With the release of the 1.0 update, The Planet Crafter is now a complete game. You can finish the job of terraforming the planet when you reach 5 TTi, and after that you can build an Extraction Platform and leave the planet behind.

The Planet Crafter features three endings. All of them involve the Extraction Platform, but you can tell your extraction pod to meet up with one of three groups. Every ending is somewhat ambiguous about your fate, but some of them require more effort than others. Still, the beginning of the endgame is the same no matter which ending you're aiming for.

The Planet Crafter: Best Structures To Construct First

These structures are important for players to build as soon as possible in The Planet Crafter in order to ensure their survival.

How to Build the Extraction Platform

Planet Crafter Ending Capsule

Step one of every ending is unlocking and building the Extraction Platform. You unlock it by reaching 5 TTi, which is also the Terraformation Index value that gets you to the "Complete Terraformation" stage. Reaching this point involves the same terraformation tactics that worked for earlier stages:

Once you can build the Extraction Platform, you'll need a variety of high-end materials:

However, all of these items show up in other blueprints, so none of them should be too hard to find.

The Planet Crafter: How to Get Every Frog

Collect all 14 species of frog in The Planet Crafter to add some color to your base's environment.

How to Destroy the Anomaly

Planet Crafter Ending Bomb

Sadly, you can't just leave the planet after you build the Extraction Platform. If you use the platform's display, you'll see an error message about interference. This message also provides a set of coordinates: 718:43:2269.

Within a few minutes of building the platform, you'll get a message from Sentinel Corp. that mentions this anomaly. When you read it, you'll get one last recipe for a Large Explosive Device. This device requires:

You can build it from the Construction menu, and you place the Large Explosive Device like any other Construction machine. However, The Planet Crafter will only let you place the LED next to the anomaly. Its outline is red in every other location.

The anomaly in question is the glowing orb the Wardens built to keep themselves safe from human expansion. You can find it by visiting the Ancient City ruins beneath the Super Alloy Cave. In case you need a refresher (or haven't been inside), here's how to reach the orb:

  1. Use the Warden Key from the Mushroom River ruin in the altar at the back of the Super Alloy Cave (953:66:1757).
  2. Descend the stairs, turn right in the hallway, and cross the bridge.
  3. At the altar in the center of the city, climb up the stairs in front of the right building, then climb up the wooden ramps past the stairs.
  4. Walk across the building roof to find another wooden walkway.
  5. At the far side of the walkway, enter the hallway to the right.

You can then use the Construction menu to place the Large Explosive Device on the platform beneath the orb. Interact with the LED's display to set the 10-second timer, then run out of the room. Everything will shake as the explosive goes off, but you should be safe from damage so long as you aren't in the room with the orb and the bomb.

Now that the orb is gone, the Extraction Platform will work. You can leave right away with Sentinel Corp. if you want, but you have some alternatives if you're patient and ready to keep exploring. If you do stick with Sentinel, you'll get the hidden achievement "Subjection."

Something to note is that you can choose any ending you qualify for from the Extraction Platform, and The Planet Crafter won't overwrite your save after you see an ending. This means you can view all three endings using a single save file.

The Planet Crafter: How to Get Every Fish

The Planet Crafter includes 13 fish species, some of which are harder to get than others.

Subservience: The Smuggler Ending

Planet Crafter Ending Smugglers

A few minutes after you destroy the Warden orb, you'll get one final message from your friend, Riley. They warn you that Sentinel Corp. won't respect your accomplishment, and you can't trust that they'll let you go free. That's why Riley struck a deal with a smuggler ship to get you off the planet in exchange for 500,000 Terra Tokens and 5 Solar Quartz. The smugglers aren't trustworthy either, but Riley thinks you have a better chance with them than with Sentinel.

The Solar Quartz isn't a big problem, but 500,000 Terra Tokens is a staggering amount. If you want to gather that many, there are a few things you should do:

  • Create an automated outpost or two using drones and auto-crafters that can generate and sell a high-value material like Pulsar Quartz or Circuit Boards.
  • Keep exploring procedural wrecks to find Terra Token chips and fuses (you can sell most of them using the Space Trader Rocket).
  • Consider selling back any fuses in your optimizers, since you no longer need to increase your Terraformation Index.

Once you have the Terra Tokens you need, go to the Extraction Platform and place 5 Solar Quartz in the container at the top of the platform. The quartz must be in the container: if it's in your inventory, you won't see the smuggler ending on the platform's interface. Once you do, you can head up to the smuggler's ship and get the achievement "Subservience."

The Planet Crafter: Where to Find Obsidian

The Volcanic Update added a volcanic zone to The Planet Crafter, and with it a new resource: obsidian.

Subversion: The Warden Ending

Planet Crafter Ending Wardens

If you explore the Warden ruins hidden below the Cenote biome (west of the Meteor Crater), you'll discover that some of the Wardens escaped the planet before it became barren. They even left behind a way for others to follow them: 10 hidden Warden Keys and the blueprints for a Warden Key Detector that can find them.

The hidden keys are in special golden altars that materialize when you get close enough, assuming you have a Warden Key Detector in an equipment slot. Here's where to find them all:


Location Description


Next to the shipwreck in the Labyrinth Canyons


In the central Highlands area, along the west end of the basin


On a plateau in the Grand Rift, reachable by vines


Below the half-buried stargate in the Gate Desert


On the Central Plateau, roughly between the Aluminum Hills and the Labyrinth Canyons


Beneath the Sand Falls


West of the Volcanoes shipwreck


On a hill between the Waterfall and the Southern Ocean, close to a wreck


On the large western island in the Southern Ocean, southwest of the Waterfall


In the middle of the Meteor Crater

You might also be able to use the Warden Keys in the Lost Paradise area, since you don't need to get into the central sanctuary to access the Warden ending.

With 10 Warden Keys in hand, you can add them to the Extraction Platform container to access the Warden ending. Like the others, it's hard to say whether this ending will turn out good or bad: the Wardens seem nice, but an unknown number of years have passed since they left their messages behind, and they might not react well to meeting a human in person. Regardless, this ending earns you the achievement "Subversion."

The Planet Crafter
The Planet Crafter

April 10, 2024
Miju Games
Open-World , Survival