
  • Medallions in The Rogue Prince of Persia offer unique perks like increased health, damage, and energy restoration during gameplay.
  • Valuable Medallions, like Vampiric Demise and Flaming Shield-Breaker, provide essential healing benefits to players in the game.
  • Some Medallions, like Flaming Dive and Pyromaniac, require leveling up and have specific prerequisites for use in gameplay.

Much like any other popular genre in the entertainment medium, the roguelike gaming genre has naturally established its own set of unique traditions and conventions over the last few decades, and having some kind of perk system is one such tradition. The vast majority of modern-day roguelikes will see players pick up a series of perks during their run that affect gameplay in some way, often giving the player new abilities or boosting their stats. In The Rogue Prince of Persia, this feature is represented by Medallions.

Found throughout a run, The Rogue Prince of Persia's Medallions allow players to equip four unique perks at once, most of which apply some sort of special ability to the player's attacks. There is currently an impressive total of 30 Medallions in The Rogue Prince of Persia, and there are sure to be a few more added by the time the game leaves its early access period, though a hierarchy has already started to form.

Most Medallions can be upgraded by their surrounding perks, and each increased level grants an additional bonus.

How The Rogue Prince of Persia's Gameplay Sets Itself Apart From The Lost Crown

The Rogue Prince of Persia has come out only a few months after the last PoP game, but its gameplay differs quite heavily from that in The Lost Crown.

The Rogue Prince of Persia Medallion Tier List

S-Tier Medallions in Rogue Prince of Persia

  • Bloody Spoils - Gain 5/10/15 gold when an enemy dies
  • Health Insurance - Gain 0.5/0.75/1 health point per gold piece spent
  • Shield-Breaker - Inflict an extra 50% damage to enemies equipped with a shield, level 1 and 2 also restore 25/50 energy points
  • Slicing Vault - Throw daggers at all nearby enemies after vaulting over one, causing 40 damage
  • Vampiric Demise - Restore 30 energy when an enemy is killed, at level 1 and 2 also gain 10/15 health points
  • Immortal - Instead of dying, this Medallion breaks, and the Prince is restored to half health
  • Flaming Shield-Breaker - Restore 35 energy after breaking an enemy's shield, then at level 1 also gain 50 health, then at level 2 set fire to the area
  • Opportunity Knocks - Environment kills restore 25/30/35 health points

Generally speaking, the most valuable Medallions in The Rogue Prince of Persia are those that heal the player, as health pickups don't come often during a given run. This is why Medallions like Vampiric Demise, Flaming Shield-Breaker, Opportunity Knocks, and Health Insurance are all found right at the top of the list. Immortal is also an invaluable Medallion, essentially functioning the same as a Hades Death Defiance and preventing the player from dying once.

Gold is also an extremely valuable resource in The Rogue Prince of Persia, which makes Bloody Spoils an incredibly useful Medallion. Shield-Breaker is also pretty vital, helping players to defeat shielded enemies - some of the toughest foes in the game - much more efficiently.

A-Tier Medallions in Rogue Prince of Persia

  • Restorative Dream Fragment - Restore 60/70/80 health points after discovering a new Well of Dreams
  • Sticky Dive - Cover the area in resin after performing a dive attack
  • Sticky Kick - Cover the area in resin after kicking an enemy
  • Flaming Kick - Restore 20 energy after kicking an enemy, at level 1 it also does 12 extra points of damage, and at level 2 it also sets fire to the area
  • Slicing Kick - Kicking an enemy will also throw a dagger worth 40 points of damage
  • Sticky Shield-Breaker - Cover the area in resin after breaking an enemy's shield
  • Neurotoxic Agent - Enemies that become stunned also become poisoned
  • Slicing Dive - After performing a dive attack, throw daggers at nearby enemies for 58 points of damage
  • Toxic Demise - After killing an enemy gain 30 energy, at level 1 also create a poison cloud
  • Toxic Vault - After vaulting over an enemy, gain 30 energy, at level 1 also create a poison cloud

The Rogue Prince of Persia has its fair share of status effects, and some of the better Medallions in the game allow the player to inflict these status effects with ease. Sticky Dive and Sticky Kick are great examples of this, both granting the player the ability to spread resin (a substance that slows enemies down) across the environment by performing simple and quick attacks. Slicing Dive and Slicing Kick are very similar Medallions, but rather than deliver a status effect, these moves automatically launch daggers that deal additional damage.

The Rogue Prince of Persia Falls Just Shy of Being a Perfect Steam Deck Game

Just released into early access, The Rogue Prince of Persia could be another ideal Steam Deck experience, but maybe just not in its current state.

B-Tier Medallions in Rogue Prince of Persia

  • Ranged Flaming Counter - Restore 20 energy points after taking a hit, on level 1 gain 30 gold coins, on level 2 set fire to the attacker's area
  • Sticky Vault - Cover area in resin after vaulting over an enemy, but can only be used at level 1
  • Toxic Shock - Restore 30 energy if a kicked enemy hits an obstacle, at level 1 it also creates a cloud of poison
  • Flaming Dive - Set fire to the area after performing a dive attack but can only be used at level 2
  • Pyromaniac - Killing an enemy on fire will then spread the fire to nearby foes but can only be used at level 1
  • Sticky Sleight - Inflict 20 extra damage when attacking an enemy from behind, and at level 1 spread resin
  • Toxic Counter - Restore 30 energy after taking a hit, and at level 1 create a cloud of poison
  • Paper Lion - Increases damage taken and health by 25/50/75/100%

The Medallions in this tier are all still fairly useful, but most come with a few drawbacks. For instance, Sticky Vault, Flaming Dive, and Pyromaniac can only be used if players can level them up first, which isn't all that easy given The Rogue Prince of Persia's convoluted Medallion upgrade system. That being said, if players can meet these prerequisites, then these Medallions are quite useful. Medallions like Sticky Sleight and Ranged Flaming Counter are decent perks, but they aren't useful for all playstyles, and with Medallions being a fairly rare find in The Rogue Prince of Persia, it can be a little disappointing to receive these over the ones in the higher tiers.

C-Tier Medallions in Rogue Prince of Persia

  • Sleight of Poison - Inflict an extra 20 damage when striking from behind, level 1 also restores 30 energy and level 2 releases a cloud of poison
  • Spartan - Restore 15% energy when a kicked enemy hits an obstacle
  • Toxic Projectile - Creates a cloud of poison after hitting an enemy at long-range but can only be used at level 2
  • Flaming Projectile - Restore 30 energy after hitting a foe at long-range, at level 1 also gain 2 gold, and at level 2 also set fire to the enemy's area

These are the weakest Medallions in The Rogue Prince of Persia. While these perks can still prove useful, they're probably the first that should be given up should a better Medallion come along. Sleight of Poison is only really useful when paired with a tool like Stealth Spirit that allows the player to dash behind enemies, and Spartan isn't nearly as powerful as other kick-related Medallions. Toxic Projectile and Flaming Projectile are a similar story, being a little redundant as the player will rarely dish out long-range attacks.