
  • Terraforming is key in The Planet Crafter , with oxygen production being vital for establishing a sustainable ecosystem.
  • Seed Spreaders and Algae Generators are efficient oxygen-producing structures that players can use early on in the game.
  • Biodomes, an end-game structure, offer sustainable oxygen generation and are ideal for fine-tuning terraforming efforts.

The Planet Crafter merges aspects of a survival game with a sci-fi crafting adventure centered on terraforming a strange planet. Players progress by unlocking blueprints and technologies, aiming to reduce and stop all tectonic activity, decrease the planet's heat, and establish a sustainable ecosystem showcasing surface water, flora, and fauna. Depending on which starting location the player chooses, the game will range from being quite easy to almost impossible.

The Planet Crafter: Best Food

Food in The Planet Crafter is not a mandatory feature, but some foods do stand out due to the bonuses they give. Here's what's worth cooking.

Terraforming is the main gameplay loop in The Planet Crafter, which gives it a subtle twist compared to other base building and crafting games. Creating oxygen to enable the establishment of a sustainable ecosystem is a major part of the terraforming process. The player has a number of options available to them for the production of oxygen, depending on which stage of the game they are in. These are the best approaches to take

6 Vegetube

Growing Basic Plants

Vegetube Produces Oxygen In The Planet Crafter


  • Vegetube T1
  • Vegetube T2
  • Vegetube T3

T3 Input/Output:

  • Power: -7.25/s
  • Oxygen: 13/s

The Vegetube is the first oxygen producing structure that a new player to The Planet Crafter will unlock. The T1 and T2 Vegetubes can be placed inside a building, but the T3 has to be placed outside.

The Planet Crafter: Best Structures To Construct First

These structures are important for players to build as soon as possible in The Planet Crafter in order to ensure their survival.

Once placed, the player just needs to put a seed inside the Vegetube, and it will start producing oxygen if it has enough power. Most players will use Vegetubes in the early game, but switch over to a better form of oxygen production when it becomes feasible.

5 Algae Generator

For Growing Mushrooms

Algae Generator Produces Oxygen In The Planet Crafter


  • Algae Generator T1
  • Algae Generator T2

T2 Input/Output:

  • Power: -27/s
  • Oxygen: 350/s
  • Flora: 23/s

Even the T1 Algae Generator is a significant upgrade on the Vegetube as an oxygen-producing structure. However, there is a downside here. Unlike the T1 and T2, the T3 Vegetube can be placed outside, making it easy to build a base that has a large number of them, but all Algae Generators need to be placed outside.

The Alagae Generator is useful in that it also grows mushrooms, which are a good food source and also a resource used in the more advanced food recipes. A good tip is that an Algae Grower can be used to produce oxygen, then switched over to growing mushrooms as needed.

4 Seed Spreader

Mass Propagation Of Plants

Seed Spreader Produces Oxygen In The Planet Crafter


  • Grass Spreader
  • Flower Spreader T1
  • Flower Spreader T2

T2 Input/Output:

  • Power: -38.8/s
  • Oxygen: Up to 325/s
  • Flora: 43.5/s

Seed Spreaders are very much like an advanced Vegetube in The Planet Crafter. The difference is, Seed Spreaders will continue propagating plants and flowers across an area, as long as the seeds don’t run out.

The Planet Crafter: Where to Find Uranium

Uranium is essential for rocket engines and nuclear reactors, but this elusive element can be hard to locate.

The amount of oxygen that a Seed Spreader will produce is determined by the type of seeds that the player loads into it. However, even the lowest rated seeds work better in a Seed Spreader than they do in a Vegetube. Many players replace Vegetubes with Seed Spreaders once they can afford the material cost, and have enough power to keep them running full-time, as there is almost no downside to making the change.

3 Tree Spreader

Propagating Trees Across A Wide Area

Tree Spreader Produces Oxygen In The Planet Crafter


  • Tree Spreader T1
  • Tree Spreader T2
  • Tree Spreader T3

T3 Input/Output:

  • Power: -153.00 kW/s
  • Oxygen: 8,500.00 ppq/s
  • Flora: 1,250.00 g/s

The Tree Spreader is the best of all the seed-based single construction stations. It produces a huge amount of oxygen, but also takes a lot of power to run. However, by the mid- to late-game, The Planet Crafter players should find that providing enough power is a easy-to-overcome challenge.

The amount of oxygen that the Tree Spreader puts out will depend on the type of tree seeds the player puts into it. As long as it has power and seeds, it will propagate seeds across a wide area. Using a Tree Spreader is the only viable option for creating vast forests, which will produce oxygen for the rest of a playthrough.

2 Seed Spreader Rocket

Mass Propagation Of Large Areas

Seed Rocket Produces Oxygen In The Planet Crafter

Required materials:

  • Rocket Engine: 1
  • Super Alloy: 2
  • Tree Bark: 1
  • Bacteria Sample: 1
  • Mutagen: 1

In the late game, The Planet Crafter enables players to load a rocket with a large amount of seeds, which will then be shot into the atmosphere, and open up to disperse the seeds across a very wide area.

5 Mistakes Everyone Makes In The Planet Crafter

The Planet Crafter is a complicated and challenging game, so players are bound to make mistakes. Here are some of the most common ones.

However, the actual launch platform needed to fire the rocket off takes a huge area of the player’s base to build. Seed Spreader Rockets are useful for giving a rapid boost to the planet's oxygen, but the more sustainable options are generally better in the long run.

1 Biodome

Sustainable Oxygen Generation

Biodome Produces Oxygen In The Planet Crafter


  • Biodome T1
  • Biodome T2

T2 Input/Output:

  • Power: -37/s
  • Oxygen: 135 ppq/s

In The Planet Crafter, a Biodome is an indoor ecosystem that can be used to plant numerous flowers and plants. These structures can be connected to others, such as a living area. A door will need to be constructed in the side of the Biodome to access it.

Although Biodomes don’t give out a huge volume of oxygen, the amount they do provide is completely sustainable and will continue permanently once the Biodome has been populated with flora. This is very much an end-game structure for terraforming, and is generally used to fine tune and sustain the amount of oxygen in an already mostly terraformed environment. However, in terms of the best ways to produce oxygen, there is no better option in The Planet Crafter.

The Planet Crafter
The Planet Crafter

April 10, 2024
Miju Games
Open-World , Survival