In The Planet Crafter, the stage after Flora is Trees. However, players end up wondering where all the trees are since wild grass appears everywhere while wild trees only grow in a couple of very specific locations. And though flower seeds are everywhere in wrecks and chests, tree seeds are in much shorter supply.

The trick is that The Planet Crafter players have to craft trees and tree seeds for themselves. It's a simple process, but players first have to know what that process is. That's why this guide will focus on teaching players how to create and use tree seeds.

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The DNA Manipulator

Planet Crafter DNA Manipulator

The key machine players need for crafting tree seeds is the DNA Manipulator. This piece of equipment unlocks at 700 MTi, which is also when the Flora stage ends, and the Tree stage begins.

Players also need Tree Spreaders to make use of tree seeds, and the first of those unlocks at 45 tons of biomass. These two milestones can happen in either order, which is why some players end up wondering what they're supposed to do with Tree Spreaders.

To use the DNA Manipulator, players must combine a flower seed with tree bark and mutagen. Players can craft mutagen in the Biolab, and they can get tree bark from the Biodome T2. If players aren't certain how to get tree bark, they can get it from the computer displays on either end of the Biodome, although it takes a few minutes to generate new samples.

Once players have the correct ingredients, they can add them to the DNA Manipulator by clicking on the monitor with the DNA symbol. After that, simply click "Research," wait for a second, and then click "Start Sequencing." A few minutes later, players will get a tree seed.

Tree Seed Tips

Planet Crafter Tree Seeds
  • Currently, there are 10 types of tree seeds in The Planet Crafter. Players can craft 8 of them using the 8 flower seeds, the ninth uses mutagen T2 instead, and the last seed is unique and can't be crafted.
  • When players first unlock the DNA Manipulator, they can only use it to create three tree seeds. The rest are unlocked through insect and plant biomass milestones.
  • Players can find out which tree seeds the DNA Manipulator can currently create by clicking on the display with the three hexagons. This display also lists the recipes needed to craft these seeds.
  • Tree Seed Pleom is a secret recipe and will never show up on this screen. Pleom is the tree seed made using Golden Seeds. Players can make it immediately, and it has an oxygen multiplier of 350 percent.
  • The unique seed is Tree Seed Iterra. This seed has no recipe, and players can only find it in random chests. In fact, this seed doesn't appear in chests until after the planet reaches the Flora stage, so players should avoid opening every Planet Crafter chest until later in the game.
  • While the Tree Spreader T1 must be placed in water, the T2 and T3 models can go anywhere.
  • If a tree grows in an awkward spot (like in front of a door), players can reset tree growth by pulling the seed out of a Tree Spreader and then putting it back in. Saving and reloading also works.
  • The trees that grow next to the warp gate are Linifolia.

The Planet Crafter is available now in early access on PC.

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