The Outer Worlds was a refreshing RPG experience for many fans of the genre, combining a sharp wit with fun and creative gameplay mechanics to deliver a memorable sci-fi adventure. With The Outer Worlds 2 in development, many fans of Obsidian Entertainment's signature style are now wondering how the developer will raise the bar. The Outer Worlds' gameplay was about as strong as its story, giving the sequel a strong foundation to build on. For now, one of the biggest questions surrounding The Outer Worlds 2 is how it will top the fan-favorite companions of the first installment.

The Outer Worlds' companions were one of its standout features. A common RPG mechanic that Obsidian already had more than enough experience with, The Outer Worlds made its companions distinct through memorable and mostly endearing personalities. While Felix may not be fondly remembered by many, Parvati, Ellie, and others brought a charm to the game that made venturing through the Halcyon colony that much more memorable. In The Outer Worlds 2, Obsidian could take a step forward with its companion offerings by introducing a character that emulates man's best friend.

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The Outer Worlds 2 Should Have a Dog-Like Companion


The companions in The Outer Worlds were as useful as they were entertaining. Ellie enhanced healing, Nyoka boosted the player's lying ability, and Vicar Max made it easier to hack terminals. When designing the companions in The Outer Worlds 2, however, Obsidian should take a less humanoid approach and give players a dog-like companion. Like many RPGs before it, The Outer Worlds 2 could give players a loyal companion similar to a dog, but with a sci-fi spin. Not only could it become another member of the franchise's remarkable cast, but it could introduce some exciting new gameplay mechanics.

What a Dog-Like Companion Could Add to The Outer Worlds 2

The Outer Worlds - Nyoka Unloading With Her LMG-1

Dogs and dog-adjacent animals have played a pivotal role in gaming for decades. In franchises like Call of Duty, they add a dynamic layer to campaign missions and multiplayer matches, but it's games like Fallout 4 that should inspire The Outer Worlds 2 the most. One of the standout features of Fallout 4 was Dogmeat, a German Shepherd that assists in combat and quests. The Outer Worlds 2 could introduce a similar type of companion that fits the world of the game, such as a friendly Raptidon or Canid. Obsidian could even create a completely new creature, as The Outer Worlds 2 will be exploring a new star system.

In terms of gameplay, The Outer Worlds 2 could expand on the mechanics used by Fallout 4. The sequel's dog-like companion could assist in combat, latching on to enemies so that players can get a good shot off. It could also play a pivotal role in finding gear, as it could dig up armor or weapons buried underground. The Outer Worlds 2 could also make this kind of companion customizable with different kinds of headgear and armor. There's also opportunities for quests that center on this new companion, just as The Outer Worlds had unique quests for its companions.

One of The Outer Worlds' greatest strengths was its companions, and Obsidian has an opportunity to expand on that with the sequel. While it's likely there will be a new cast of human companions in The Outer Worlds 2, the game could really turn heads with a companion that's similar to man's best friend. The Outer Worlds 2 is already doing a lot of new things with the franchise by going to a new star system and being an Xbox exclusive, so a new type of companion would only reinforce its sense of expansion.

The Outer Worlds 2 is currently in development.

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