The enemies of The Outer Worlds are strange and varied. Though it is usually preferable to keep them at a distance and blast them to smithereens from behind the safety of a rifle, some players prefer to bash, swing and slice their way through their adversaries. For the latter, there are plenty of options when it comes to hands-on dismemberment, and there is certainly no more satisfying way to finish off a Raptidon than the hands-on approach.

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Adventurers, technicians and experimentalist survivors have devised a catalog of vicious weapons for when the enemy gets a little too close for comfort, but these weapons should ensure that any player who wields them is able to triumph.

10 Blad On Stik

The Outer Worlds Blad On Stik

Blad On Stik is a unique two-handed variant of the trip-blade. Said to be so sharp that it cut the letters from its own name, this blade packs a lot of power and has a reasonably fast cutting-arc. On critical hits it can do up to 425 DPS, and has a special bleed effect to cause lasting damage on any affected targets.

This blade can be found in Emerald Vale during the "Fistful Of Digits" quest. Having entered the Marauder Hideout and killed Doc Maybell, it can be looted from his body as a reward.

9 Shock Stick

The Outer Worlds Shock Stick

This highly modified stun baton has been charged with additional shock damage, a faster swing and a huge boost to critical damage. While the impact itself is only listed as 53 DPS, this bludgeoning weapon also carries an additional 130 Shock Damage, and a 150% Critical Damage percentage.

Electrocuting and stunning enemies will temporarily pacify them, enabling more damage to be dealt without worry of a counter coming back. This weapon is given to the player by Ludwig Miller at the Edgewater Landing Pad as a reward for completing "Die, Robot".

8 Landing Pad Cutter

The Outer Worlds Landing Pad Cutter

This bizarre weapon is the result of space settler experimentation gone wrong. A two-handed modified axe, it can do up to 465 DPS if its bleed effect and 150% Critical bonus are activated.

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Excellent for felling marauders, this unique weapon can be found at the Edgewater Landing Pad beside the bodies of two workers who supposedly created it. Their mangled bodies serve as an ode to the power contained within this weapon.

7 Rapti-ProdThe Outer Worlds Raptiprod

One enemy that players of The Outer Worlds will quickly familiarize themselves with is the Raptidon. While there are many classes of Raptidons, from Spitters to the colossal Matriarch, all are immunse to the stun powers of the Rapti-Prod.

While this weapon is relatively weak against other enemy types, it can pacify Raptidons in one hit, and is especially useful for quests and areas that are heavily populated with the species. The Rapti-Prod can be found in the Cover Labs near Roseway during the quest "The Amateur Alchemist".

6 Supper Time

The Outer Worlds Supper Time

Both poisonous and aptly-named, Supper Time reflects the morbid hunger for flesh desired by this blade. Another product of the manufacturing work at Aramid Ballistics, this vicious knife can deal up to 150 DPS with its 160% Critical bonus.

An additional 75 Corrosion damage and Bleed effect ensure that the suffering is prolonged for anyone who meets the wrong end of this weapon. Located in Stellar Bay, the knife can be looted from the body of Braxton at Braxton's Apartment during the quest "The Secret People".

5 Hammer of Olympus

The Outer Worlds Hammer of Olympus

A unique variant of the pulse hammer, this smashing weapon is one of the most powerful hammers available in the game, and carries a variety of abilities with it. Along with shock damage and a total DPS of 594, it also possesses a stun ability with a chance to knock opponents off balance and into the air.

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The hammer is jokingly described as not being made by Hephaestus, but by Aramid Ballistics. In order to locate the hammer, players much reach Sundered Rock (North East of Devil's Peak Station), where the hammer can be found leaning against a bolder.

4 Vortex Mace

The Outer Worlds Vortex mace

Manufactured by the T&L corporation, this elite melee weapon uses a gruesome rotating mechanism to churn and grind through enemy armor and flesh. Able to deal out 242 DPS with a knockdown ability, the mace is ideal when faced with mid-level enemies, but with a 170% Critical Damage bonus, it can be utilized to great effect against pretty much anything.

The Vortex Mace can be found in a variety of locations, most commonly the Abandoned Safehouse near Forlorn Crossroads on Monarch, or in the locked room above the bar in Stellar Bay.

3 Soft Speaker

The Outer Worlds Soft Speaker

The Soft Speaker is a powerful end-game staff capable of producing up to 619 DPS. With a special knockdown ability and a 160% Critical Damage bonus, very few enemies can withstand more than a few of its mighty blows.

The staff also has a surprisingly fast swing, and can be equipped with several mods including Firing Noise -90% and Intimidate +10. The staff can be acquired by players following the completion of the quest "Canid's Cradle".

2 Ionized Paper Knife

The Outer Worlds Ionized paper knife

This fast-slashing one-handed blade is every bit as menacing in appearance as it is effective in combat. The dark red glow is indicative of its 392 DPS Plasma abilities, and with such a fast attack rate, it is capable of delivering up to 23,548 Damage Per Minute. A special Burn effect also enhances the rapid destruction of the blade's adversaries, and will be particularly effective against non-mechanical targets. With the SpeedGrip modification, swing speed can be increased by a further 25%. During the quest "Cupid of the Laboratory", the knife can be found in the Maintenance Tunnels beneath Byzantium,

1 Impact Hammer Mk 2

The Outer Worlds Hammer

This one-handed bludgeoning tool represents the pinnacle of Spacer's Choice melee weaponry. Able to deal out a steady 415 DPS with a relatively fast swing rate and knockdown ability, this hammer is capable of dealing up to 24,873 Damage Per Minute, with a 150% Critical Damage bonus. Where the hammer excels is its ability to be modified. The Grip and Attack mods can enhance this weapon to its full potential, and separate it in that regard from some other unique weapons. The hammer can be found from the looted bodies of Mega Raptidons in the Monarch Wilderness.

The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition releases March 7 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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