The Outlast Trials takes players on a terrifying adventure through Murkoff's experimental facility during the Cold War Era. There, they must attend therapy to erase their identity and be reborn. On the surface, it sounds okay if therapy didn't consist of various trials where players must take on murderous enemies and perform morally questionable tasks in Murkoff's name.

The psychological horror aspect is reminiscent of other games in the Outlast franchise as players fight their way through the trial maps completing objectives and solving puzzles at the risk of their sanity. However, they must be wary of falling into a psychosis state where they hallucinate and are hunted by an enemy known as the Skinner Man. Psychosis can be fatal if players aren't careful, so here's how to cure psychosis in The Outlast Trials.

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What is Psychosis in The Outlast Trials?

The Outlast Trials psychosis

Psychosis is a dangerous mental state that affects vision, causes hallucinations, and sicks a slender-man-like enemy on players unless they can cure it. Psychosis is caused by the player character inhaling poisonous gas and losing sanity, which can be triggered in several ways.

Environmental traps on doors or containers, failed lockboxes, and gas mines release some of the gas. In addition, there is an enemy called Pusher, who will sometimes appear. If he catches players, he sprays the gas directly into their faces which drains insanity completely and causes psychosis immediately. Players will know Pusher is on his way when a loud alarm starts going off, and they can take the chance to hide before he appears.

The Outlast Trials Skinner Man

While the state itself isn't deadly, the accompanying Skinner Man is. He is a ghost-like monster who chases players in psychosis and slowly drains their health when he gets close. But, unlike other enemies, hiding from him is impossible. Additionally, if players are playing a co-op Outlast Trials match, psychosis can make them hallucinate doppelgangers of their friends that will stab them if they get too close.

How to Cure Psychosis in The Outlast Trials

The Outlast Trials Antidote

The best way to cure psychosis in The Outlast Trials is to find and use an antidote. Antidotes will fully restore sanity and end the Skinner Man's relentless pursuit. Antidotes are found inside cabinets, first aid kits, or on fallen NPCs. Once picked up, they can be activated like batteries and health bottles in the inventory.

Alternatively, players can outrun the Skinner Man until their sanity replenishes itself automatically. This comes at many risks as he is only one of many enemies that terrorize players during trials, so constantly running around the map isn't a safe strategy. However, sometimes running is the only choice if no antidotes are around.

The Outlast Trials is available in Early Access on PC.

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