As an RPG, The Outer Worlds requires several choices from players. The earliest is aptitude. This determines the protagonist's background and assigns a starting perk based on that. This lays the foundation for further stat boosts throughout the game.

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It can be tough to select that foundation, as The Outer Worlds offers plenty to choose from. They all come with walls of text outlining various scenarios which brought them here. However, players have no way to know what's coming. Some aptitudes are more useful than others in tackling the challenges ahead. Here are some which all galactic explorers and corporate drones should prioritize.

7 Cashier, Sub-Grade, Non-Supervisory

Cashier in The Outer Worlds

Everything in The Outer Worlds revolves around commerce, so a cashier would naturally have an advantage. As such, those in this trade get one Persuasion skill point. This attribute can score discounts at stores and steer conversations in players' favor. The latter is particularly important since the first planet features a dispute between factory colonists and outcasts. Not only is dialogue essential, but so is combat.

The aptitude has a chance to make human enemies cower. Players spend most of their time fighting greedy people, so they might as well fill those people with fear. A moment's hesitation can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

6 Factory Worker, Conveyor, Operator

Melee Combat in The Outer Worlds

Factory employees regularly maneuver around hazardous equipment. This gives them a Dodge skill point right off the bat. They obviously have the ability to dodge, which is useful for melee mooks and space monsters. Higher rankings increase the distance of each dodge, but the benefits don't stop at simple evasion.

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As weird as it sounds, the skill enables retaliation. Not only does it lessen the duration of harmful status effects, but it boosts players' armor and attack stats after dodging. They can stay on the move without losing step, making them a difficult target to take down.

5 Elevator Operations Specialist

Weapon Mods in The Outer Worlds

In a sci-fi setting, one ought to know how advanced technology works. That's where Elevator Specialists comes in, sporting an Engineering skill point. This lets them repair and mod weapons and armor for less resources. In addition, they can actually improve items by repairing them or gain better materials for breaking them down. In the process, the skill itself becomes a precious commodity.

That's especially the case in the early hours. At the game's beginning, players obviously don't have many items to their name. They need to accomplish more with less. That desire holds true throughout the adventure. The best materials craft the best equipment, and many encounters hinge on having better toys than one's foes.

4 No Discernable Aptitude

Companions in The Outer Worlds

The name is somewhat misleading. This aptitude actually grants one Determination skill point. While it doesn't affect the players directly, it does increase the health of their companions.

The protagonist has few such friends at first. Because of that, it's essential to keep them alive, as they soon prove invaluable in combat. Even if they simply draw enemies' attention, their backup prevents players from being overwhelmed. In the opening hours, this selfless behavior creates a safety net while learning the ropes.

3 Tossball Team Mascot

A Party Member attacking in The Outer Worlds

Sports stars can be extremely inspirational. That's why this aptitude yields one Inspiration skill point. This is another skill which doesn't affect the player.

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Rather, it improves the party, increasing the damage dealt by one's companions. It then grants stat buffs for enemies they slay. Best of all, it boosts their own skills in relation to the player. If the protagonist lacks the stats for certain scenarios - like lockpicking or persuading, the companions can pick up the slack. Too often in games, party members serve as little more than distractions while players do the real work. Inspiration ensures they pull their weight and then some.

2 Sub Sous Chef

A One-Handed Club in The Outer Worlds

A gun isn't always lying around, especially early on. Players must inevitably resort to blunt objects on occasion. However, this aptitude can make that object more enticing. By the end, some might prefer it over firearms.

The Sub Sous Chef comes with a One-Handed Melee skill point. This makes short work of anyone who gets close, and higher levels only increase its utility. Over time, the weapons get a longer reach, greater damage, and a better chance to stun targets. In addition, players unlock different strikes, preventing melee combat from becoming too mundane and archaic. These attributes arguably work better in tandem than gun upgrades. Eventually, the aforementioned blunt object may become deadlier than the most advanced projectile.

1 Medical Technician, Junior Grade

The Inhaler in The Outer Worlds

It always pays to stay healthy. Medics know that better than most, sporting a Medical skill point out of the gate. With this stat, they can regain a greater amount of health after using the inhaler. They can also outfit that inhaler with more slots for mixing different drugs, thereby getting the most out of the little tool. One puff ensures they're ready for anything the galaxy throws at them, be it through drug-based boosts or simple recovery.

Though the Medical skills primarily affect the player's health, they gain an extra perk upon mastery. Namely, they let users inflict 20% more damage to humans. This is an odd advantage to tack on at the end. Again, though, humans make up most of the game's enemies, so the perk is far from useless.

The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition was released on March 7 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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