The Outer Worlds 2 is taking on a whole new universe, but Mass Effect Andromeda has already provided a warning for how such a move can go wrong. being the sequel to a well-recieved game does not guarantee success. The Outer Worlds 2 will need to do something unique with its new setting in order to justify the change. One of the most disappointing outcomes would be for Outer Worlds 2 to feel like a watered-down version of the first game. Unfortunately, that ended up being a perfect description of Mass Effect Andromeda's eventual reputation.

It has been revealed that The Outer Worlds 2's solar system will be different than the first game's, as well as the supporting cast. With the first game having a heavy focus on corporations run wild in futuristic space colonies, it's worth wondering if The Outer Worlds 2 will retread similar ground, or find a new theme to center its story around. While not the biggest name in its genre, The Outer Worlds was a solid game with a likable cast and fun gameplay. The sequel has a strong foundation to build off of, but also needs to ensure it moves forward rather than backwards.

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The Outer Worlds 2 Needs To Stand Apart From Its Predecessor

the outer worlds promotional screenshot

A new locale isn't the only advantage that The Outer Worlds 2 needs. Mass Effect Andromeda unfortunately shows how such a move can backfire. Andromeda had once been a hotly anticipated title due to being the follow-up to the critically acclaimed Mass Effect trilogy. After release though, the hype surrounding it quickly dried up. Despite taking place in a new galaxy, Andromeda failed to deliver on much that the original trilogy didn't already cover, although not for a lack of trying. The end result was a game that disappointed despite being heavily anticipated. The Outer Worlds 2 must avoid a similar fate upon release.

One important part of the new game will be its cast. The Outer Worlds 2 will feature new characters, with the original crewmates not reprising their roles. Obviously, it's a shame that these characters won't be followed up on, especially the more likable ones like Parvati. However, this is also an opportunity for The Outer Worlds 2 to establish its own identity with a new crew. The developers have to avoid making the new crew members too similar to the old ones, though. If the similarities are too great, then The Outer Worlds 2's crew runs the risk of coming off as copies of the original.

The Outer Worlds 2 needs to take advantage of its new setting. The new ideas of The Outer Worlds 2 can be influenced by the new galaxy that the story will take place in, providing inspiration for a lot of new features. The sequel can feature new types of civilizations and biomes that the first game never included, and because it's an entirely new universe, the differences would make perfect sense. Since The Outer Worlds 2 is a sequel, there is an expectation for it to deliver something the first game lacked, and that includes new kinds of planets to explore.

It would be a good idea for The Outer Worlds 2 to learn some lessons from Mass Effect Andromeda, mostly to avoid repeating its mistakes. Outer Worlds 2 must improve on the original, and by failing to innovate and sticking too close to the first game's ideas, it can end up coming off more like a half-hearted DLC of its predecessor than a new adventure in its own right. The Outer Worlds 2 can take the creative concepts that the first game introduced and find a way to evolve them. That way, The Outer Worlds 2 can avoid the fate of Mass Effect Andromeda.

The Outer Worlds 2 is currently in development.

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