The Outer Worlds 2, the upcoming sequel being published under Xbox Game Studios, is in a strange spot among its RPG counterparts. As Obsidian Entertainment divides its attention between Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2, Bethesda is preparing to launch a new IP that might be covering familiar territory with the implied "Fallout in space" formula. That is not to say that Obsidian's dystopian, Art Deco-infused setting is indistinguishable from the hard sci-fi tone of Starfield, although there is an overlap that these teams should be aware of as they stake their claims in the genre.

While Bethesda's Starfield could be incorporating simulation and immersive themes in its premise, Obsidian has an opportunity to defy the romanticism of space colonization with just enough pulp to present players with an entertaining hook. One of the most pervasive elements of The Outer Worlds was its dark humor, and it is likely that this atmosphere will flow into new star systems if Fallout veterans Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky return for the sequel. Besides the narrative framework, the first game also suggested the idea of genre-shifting playstyles as players developed specializations over the course of the game. As fans hope for The Outer Worlds 2 to be bigger and better, Obsidian could capitalize on its combination of fantastic futurism and versatile gameplay to find its place in the wider gaming universe.

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The Outer Worlds 2 Playstyles

The Outer Worlds 2 Humans Fighting Shooting

The next game in The Outer Worlds series could be very intriguing considering Microsoft's ownership of Obsidian and its original IP. Assuming a larger budget, the studio might be able to push for improved gunplay and an interesting new setting for The Outer Worlds 2. Based on the satirical 2021 teaser of the project, there is room for speculation that this game could eventually include rocket boots and explosive rifles to give an extra boost to the action. At the very least, fans would hope that combat gets an upgrade, as the original title was somewhat bare in equipment variety and player agility.

Players are often forced to take matters into their own hands, but Obsidian may be able to bring more alternatives. Being a singleplayer RPG, companions in The Outer Worlds 2 could also receive more attention from a cooperative standpoint. RPG parties should allow players to create a greater synergy between their playstyles and the followers that they recruit, and The Outer Worlds provides a strong standard for streamlined party management that could extend to future games.

Character Builds in The Outer Worlds


Stealth, diplomacy, combat, and leadership were the four pillars of character builds in The Outer Worlds. Subsets or even combinations of these archetypes would then be optimized by players using attributes, skills, and perks which are supplied through regular progression. Ideally, players are incentivized to manage their characters' abilities with equipment and methods that are empowering - altering the experience in a way where those mechanics lend themselves to satisfying strategies. If The Outer Worlds 2 can twist its genre from the first-person perspective, each playstyle could be an experience unto itself whilst achieving a consequential rule system where adventure, action, subterfuge, and tactical gameplay coalesce into a variety of optional scenarios.

Obsidian could make each playstyle affect the overall feel of the game as long as players take advantage of those specializations. With a responsive gaming experience and creative conflict resolutions, Mass Effect may inspire The Outer Worlds 2 in terms of replayability under a larger scope. An ambitious sequel has the chance to include quests that embrace situational advantages for character types, also reinforcing the charm of every challenge being a personal effort in problem-solving. Whether this entails commanding companions into the battlefield or sabotaging security systems from the shadows, it would be encouraging to find Obsidian exploring gameplay-based vignettes that are genuinely representative of the characters that players control.

Like Starfield, The Outer Worlds 2 has also been announced as a Day One Xbox Game Pass title; one should hope that these RPGs can coexist as many subscribers expect a service that curates a diverse lineup from first-party developers. What is ultimately reassuring is the broad range of sci-fi stories in games, and Obsidian Entertainment has already set itself apart as a developer that caters to players willing to enjoy intricate narratives just as much as the reactive dynamics that expose its deep worldbuilding.

The Outer Worlds 2 is currently in development.

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