The Planet Crafter is part survival game, and part sci-fi crafting game, that is based around the goal of terraforming a planet. The player progresses through unlocking blueprints and technologies and tries to establish a sustainable ecosystem including surface water, flora, and fauna.

5 Beginner Tips For The Planet Crafter: Prologue

The Planet Crafter is a complicated indie game, and even the prologue proves to be somewhat confusing. Here are some tips for completing the prologue.

Cooking doesn’t play much of a part in this game. Some games have advanced cooking mechanics, producing food that gives multiple buffs and benefits. In The Planet Crafter, food is simpler and entirely optional for most players. However, the more advanced recipes do have their uses. Especially those foods that give a bonus to oxygen use, thirst, and run speed.

8 Eggplant

Basic Food Item

Eggplant Food In The Planet Crafter


  • T1 Algae Generator
  • Biolab
  • Fertilizer


  • Health +25

Food in The Planet Crafter is quite basic. There are no really advanced recipes that give multiple stat bonuses and buffs as is often found in other games that have a cooking mechanic. Eggplant is a good example of this simplicity, it is simply a vegetable that can be grown and eaten.

Eggplant needs to be engineered in a biolab and then grown using fertilizer. Once fully grown, it can be picked and eaten raw, to give 25 health.

7 Mushroom

Basic Food From A Food Grower

Mushroom Food In The Planet Crafter


  • T1 Food Grower
  • Biolab
  • Bioplastic Nugget


  • Health: +35

Mushrooms are engineered in a biolab and then grown in a T1 or better Food Grower. Mushrooms don't need to be cooked in The Planet Crafter. It just needs to be fully grown and picked before the player can eat them.

5 Tips & Tricks For The Planet Crafter

The Planet Crafter is not an easy game. However, with these tips and tricks, it becomes much less challenging.

As with all of the basic plant-based raw foods in this game, the mushroom doesn’t give much in the way of benefits. It simply gives the player 35 health back. It is only really of use in the early game.

6 Squash

Mid-Game Basic Foodstuff

Squash Food In The Planet Crafter


  • T2 Food Grower
  • Biolab
  • T2 Fertilizer


  • Health: +40

Squash is another of the basic vegetable foodstuffs in The Planet Crafter. However, the requirements for growing and consuming squash are a little higher than the vegetables already covered in this list. However, with its 40 health bonus, it is a lot more useful.

The player will need to unlock the recipes for both the T2 Food Grower and T2 Fertilizer before they can grow, harvest, and consume Squash, which doesn’t happen until the mid-game stage. Until then, mushrooms and eggplant will be the only available food.

5 Beans

Great Raw Food

Beans Food In The Planet Crafter


  • T1 Food Grower
  • Outdoor Farm
  • Bean Seeds


  • Health: +60

The last of the raw vegetables that can be eaten as food in The Planet Crafter, is the best of the bunch. Cooking games usually use vegetables as a raw ingredient for more advanced recipes. And whilst this is somewhat true of this game, beans are a great food consumed raw.

5 Mistakes Everyone Makes In The Planet Crafter

The Planet Crafter is a complicated and challenging game, so players are bound to make mistakes. Here are some of the most common ones.

The player will need to have unlocked the blueprint for the Outdoor Farm before they can grow and harvest beans. Once this is done and the farm has been constructed, beans are a simple and effective food, giving 60 health when eaten.

4 Croissant

Basic Cooked Food

Croissant Food In The Planet Crafter


  • Cooking Station
  • Flour: 3


  • Health: +75

Moving on to the actual cooked food in The Planet Crafter, Croissant is the simplest of the recipes. It requires just 3 flour to cook. However, the player will need to have unlocked the blueprint for the cooking station and construct it to be able to cook croissants.

Arguably, the extra effort involved in cooking croissants isn't worth the extra 25 health they give over raw beans, which are much easier to acquire. However, once the player has a sustainable wheat farm built and operating, croissants become a very useful food.

Gives A Run Speed Bonus

Cookie Food In The Planet Crafter


  • Cooking Station
  • Flour: 3
  • Chocolate: 3


  • Health: +90
  • Run speed boost

Cookies are one of the 3 more advanced food recipes in The Planet Crafter, that offers more than just a health bonus. However, to be able to cook cookies, the player will need to be able to grow and process cocoa into chocolate.

Cookies are a very useful food for players who need to travel some distance. Eating a cooking gives a short boost to the player’s run speed. It also gives 90 health. Cookies are best used situationally, and other, easier-to-prepare foods are used for just health bonuses.

2 Honey Cooked Beans

Gives A Thirst Bonus

Honey Cooked Beans Food In The Planet Crafter


  • Cooking station
  • Beans: 1
  • Eggplant: 1
  • Squash: 1
  • Honey: 1


  • Health: +50
  • Thirst bonus

Honey Cooked Beans are a very useful food that every player should carry when playing The Planet Crafter. If a player’s hydration level reaches zero, they begin to die. If there is no source of water nearby, or they are not carrying a water bottle, there is no way around this. Honey Cooked Beans help to negate this problem.

The Planet Crafter: Where to Find Uranium

Uranium is essential for rocket engines and nuclear reactors, but this elusive element can be hard to locate.

By eating this food, the player will gain a short-term boost to how slowly their hydration level drops. Eating Honey Cooked Beans when low on hydration will help the player to get back to base and drink before they die.

1 Fish Soup

Late Game Food With An Oxygen Bonus

Fish Soup Food In The Planet Crafter


  • Cooking Station
  • Fish Provios Eggs: 1
  • Fish Vilnus Eggs: 1
  • Honey: 1


  • Health: +50
  • Oxygen use bonus

Fish Soup is the best of the end-game foods in The Planet Crafter, as it gives the single most useful benefit. Namely, a decrease in the amount of oxygen the player uses. Even with an extended oxygen tank, a player has to go into a structure to recharge their air supply frequently. The bonus from Fish Soup helps with this.

The player will need to have established a viable water-based ecology before they can start to cook Fish Soup, as it requires two different types of fish eggs to cook.

The Planet Crafter
The Planet Crafter

April 10, 2024
Miju Games
Open-World , Survival