Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division's 2019 action RPG The Outer Worlds impressed audiences with its original world, stylish satire, and well-written plot, and it seemed inevitable that a sequel would eventually follow. Fan hopes were answered when it was announced during Xbox and Bethesda's joint E3 presentation in 2021 that The Outer Worlds 2 was in development, bringing players another adventure in Obsidian's unique universe. While The Outer Worlds 2 remains in development and information is thin on the ground, gamers have been busy speculating what the next title might look like.

The original Outer Worlds was an award-winning addition to Obsidian's already impressive library, and along with other recent releases like Pentiment, it has shown the admirable spread of talent across the developer's different teams. Expectations are already high for The Outer Worlds 2, even though fans have only really had a teaser trailer to go off. It's clear that Obsidian needs to have big plans in place for the highly-anticipated sequel if it's going to impress players and ensure that The Outer Worlds 2 is another hit.

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Building On The Foundation Of The First Outer Worlds

outer worlds 2 halcyon

The Outer Worlds' own particular brand of humor coupled with its slick writing and well-realized characters made it not only an entertaining world to inhabit, but also a memorable one. Players could explore the corporate-controlled planets of the Halcyon System with their rag-tag crew of adventurers, fight bizarre aliens and human foes with fast-paced FPS combat, and decide how the story would play out with a variety of choice-based actions. In a market that is often fit to bursting with sequels and remakes, an original IP like Obsidian's The Outer Worlds was a welcome new addition.

Now the developer has a chance to build on the impressive foundation of the original game with The Outer Worlds 2. The first Outer Worlds was undoubtedly a great game, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. Obsidian has already established the in-game world, so the sequel shouldn't have to do too much legwork as it won't need to introduce players to a whole new universe. This leaves lots of room to make adjustments, introduce new elements, and expand on everything that the first Outer Worlds brought to the table in order to craft an experience that is bigger and better in every possible way.

Obsidian has its hands full at the moment with development on both Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2, so it's not clear when gamers can expect to see the sequel released. With recent games like Pentiment and Grounded both launching earlier this year, it seems unlikely that the developer will have been able to focus too much on a work-in-progress like The Outer Worlds 2. However, The Outer Worlds 2 has reportedly been in development since 2019, so that gives Obsidian plenty of time to ensure it's an impressive second entry to the series.

Expanding The Story And Setting Of The Outer Worlds 2

The Outer Worlds Parvati

Details on The Outer Worlds 2 may be fairly scarce, but there are some things that the developer has already revealed about the upcoming sequel. The teaser trailer already sets the scene for The Outer Worlds 2, building on the self-awareness of the first title and turning video game cliches on their head. Alongside The Outer Worlds 2's announcement came the message from the developer that it would have a new star system and crew, but that it would be the "same Outer Worlds." While this allays fan fears that the sequel will stray too far from the formula of the original, it does open up exciting avenues for expansion.

Bringing the next game into a whole new star system means there can be a range of new planets with diverse ecosystems, designs, and inhabitants to provide something different from the first Outer Worlds. The Outer Worlds is a unique game, but the developer will need to bear in mind that the sequel could potentially be compared to other space-faring sci-fi epics like Starfield when it's eventually released. The Outer Worlds 2 probably won't be able to come anywhere near Starfield's sheer size, but making sure that there are still plenty of interesting places for players to discover will be key.

Although The Outer Worlds 2 may be leaving behind the original game's setting, there are still some story elements that the sequel should address. The ending of The Outer Worlds left some questions unanswered, like what has happened to Earth, and The Outer Worlds 2 shouldn't overlook these mysteries in favor of a completely fresh story. However, introducing new characters and narratives, and building on the type and size of the crew that gamers can recruit, would be the perfect way to develop the foundations of the first game for The Outer Worlds 2.

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The Outer Worlds 2's Gameplay Upgrades


The Outer Worlds' story, characters, and worldbuilding all received plenty of praise, so they're relatively easy areas to expand upon. However, there were some aspects of the original game's gameplay that could use a bit of work, particularly if the sequel wants to improve on the initial offering. Combat was a way for players to level up their character and add perks to their build, as well as to collect new gear and weaponry. With help from optional allies that gamers could take along on missions and some interesting time-based abilities, encounters could be fun.

There was also a good spread of different enemy types among the aggressive wildlife of each planet. From the multicolored Mantiqueens to the brutal Primals, players had their skills tested as they roamed around the various areas. Encountering the diverse alien species was one thing, but there was also a parade of similar grunt-type human enemies that didn't really bring much to the table. The Outer Worlds' first DLC added some special abilities to a few Marauders, but otherwise, these encounters didn't vary much.

With its occasionally repetitive combat, The Outer Worlds was let down slightly by its mechanics compared to its engaging story and impressive cast of characters. The Outer Worlds 2 needs to up the ante to ensure that it's a strong title all-round, and not just in certain areas. Committing to enemy diversity as well as a wide range of equipment, weapons, and character abilities will make sure that The Outer Worlds 2 offers players an adaptable and enjoyable experience, as well as a well-written one.

The Outer Worlds 2 is currently in development.

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