlest of traps. We come reliant upon them, and in their absence we are vulnerable, weak, and defenseless." - Lucifer

While Lucifer's comments here were talking about mystical tools that Dream owns, it is just as true for everyone else in any industry. Lucifer is one of the evilest villains of The Sandman, naturally being the Devil, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a good point with this quote.

Tools can lead people to become one-dimensional in their working process, or stale and afraid of change. Tools should always be just that, tools, and not a crutch.

2 Dream's View Of Humanity

the sandman dream Cropped

"When a human is at the center of the Dreaming, is it not to remind us that we exist because humans dream, not the other way around? The miracle of humanity itself should always be more vivid to us than any marvels of power." - Morpheus

Dream's comments to the Corinthian in the finale of The Sandman help to illustrate how Dream sees the human race compared to that of his nightmares.

While Dream doesn't exactly show much emotion throughout the series, comments like these show his heart is in the right place. Dream is one of the strongest characters in The Sandman, naturally, so it's refreshing to see such kindness in a strong character in a show that has so many nasty ones.

1 Relatives Ground Us

The Sandman DC Villains Desire and Despair Twins

"When you lose your parents, you suddenly realize it wasn't gravity keeping you on the ground all this time. It was knowing you were someone's daughter. Or sister." - Lyta Hall

Lyta's comments ring so true for pretty much anyone who has ever lost a relative. While relatives aren't the be-all and end-all of people's lives, they are an extremely important part. The death of a loved one can shake anyone to their core and cause them to re-evaluate who they are.

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