The Planet Crafter is a challenging game that tests a player's wit and resourcefulness. The game starts them off with only a landing pod and nearby resources yet expects them to do the impossible, terraform a planet. Doing so demands all of a player's time and effort lest they make no progress. Even then, players will face adversity in their mission to terraform a planet. It is, after all, a feat that requires much more than one person to achieve. Therefore, they should take advantage of any opportunity to mitigate or avoid hardship.

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There are numerous strategies for lessening the difficulty of The Planet Crafter. Many of these methods players will learn as they progress through the game. Others, however, are more obscure and require considerable time to realize. These tips and tricks prove exceedingly beneficial to players when implemented early in the prologue and following playthroughs. They can alleviate many of the game's tribulations and allow players to progress near-seamlessly. So, to benefit players, here are some tips and tricks for The Planet Crafter.

5 Gather Resources Beforehand

The Planet Crafter Resources

Players will find resource gathering a pivotal element of The Planet Crafter. During the first few hours of the game, players will be scouring the world for various components needed to progress. Doing so will take up much of a player's time and effort. Moreover, this need for resources will be prevalent throughout a playthrough, albeit it becomes much less demanding with time. There is a painfully simple yet often forgotten strategy to make resource gathering much more efficient.

Players should aim to gather resources beforehand instead of seeking them when needed. Thus, taking time to garner an extensive amount of components before building or crafting anything. This method will allow players to accumulate a trove of resources that they can use whenever. Should they run low, players can venture out once more to restock their supplies. In the end, doing so will prove more time-efficient than seeking out components only when necessary.

4 Save Space By Compacting Items

The Planet Crafter Save Space

Throughout their playthrough of The Planet Crafter, players will accumulate a fair share of items. Eventually, they will need more storage space for the overwhelming number of things they have collected over time. Storage Crates, Locker Storage, and other storage furniture will suffice for a while, but players will seemingly never have enough space for their items. There is, fortunately, a method for saving space and lessening the need for additional storage apparatuses

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Players can unlock a device known as the Recycling Machine. This machine takes crafted items and deconstructs them back into their base components. While this function seems niche initially, the Recycling Machine is the only device capable of saving players space. Players can craft items from various materials, compressing them from numerous resources into a single object. Then, when players need these components, they can put an item through a Recycling Machine and retrieve individual resources.

3 Progress Before Exploring

The Planet Crafter Progress

The Planet Crafter is a game that demands much of a player's time and effort. It will take them hours to progress through the first stages and many more for the following phases. Despite this, players often try to get through the game as quickly as possible. This pursuit will prove detrimental as The Planet Crafter must progress like a marathon, not a sprint. Such an idea is especially true when it comes to exploration. Navigating a planet's perilous wastelands is difficult, especially without being appropriately prepared.

When players begin The Planet Crafter, they will lack the items necessary to explore a world. They will have an ineffective source of food and water, poor movement speed, an unsubstantial oxygen supply, and no means of navigation. Players will find exploration a treacherous and unforgiving venture. Many devices can compensate for a player's initial shortcomings, yet they only become available in later stages. As such, players should progress through the game before exploring a planet lest they will struggle immensely.

2 Mark Points Of Interests

The Planet Crafter Explore

Worlds in The Planet Crafter are vast and confusing, making them difficult to navigate. The landscape of every world is similar, with very few landmarks for players to use as reference. There is nothing, but seemingly endless deserts, mountains, and occasional wrecks. This perplexing planet layout makes exploration a much more demanding feat that proves deadly if players become lost.

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There are many ways for players to find their way in The Planet Crafter. Players can use a Microchip - Compass or Screen - Mapping to navigate, but these prove largely ineffective. Instead, players should use Beacons to find their way across a planet. These devices precisely mark points of interest, making them visible from anywhere. Players can use Beacons to note important locations and make travel much less strenuous.

1 Refer To Display Screens

The Planet Crafter Display Screens

There are numerous aspects for players to consider while playing The Planet Crafter. They must account for various things such as a planet's Heat, Oxygen, Pressure, etc. However, these details are not readily available to players, and, as such, players will quickly find themselves overwhelmed by the lack of information. They will be unable to effectively progress the game and suffer from the absence of knowledge.

Fortunately, there are devices in The Planet Crafter that grant players insight into important details. These machines are known as Display Screens, appliances that detail various tidbits of information. There are many variants of these devices that account for different details. As such, players should build Display Screens and refer to them often, as they offer invaluable information on a planet and other things.

The Planet Crafter is available now on PC.

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