For players to progress in The Planet Crafter, they will need to gather their fair share of resources. Every building, machine, and device in the game requires specific components to create. The most basic of these things will demand common resources to make. However, the most complex will need rarer materials that are not readily available. One such resource is the blue crystalline ore known as Osmium.

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Osmium is among the rarest resources available in The Planet Crafter. Acquiring this material requires much effort or luck, making it a rarity unbeknownst to players until they need it. Even when players learn of Osmium, they are left clueless about its location. This ignorance can prove costly to a player's terraformation efforts. Being such a beneficial resource, players must know how to get Osmium lest they will not progress.

How To Get Osmium

The Planet Crafter Split Image Osmium

There are three sources of Osmium in The Planet Crafter: Storage Crates, Meteor Showers, and Ice Caves. Each method of acquiring this resource varies in reliability as they require either extensive effort or uncanny luck. Regardless, players should know every available means for obtaining Osmium as it is unfathomably rare.

Storage Crates

Storage Crates are feasible means of acquiring resources, although their contents are random. Depending on where they reside, Storage Crates can contain a menagerie of materials with seemingly no relation. Anything from necessities such as food and water to Uranium can fill their contents. Storage Crates in hidden or difficult-to-reach areas can potentially hold Osmium. However, there is no guarantee, making these containers an unreliable means of acquiring this resource. Even so, players should be sure to loot Storage Crates in hopes of finding some Osmium within.

Meteor Showers

Meteor Showers are a natural phenomenon in The Planet Crafter that many players initially avoid, chiefly due to the catastrophe they wreak. These celestial events occur at random, with seemingly no indication. Despite having such a frightening display, Meteor Showers provide players with various resources. The meteors that impact the planet contain random ores that players can collect, including Osmium on rare occasions. Being a chance-based occurrence, players should not depend on Meteor Showers for this ore but take advantage of them whenever they occur.

Ice Caves

As the name suggests, Ice Caves are caverns obscured by frost located across the planet. Accessing these caves is impossible at first as ice blockades their entrances. Players can eventually melt the frost by increasing the planet's Heat Score. They can do so by creating machines known as Heaters, which generate Heat at a constant rate. In time, the temperature will be enough to thaw Ice Caves, granting players entry into its depths where valuable resources lie.

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Ice Caves boast a variety of resources such as Iridium, Sulfur, and, most notably, Osmium. These caverns are the only areas where this ore is naturally occurring. So, once players melt the frost, they can mine Osmium found throughout the Ice Caves in addition to other rarities. These areas should offer players an abundance of this resource, but they will eventually need the help of a particular machine.

Once all the Osmium of an Ice Cave depletes, players will have to depend on an Ore Collector T2. This machine is capable of mining rarer ores from the ground, unlike the Ore Collector T1, which collects common resources. Players unlock the Ore Collector T2 upon reaching a Pressure Score of 364.50 mPa. Upon meeting this requirement, they can build this machine using Osmium x3, Super Alloy x3, and Iridium Rod x2. However, players must establish the Ore Collector T2 in an Ice Cave for it to mine Osmium effectively.

The Planet Crafter is available now on PC.

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