There are plenty of returning characters making their way through the galaxy far, far away. Star Wars features an incredible cast of characters across multiple forms of media. Whether these are from games, books, animation, shows, or movies, Star Wars has a plethora of characters, and one of them is featured briefly in The Mandalorian.

Garazeb Orrelios makes a cameo in The Mandalorian, and considering how good he looks in live-action, fans surely can expect to see Zeb again. However, some fans might wondering just who Zeb is, and why he's important to the larger story. Here’s everything there is to know about the character from Star Wars: Rebels.

7 Rebellion Allies

Rosario Dawson As Ahsoka Tano

As a fighter during the Rebellion, Zeb is no stranger to famous allies. Zeb has assisted characters like Mon Mothma, Leia Organa, and even Ahsoka Tano. The fact that Zeb has ties to such iconic characters in Star Wars just shows how important he is, and his integral role when it came to fighting the tyranny of the Empire.

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Zeb certainly has a lot of memories of the Rebellion, and he has worked with and for the people that made it all possible. It wouldn’t be a surprise if Zeb shows up for the Ahsoka Disney Plus series, considering the two have fought together as friends before.

6 Wookiee Concept Art

ralph mcquarrie's concept art for chewbacca

Although Zeb is a Lasat, his design is based off of the talented concept artwork for Star Wars by Ralph McQuarrie. Star Wars: Rebels itself is modeled in homage to Ralph McQuarrie’s iconic work on Star Wars, and Zeb’s Lasat design was the original design for Chewbacca, the Wookiee.

It’s great to see Zeb’s character come to life in live-action after what started as just a drawing and then as a CGI rendition for Star Wars: Rebels. Zeb has far more detail in his live-action form, just like the first realsitic Lasat thanks to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

5 Part Of The Ghost Crew

the ghost crew from star wars rebels

During his time in the Rebellion, Zeb was loyal to the Ghost Crew, a group of rebels that took the fight directly to the Galactic Empire. Although part of the larger movement, the Ghost Crew carried out their independent missions to sabotage the Empire in any way that they could.

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Zeb was a main member of the Ghost crew, alongside Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Chopper, Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, and Ezra Bridger. His friends became family, and considering Ezra’s disappearance, it’s unlikely that Zeb won’t join the search in looking for his dear friend, especially with connections to Sabine Wren, another Mandalorian.

4 Destruction Of Lasan

zeb using his weapon

As a Lasat, Zeb’s home world was located in the Outer Rim. Lasan was a mostly peaceful planet that kept to itself until the Galactic Empire came forth. In its growing tyranny and violence, the Empire destroyed Lasan, devastating the planet and reducing it to near uninhabitable standards, much like they did with Mandalore, as a show of strength.

The destruction of Lasan left most of the Lasat dead and hunted, which gave Zeb all the more reason to take the fight to the Empire. His home world and his people were eradicated, leaving him hopeless of a future for his species, for a time.

3 Captain of The Honor Guard

zeb using a staff to fight a stormtrooper

Zeb isn’t just a rowdy rebel, as he once was a Lasan Honor Guard. This group of guards was in charge of protecting the Lasan Royal Family, a noble task that tolerates no failure. Zeb was the captain of the Honor Guard, showing that he has the credentials to be a leader and a cunning warrior amongst the ranks of other High Republic officials.

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Zeb’s past as captain of the Honor Guard was kept secret for a time, for he felt guilty that he failed his job. However, no one could fight against the might of the Empire, who destroyed the Lasat species and the Honor Guard to pacify the planet and its populous.

2 Not The Last Lasat

the ghost crew with lasat species

Despite the tragedies that befell Zeb, and his grievances for his extinct species, he soon found hope when survivors of the Lasat species were found. Together they ventured to a new world, a remote planet in the Lira San system that exists in the Wild Space region. It was a dangerous journey, but one where the Lasat people would be at peace.

Zeb helped his people reach Lira San, where the ancient prophecy led them to paradise. They found a location where the Lasat race could thrive once again, and live in peace without fear of the Empire or other tyranny on its way to destroy their way of life. It gave Zeb peace to know he and his people had a home, and they were not as extinct as the Mythosaur.

1 New Republic Defender

carson talking to zeb

After the war with the Galactic Empire, many believed that Zeb went through the secret hyperspace path to return to his planet of Lira San to be at peace. However, it seems that Zeb couldn’t stay away from the fight. He appears in The Mandalorian as part of the defense force for the New Republic, stationed as a pilot at the Adelphi base.

Hopefully, fans get to see Zeb’s many adventures in live-action and see what he brings to the New Republic as one of their ranks. No longer a rebel, and a noticeable few years since audiences last saw him, Zeb may be a different character, but he probably still hates bugs and insects, and has a distrust for pirates.

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