Table of contents

Jacob Custos is one of the nine protagonists that’s described as athletic, arrogant, and funny in The Quarry. He works as the Sports Coach at Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp and seems to get along with all his fellow camp counselors, especially Emma Mountebank. The latter is Jacob’s summer fling and is the reason he messed with the van to spend one more night with her.

Thanks to Dylan’s idea of playing truth or dare in The Quarry, the camp counselors get divided into three groups, and it’s also where things take a turn for the worst. Depending on the choices players make, Jacob has a chance to survive.

RELATED: The Quarry: How To Save A Friend From Infection (Just A Flesh Wound)

How To Save Jacob In The Quarry


Although Jacob is charismatic and is genuinely fun to be around, he has some self-centered and obnoxious moments that may endanger his life in many chapters. First, make sure to STEAL ROTOR ARM while messing with the van.

Chapter 3: Don’t Pull


While swimming with Emma in chapter three, Jacob loses the rotor arm in the lake and then hears Abigail’s screams. He can either DIVE IN or HELP ABI. Choosing to dive gives him the chance of discovering a piece of evidence. To prevent him from drowning, choose to DETANGLE when Jacob’s hand gets stuck.

Chapter 4: Don’t Shoot


While controlling Ryan back at the bonfire after he saves Nick, the bushes will start moving and Ryan will aim the shotgun at it. DON’T SHOOT at the bushes because that’s Jacob.

Chapter 6: Hide From Werewolf And Pry Open Bear Trap


After leaving the group at the bonfire, Jacob runs back to Hackett’s Woods to search for Emma. After finding her, the two have a little chat before a werewolf interrupts them. When the couple is running away, make sure to do the QTE successfully and then pick HIDE. Hold Breath until the creature goes away and Jacob is safe.


After that, the Sports Coach runs away and gets stuck in a bear trap. To free him, people can either PULL FREE or PRY OPEN. Both options yield the same results, but choosing the former has a QTE follow-up that needs to be done or Jacob’s head will be crushed by a bear trap.

Chapters 8 and 9: Solve The Puzzle


Because Jacob was caught by traps, the Hacketts catch and imprison him inside a cell and a werewolf in another one. Once players are controlling Ryan in chapter eight, they’ll eventually find Jacob in a red room.

Here, the Sports Coach begs Ryan to free him by using the box on the wall. Solving the breaker puzzle is crucial to saving Jacob. First, pull BREAKER 1 and 2 then BREAKER 2 and 3, which opens Gates 3 and 5 respectively, thus freeing Jacob.

Opening the wrong gate in chapter eight will result in the werewolf killing Jacob. Also, not solving the puzzle correctly or leaving Jacob leads to the same result, as Laura breaks the power box in chapter nine.

Chapter 10: Run From Werewolf


If Ryan failed to kill Chris Hackett in chapter nine, then the werewolf will come chasing Jacob in chapter 10.


To save Jacob, RUN from Chris and complete all the QTEs successfully. Failing at doing so results in Jacob getting torn in half.

The Quarry is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Complete Guide To The Quarry: Collectibles, Endings, And More