The third installment in the Outlast series thrusts players into mazes filled with violence and horror. The Outlast Trials involves brutal sets of experiments that test the sheer grit of players who dare to play it. However, the cooperative side of this game plunges players into chaos thanks to intricate level designs. Mastering these levels is dependent solely on the grades after completion.

Better grades in Outlast Trials result in better rewards. As such, some players have been targeting the highest grades of A+. The game examines every minute detail to ensure proper grading upon the completion of a trial. Hence, receiving an A+ in The Outlast Trials is an achievement that can only be accomplished with near-flawless gameplay. Succeeding the trials requires proper preparation and an awareness of common mistakes which can potentially lower the grade.

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Prepare for the Trials

The Outlast Trials

It's impossible earn an A+ grade without being familiar with the map layout and objectives of the program of choice. It is also crucial to choose appropriate Prescriptions, Amps, and RIGs which perfectly fit one’s play-style. Assigning particular roles to players in a co-op program, each with their chosen RIGs, is the best approach.

Though there are useful items to be found in each program, their scarcity is problematic when it comes to aiming for an A+ grade. Using RIGs at appropriate moments can be critical to survival in The Outlast Trials.

About RIGs

RIGS menu in The Outlast Trials

There are four kinds of RIGs available for players at this time:

  • Stun RIG: Stuns enemies in a chase and works similarly to the effect of throwing empty bottles and bricks
  • Blind RIG: A landmine creates a smokescreen, blinding enemies temporarily.
  • Heal RIG: Aerosol gas heals the user and nearby companions.
  • X-Ray RIG: Provides intel akin to wall-hacks while also revealing key items in the program, and recharges one’s battery for continued night vision capabilities.

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Each of these RIGs can be upgraded. With sufficient upgrades, one can even start the program with their RIGs of choice. Ideally, four players must choose between these RIGs, with each player using a different one. However, team strategy may require the same RIGs for two or more players.

Execute Strategy

Propaganda poster collectible in The Outlast Trials

After preparing for the program, a near-flawless execution of the program strategy is necessary for achieving an A+ grade in The Outlast Trials. A few key points to remember during the programs include the following.

  • Collectibles are essential. Players cannot receive an A+ grade in their program of choice if they miss the collectibles on the map. While preparing for the program, take the quietest and shortest path to all the propaganda posters and ultimately, the program's objective.
  • Survival comes first. Staying alive should always be the first priority during a program. It may be difficult if playing alone, so pay attention to the surroundings and look out for enemies.
  • Stealth is key. Developers at Red Barrels impose the need for stealth, as the Outlast series thrives on inducing fear with the lack of a combat system. Hence, maintaining a stealthy approach is the safest option for completing the programs without taking damage or worse, dying. Be aware of broken glass on the floor or hanging cans, which can generate sound and alert nearby enemies
  • Avoid Traps. The Outlast Trials introduced the effect of Psychosis, which gets activated when a Reagent’s Sanity is low. This can be triggered by stepping on mines, failing lockpicking minigames, and opening booby-trapped doors or containers. During Psychosis, Reagents are chased by Skinner Man and the only way out is by using an antidote.

Additional Tips For An A+ Grade

A group in post-game lobby after one of the trials.

Each program is unique, and so are the challenges players have to face in them. However, most of them can be completed if they keep these points in mind.

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  • Exploit enemy weaknesses.The Outlast Trials introduced new antagonists to conquer. While all of them are horrifying in their own way, they all have weaknesses that players can exploit. For example, the Berserker may be fairly stronger than Big Grunts, but he’s blind under his mask and thus is extra sensitive to sound. Formulating a plan according to enemy weaknesses guarantees a successful program.
  • Be Resourceful. Using the items found in the program, like batteries and antidotes, showcases the resourcefulness of a player and the grading system in The Outlast Trials rewards them for it. Using empty bottles and bricks to distract or stun enemies grants increased XP. Such items should be used whenever necessary, as they are an easy shortcut to getting increased XP and potentially, an A+ grade.
  • Help friends out. When playing with friends, helping them up from an enemy attack or healing them using the Heal RIG mist counts positively to the grading system. Moreover, if the players find it difficult to achieve an A+ grade at once, they can protect one member of the party, who can focus on getting the highest grade while others can distract the enemies. In a party of four, the same program must be played four times for this method to succeed. Despite being time-consuming, this method is considerably easier.

The Outlast Trials is available on PC.

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