The Rogue Prince of Persia has finally seen the light of day following a short delay to avoid competing with Hades 2. Coming from the makers of Dead Cells, the new Prince of Persia installment looks to capture a similar game feel with smooth traversal movements and "tight-feeling controls" that let players perform all sorts of death-defying acrobatics on the fly.

The Rogue Prince of Persia takes its spot as another excellent rogue-like game in early access. There is a certain difficulty ceiling alongside the perma-death feature that takes a bit of getting used to. However, nothing feels like the game is throwing something impossible at you.

That being said, trying to reach the capital city and stopping the Huns from invading is easier said than done. You will need to familiarize yourself with all the weapons, tools, enemies, and more. Here are some tips and tricks to make that goal easier to achieve.

Every Prince Of Persia Game, Ranked

The Prince of Persia series has produced classic titles across more than three decades. Here's how they all rank from worst to best.

Dying Unlocks Crafting Vendors

Make Progress With Perma-Death

The Rogue Prince of Persia - Death

Every time you die in The Rogue Prince of Persia, you wake up in the Oasis, which serves as the main player hub. Being a rogue-like game, you must start a new run after every death. That, however, is not as bad as it sounds.

The Oasis is where you access different vendors to learn about and craft all the weapons, tools, and medallions available in the game. Hence, the more you die, the more items you can craft to become stronger in your next run.

Neither Rush nor Button Mash

Be Patient

The Rogue Prince of Persia - Patience

There are no timers or clocks to beat, so do not try to rush every stage in The Rogue Prince of Persia. Take as much time to fully explore the map, find all the secrets, and loot every chest. This will help you become as prepared as possible for the eventual boss fights, which are pretty difficult.

In the same vein, an important combat tip from Dead Cells is to refrain from being a compulsive button masher in The Rogue Prince of Persia. While that may work against enemies in the first stage, the enemies in the second and latter stages have far better reflexes. You will take damage when trying to jump multiple enemies without a plan.

Use the Terrain Against Enemies

Kick Them off Ledges or Into Traps

The Rogue Prince of Persia - Terrain

There are always ways to deal with enemies other than slashing at them with your weapons. When there are multiple enemies on the same platform, consider kicking them off the ledge instead. Enemies take large amounts of fall damage. You can also kick them into spikes or traps to kill them. This is much faster compared to using your weapons.

Shielded enemies (with blue health bars) cannot be kicked.

Open the Map to See Missed Locations

Retrace Your Steps as Needed

The Rogue Prince of Persia - Map

Interacting with a Well of Dreams is not the only way to see the map in The Rogue Prince of Persia. You can also open the map by pressing Tab or the Create button on your keyboard and DualSense controller respectively.

The map will show all points of interest if you have passed near them. This helps navigate each stage if you want to go back for missed treasure chests, buy items from merchants, access secret rooms, etc.

The map shows points of interest even if you have interacted with them, meaning that opened treasure chests will also be visible.

Always Enter Golden Rooms for Loot

Some May Also Contain Clues About Shahin

The Rogue Prince of Persia - Secret Rooms

The Prince of Persia franchise has always featured hidden rooms. They, however, are treated a bit differently in the new installment. You will often come across doorways with a bright, golden light shining through them. Call them golden or secret rooms, they always have a large treasure chest with loot in The Rogue Prince of Persia. The further you progress in the game, though, the longer and more dangerous these rooms will become.

Move the Camera to See Beyond the Screen

Explore Horizontally and Vertically

The Rogue Prince of Persia - Camera

The Rogue Prince of Persia does not feature linear stages. The maps are actually larger than they appear. You can always find multiple paths leading left to right from above and below. Moving the camera shows what lies beyond your screen in all directions. This reveals platforms, enemies, and traps to let you choose the most optimal path. For example, in the image above, the top platform becomes only visible by moving the camera.

You can move the camera with the arrow keys or the right analog stick on your keyboard and controller respectively.

There is no fall damage in The Rogue Prince of Persia , so jump all the way down to explore every nook and cranny for loot and equipment.

15 Best Parkour/Free Running Games

These are some of the best parkour games involving free running mechanics for exploration.

Deposit Spirit Glimmers Into the Purple Brazier

Or Else Lose Them Upon Death

The Rogue Prince of Persia - Spirit Glimmer

Spirit Glimmers are crafting materials required to unlock new weapons, tools, and medallions in The Rogue Prince of Persia. They are found randomly by defeating enemies, looting chests, or just exploring. If you die, you lose all your Spirit Glimmer. The only way to save them is by interacting with a purple brazier as shown in the image above. It can only be used once, though, so you can always fast-travel back to the brazier after collecting more.

There is no guarantee that an equipment chest on your next run contains items unlocked in the Oasis.

Switch to Upgraded Weapons and Tools

Increased DPS Helps Ensure Successful Runs

The Rogue Prince of Persia - Weapon Upgrades

Every weapon and tool you come across in The Rogue Prince of Persia shows its level and the amount of damage per second it does. The higher the level, the more damage per second. They drop randomly, so there is a good chance of coming across an upgraded weapon or tool different from the one you are currently using.

That being said, do not be afraid of switching weapons and tools. Increasing your damage output will help you against stronger enemies, especially when they are grouped up, and bosses. This, however, means that you need to be familiar with all the weapons and tools available in The Rogue Prince of Persia.

The further you progress, the better and stronger the weapon drops become. They are not dependent on your current weapon. Hence, you can stick to your level 1 weapon but still find a level 7 weapon upgrade in the second stage, for example.

Due to its rogue-like design, Rogue Prince of Persia does not allow you to upgrade specific weapons like in The Lost Crown . Your weapon upgrades solely depend on RNG.

Find Astara, the Blacksmith, in the Aqueducts

Upgrade Your Weapon as Many Times as You Can Afford

The Rogue Prince of Persia - Astara Blacksmith

Astara can be found working on the lower levels of the Aqueducts. He is the only blacksmith in The Rogue Prince of Persia who can upgrade your weapon in exchange for gold. This is where you want to dump all your gold to get as many weapon upgrade levels as possible because Astara is usually located just before the General Berude boss fight.

Astara will always be near a Well of Dreams. Use it to fast-travel back to the main path after upgrading your weapon.

Heal Before Drinking From Fountains

Restore the Max HP Possible

The Rogue Prince of Persia - Fountains

You only get one consumable to heal yourself in The Rogue Prince of Persia. The only other way to heal is to enter a new stage and drink from the fountain in the starting room. However, before drinking from the fountain, make sure to use your health potion. This lets you heal twice while replenishing the health potion because health potions and fountains only heal for a specific number of points.

Unlike the Soma Tree Petals from The Lost Crown , there is no way to increase your health bar in The Rogue Prince of Persia .

the rogue prince of persia
The Rogue Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia
May 14, 2024
Evil Empire